07 Apr 2003: Create uk.media.broadband

From: Molly Mockford <umbvote@mockfords.clara.uk>
Date: Sun, 06 Apr 2003 18:52:17 +0100
Subject: RESULT: Creation of uk.media.broadband PASSES 51:6
Newsgroups: uk.net.news.announce,uk.net.news.config,uk.media.tv.sf.startrek,uk.media.tv.west-wing,uk.media.dvd,alt.internet.talk


RESULT: Creation of uk.media.broadband PASSES 51:6

SUMMARY: Yes beat No by 51 votes to 6 votes.  Since this exceeds the
required margin of 12 votes the proposal therefore PASSES.


Voting closed at 23:59:59 GMT, 30th March 2003

Proponent: Paul Harper <paul@harper.net>
Votetaker: Molly Mockford <umbvote@mockfords.clara.uk>



The full results follow below in the following order:

1) Information on the ballot
2) Results
3) Individual Vote Details
4) Votetaker's Comments
5) Voting and Appeal Guidelines
6) Rationale and Charter



The CFV closed at 23:59:59 GMT on 30th March 2003. The vote
was conducted under the Guidelines For Group Creation.

67 votes were received during the period of the vote, consisting of:

61 valid and counted votes
2 votes subsequently superseded by the voters
4 e-mails sent to the voting address



Question: Create uk.media.broadband? (Yes/No/Abstain)

Number of people voting  YES: 51
                          NO:  6
                     ABSTAIN:  4
Total of counted valid votes: 61 (see vote details)

               Not countable:  6 (see vote details)
       Total number of mails: 67

YES beat NO by 45 votes. Accordingly this proposal PASSES.



Mails containing valid votes and included in final result.

Name of Voter      Voter's e-mail address                 Vote

{R}                {R} % semolina gro                      Y
Adam D. Barratt    vote+umb+2003-03 % adam-barratt ku gro  Y
Alan LeHun         UKvote % lehun ! clara ku oc            Y
Alex Cook          Alex % drzoidberg ku oc                 Y
Alex Holden        votes % alexholden ku oc                Y
Ameet Shah         a ! shah % doc ! ic ku ca               Y
Andrew Cameron     tags % tags2k ku oc                     Y
Andrew Wright      andrew % stardock ! demon ku oc         Y
Andy MacDonald     andrew % insidersites ku oc             Y
Anthony Gold       bigfoot % davros gro                    Y
Barry Dorrans      barryd % idunno gro                     Y
Barry Salter       southpaw1805 % hotmail moc              Y
bradders           drlbradley % btopenworld moc            Y
Chris Croughton    chris % keristor gro                    Y
Christian Smith    christian % jasdigital moc              Y
Clive R Robertson  broadband % clive ku gro                Y
CRAIG RIDER        cdrider1 % hotmail moc                  Y
Dan Milburn        danmilburn % clara ku oc                Y
Dave Fawthrop      hyphen % hyphenologist ku oc            Y
Dave Mason         xumbvote % sarnie ku gro                Y
David Brain        news % davidbrain ku oc                 Y
David Dorward      david % us-lot gro                      Y
Geoff Wilson       geoff ! wilson % dsl ! pipex moc        Y
helenh             helenh % easynet ku oc                  Y
Iain Clark         iain % dragonhaven ! plus moc           Y
J. van der Knaap   knaapjvd % yahoo ku oc                  Y
James Davies       jawida ! money % btopenworld moc        Y
Jason Clark        jason % clarkhouse ku oc                Y
JBM                jpb8 % duke ude                         Y
Jo Ciampa          jo ! ciampa % blueyonder ku oc          Y
John Briggs        john ! briggs4 % ntlworld moc           Y
Kalorlo            kalorlo % email moc                     Y
kat                katnews % ntlworld moc                  Y
kqr                kqrq % freeuk moc                       Y
Lt. Cmdr. Jim      jim % us-lot gro                        Y
Mark Barltrop      news % tachyonuk moc                    Y
Mark Goodge        mark % good-stuff ku oc                 Y
Michael Greenhalgh michael ! greenhalgh % tripleb ku oc    Y
Mike Fleming       mike % tauzero ku oc                    Y
Mike Tullett       mtullett % ntlworld moc                 Y
Owain Kenway       s0091903 % sms ! ed ku ca               Y
Paul Ellis         paulellis % speed-mail ku oc            Y
Paul Harper        paul % harper ten                       Y
Paul Roe           paulroe660 % btinternet moc             Y
Pedt               netnews % pkuatb ten                    Y
Peter Duck         pduck % zetnet ku oc                    Y
Sarah Elton        sarah ! elton % st-annes ! ox ku ca     Y
Sieue              sieue % sieue moc                       Y
Steph Peters       urcs % sandbenders ! demon ku oc        Y
Tony Wright        tony ! wright % zen ku oc               Y
xSaBx              sarah % gubbins ten                     Y

Clive Feather      clive % davros gro                      N
Scott Taylor       taylorscott67 % yahoo ku oc             N
Shane Matthews     vote % gaelyn ten                       N
Stuart Millington  phupp % dsv1 ku oc                      N
thomas lee         tfl % psp ku oc                         N
Wm                 tcnw51 % tarrcity ! demon ku oc         N

Dave H             dmh % dmh ku gro                        A
Dave Mayall        dave % research-group ku oc             A
Graham Drabble     graham ! drabble % lineone ten          A
Jezza              jezza % hotwells ! freeserve ku oc      A

Total number of valid votes received and counted: 61

4 pieces of e-mail, including a ballot request sent to the wrong
address, were received at the voting address.
2 votes were superseded.

