09 Feb 2004: Create unmoderated newsgroup uk.net.news.moderation
From: Barry Salter <xmod01-query@southie.me.uk>
Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2004 22:51:58 +0000
Subject: RESULT: Create newsgroup uk.net.news.moderation FAILS 29:24
Newsgroups: uk.net.news.announce,uk.net.news.config
Summary: Create unmoderated newsgroup uk.net.news.moderation
Create unmoderated newsgroup uk.net.news.moderation FAILS 29:24
YES beat NO by a majority of 5 votes. For group passage, there must be
12 more YES votes than NO votes. Accordingly, the proposal FAILS.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Voting closed at 23:59:59 GMT, 2nd February 2004.
Proponent: Richard Ashton <{R} <at> semolina <dot> org>
Votetaker: Barry Salter <xmod01-query at southie.me.uk>
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The Results:
The results follow below in the following order:
1) Summary of Mail Received During the Voting Period
2) Results
3) Individual Vote Details
4) Votetakers Comments
5) Voting and Appeal Guidelines
6) Rationale
7) Newsgroups Line
8) Proposed Charter
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
71 messages were received to the Ballot Request Address, of which:
67 were valid Ballot Requests
4 were virus-infected messages
58 messages were received to the Voting Address, of which:
55 were valid Votes
3 were valid Votes subsequently superseded by the Voter
121 messages were received to the Votetaker's Address, of which:
121 were warnings of viruses intercepted by the company hosting the
votetaker's domain
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Create unmoderated newsgroup uk.net.news.moderation
YES : 29 votes
NO : 24 votes
ABSTAIN : 2 votes
Total : 55 votes
YES beat NO by a majority of 5 votes. For group passage, there must be
12 more YES votes than NO votes. Accordingly, the proposal FAILS.
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Voted Yes - 29 votes
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annabel$amsmyth#demon#co#uk Annabel Smyth
anonimulo2003$yahoo#com anonimulo
burkesworks$lineone#net Tez Burke
cfv_unnm$crowfam#org#uk Jim Crowther
craig$craigoldfield#co#uk Craig
dave$focus3#uk#com Dave Millard
daviduri$bigfoot#com David Uri
dmahon_vote_xmod01$amigo#co#uk David Mahon
dmh$dmh#org#uk Dave H
fred$fredc#demon#co#uk fred
hyphen$hyphenologist#co#uk Dave Fawthrop
john$waterfoot#org John Bean
jongru$btinternet#com The Todal
jpb8$duke#edu JBM
katnews$ntlworld#com kat
news$vmlinuz#org Richard Cohen
pedt$dontspame#com Pedt
pete_the_gardener$hotmail#com Pete The Gardener
philip$blencathra#org#uk Philip Powell
requiem$freeuk#com Dave Johnson
roger$hayter#org Roger Hayter
roy$ellor#vispa#com Roy Ellor
somerat$hotmail#com Kim Andrews
spam-trap$beeb#net Steve Walker
UKvote$lehun#clara#co#uk Alan LeHun
unm$good-stuff#co#uk Mark Goodge
voting$deepsea#force9#co#uk Iain
wanderer$tesco#net Wanderer
{pc}$vlaad#co#uk Paul Cummins
Voted No - 24 votes
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
adam+usenet$pappnase#co#uk Adam Price
andrew$hodgsonfamily#org Andrew Hodgson
barryd$idunno#org Barry Dorrans
bigfoot$davros#org Anthony R# Gold
Brian$bjforster#force9#co#uk Brian
chl$clerew#man#ac#uk Charles Lindsey
clive$davros#org Clive Feather
debbie$cybertheology#net moderator for uk.religion.christian
ebb#chernobyl$softhome#net Ebb Chernobyl
graham#drabble$lineone#net Graham Drabble
neil$chaos#org#uk Neil Matthews
owen#rees$tesco#net Owen Rees
paul$harper#net Paul Harper
pete$fenelon#com Pete Fenelon
peter$wpp#ltd#uk Peter Parry
ph$anweald#co#uk Patrick Herring
psmyth$ukf#net Peter Smyth
richard$highwayman#com Richard Clayton
robert$chezmarshall#freeserve#co#uk Robert Marshall
tcnw61$tarrcity#demon#co#uk Wm
tfl$psp#co#uk thomas lee
thebarsteward$freeuk#com The Barsteward
xmod01$sarnie#org#uk Dave Mason
{voter}$watman#clara#co#uk paul
Abstained - 2 votes
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jim$us-lot#org Lt. Cmdr. Jim
ukvotes$tinc#org#uk Malcolm Mladenovic
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Votetakers Comments:
A reasonably straightforward vote for a change, with the vast majority
of voters following the instructions correctly though, disappointingly,
some still returned the entire ballot mail with their vote at the bottom
rather than deleting the rest of the message as requested, and one voter
whose vote had an XML version as well as the plain text.
As noted in the mail summary above, only 4 virus-infected mails were
received at the ballot request address, but 121 were sent to the address
used to post the CFV, though these were all intercepted by Gradwell, so
all I received was 121 warning messages.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
This vote was conducted by a neutral third party member of UKVoting.
UKVoting is a group of independent votetakers who count votes on behalf
of the uk.* hierarchy and other 3rd parties.
The rules under which votes for the uk.* hierarchy are taken are posted
regularly to uk.net.news.announce or can be found at the following URL:
The UKVoting web pages can be found at <http://www.ukvoting.org.uk/>
There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted to
uk.net.news.announce. Allegations of irregularity should be sent to
control at usenet.org.uk.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
The uk.* hierarchy has a number of moderated groups. There is no specific
place where moderators, moderated group readers, and other interested
parties may discuss matters concerning existing or proposed moderated
groups. There needs to be such a place as a discussion of the moderation
of a group in the group itself may not be appropriate, or desirable.
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uk.net.news.moderation Discussion of the moderation of uk.* groups
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PROPOSED CHARTER: uk.net.news.moderation
The group may discuss any and all aspects of moderation, including
cancellation of posts, of any proposed or existing uk.* groups.
Complaints by posters who feel they have been mistreated by moderators
are specifically on topic. Other topics may include, but are not limited
to, moderation software, moderation rules, selection and election of
moderators, moderators responsibilities, moderators regular postings,
complaints from aggrieved posters, PGPMoose, multiple moderated groups,
Advertising is forbidden.
Binaries & Formatting
Encoded binaries (e.g. pictures, compressed files, etc.) are forbidden.
Such material belongs on a web or FTP site to which a pointer may be
posted. Cryptographic signatures (e.g. PGP) may be used where
authentication is important and should be as short as possible.
Posts must be readable as plain text. HTML, RTF and similarly formatted
messages are prohibited. To see how to make some common newsreaders
comply with this, read <http://www.usenet.org.uk/ukpost.html>.
Version: 5.0i
Charset: noconv
You can also see the raw article.
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