Under voting guidelines, individual voters may vote more than once
using the same voting name and address. Only the most recent vote is

Total number of mails: 67



In one place in the ballot paper when first issued, the placeholder
for the voting address remained instead of the address itself.  As
soon as my error was pointed out, I updated the ballot paper on the
UKVoting server, and e-mailed everyone who had requested a ballot
paper but had not yet voted.  There is no hint that anybody found
themselves unable to vote because of this error;  nevertheless, it
was negligence on my part, and I apologise for it.

Otherwise the vote was reasonably without incident.  One set of three
votes initially aroused concern, but the voters involved (one of whom
was a lurker who had never posted to Usenet) provided detailed and
helpful explanations of the circumstances and I have accepted all
three votes as valid.

Most voters provided an answer to the question about the From: line,
which was extremely helpful as it enabled me to validate a number of
votes without troubling the voters for further information.



This vote was conducted by a neutral third party member of UKVoting.
UKVoting is a group of independent votetakers who count votes on
behalf of the uk.* hierarchy and other 3rd parties.

The rules under which votes for the uk.* hierarchy are taken are
posted regularly to uk.net.news.announce or can be found at the
following URL:


The UKVoting web pages can be found at <http://www.ukvoting.org.uk/>

There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted
to uk.net.news.announce.

Allegations of irregularity should be sent to control@usenet.org.uk




The increased use of broadband internet technology has made streamed and
downloaded programming available to a wide UK audience.

There is currently no UK-specific usenet forum for discussing the
content of these programmes, though a few programme-specific groups do
allow discussion of downloaded episodes. This group does not replace
these, but allows discussion of other material not permitted elsewhere.

On-topic content will be primarily discussion of the content of these
programmes, hence the "media" positioning in the hierarchy, but an
important secondary topic will be the technology supporting the
reception and playing of the content.

The newsgroup will cover both live as well as recorded content for both
UK and non-UK programming, whether Internet-specific, currently
broadcast or archived.

An appropriate consideration space policy in conjunction with a system
of "tagging" subject matter will be specified for programmes that may at
a later date be transmitted on analogue UK terrestrial television or
radio for the first time.

The initial distribution of this RFD has been limited to six newsgroups
including those where the proponent is aware of interest in material
delivered through broadband connections. Please feel free to point out
the existence of this RFD to any other interested groups, but remember
that for discussion to be taken into account within the RFD process, it
has to take place in uk.net.news.config.



The newsgroup discusses the content of media programming available
through the Internet to UK users. The scope of the newsgroup includes
both live as well as recorded content for both UK and non-UK
programming, whether Internet-specific, currently broadcast or archived.

Also on-topic for this group is discussion of the technology and
processes used to acquire and play the programming.

The existence of this group shall not be taken as advocating piracy or
illegal distribution of copyrighted material.

Where a programme is likely at some future date to be transmitted on UK
analogue terrestrial television or radio, consideration space (or
"spoiler space") of at least 30  blank lines shall precede discussion of
any programming content. This is to protect readers of the group who do
not yet wish to see discussion of newer shows.

Tags are elements of a message subject line that allow users of a
newsgroup to automatically filter out topics that are of no interest to
them. They are the first parts of a subject line, on the left-hand side,
and are enclosed within square brackets.

Appropriate tags, of a form generally recognised by users of the group
shall be used where consensus warrants it. The tags shall contain an
agreed identifier, all in upper case. For example:  [24] or [ALIAS].


Advertising is forbidden.

Binaries & Formatting

Encoded binaries (e.g. pictures, compressed files, etc.) are forbidden.
Such material belongs on a web or FTP site to which a pointer may be
posted. Cryptographic signatures (e.g. PGP) may be used where
authentication is important and should be as short as possible.

Posts must be readable as plain text. HTML, RTF and similarly formatted
messages are prohibited. To see how to make some common newsreaders
comply with this, read <http://www.usenet.org.uk/ukpost.html>.


Crossposting to groups with strict spoiler policies is forbidden due to
the risk of charter breaches within those groups. In any event,
crossposting shall be limited to one other relevant group.


Anyone posting contrary to this charter may be reported to their
"postmaster" and/or Service Provider.

End Charter
- -- 
Molly Mockford
Votetaker, uk.media.broadband creation vote

Version: 5.0i
Charset: noconv


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