18 Feb 2001: Amend the Guidelines For Group Creation (2nd Fast Track)
From: Alex Holden <a.holden@ukvoting.org.uk>
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 21:08:34 +0000
Subject: RESULT: Amend the Guidelines For Group Creation (2nd Fast Track) PASSES (30:13)
Newsgroups: uk.net.news.announce,uk.net.news.config,uk.net.news.management
Summary: Amend the Guidelines for Group Creation (2nd Fast Track)
PROPOSAL - Amend the Guidelines for Group Creation PASSES 30:13
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Voting closed at 23:59:59 GMT, 13th February 2001.
Proponent: Alan Ford <alan@whirlnet.co.uk>
Primary Votetaker: Alex Holden <a.holden@ukvoting.org.uk>
Secondary Votetaker: Malcolm Mladenovic <mbm@tinc.org.uk>
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uk.net.news.announce, uk.net.news.config, uk.net.news.management
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The Results:
The results follow below in the following order:
1) Results
2) Particulars of the Vote
3) Votetakers Comments
4) Voting and Appeal Guidelines
5) Rationale & Proposed Charter
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PROPOSAL - Amend the Guidelines for Group Creation
YES : 30 votes
NO : 13 votes
ABSTAIN : 1 votes
Total : 44 votes
YES beat NO by a majority of 17 votes. For passage, there must be 12
more YES votes than NO votes. Accordingly, this proposal PASSES.
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Amend the Guidelines for Group Creation Final Vote Ack
Voted Yes - 30 votes
Alan Fleming af.etrigan@ogr
Alan Ford alan.whirlnet@oc@ku
Andrew Marshall andrew.g8bur@demon@oc@ku
Barry Salter ukvotes.salterg@demon@oc@ku
Charles Lindsey chl.clw@cs@man@ca@ku
Chris Bannister cj.moodog@ogr@ku
Clive Martin clive.cmartin@demon@oc@ku
Dave Mayall david@mayall.ukonline@oc@ku
Eddie Bernard usenet.ebernard@greatxscape@nte
Graham Drabble graham@drabble.lineone@nte
Iain Bowen alaric.alaric@ogr@ku
J M Kemp jas.jmkemp@demon@oc@ku
Jack Howard jack.stormshadow@oc@ku
James Coupe jrsc2.srcf@ucam@ogr
James Farrar ca9126.qmw@ca@ku
Jeff Lewis jeff.maerdy@ogr
Jezza jezza.hotwells@freeserve@oc@ku
Jonathan Wheeler j@f@wheeler.rl@ca@ku
Mark Tyndall mrt102.york@ca@ku
Mike Bristow mike.urgle@moc
Mike Fleming mike.tauzero@oc@ku
Paul Hyett pahyett.cativist@demon@oc@ku
Peter Parry peter.wpp@ltd@ku
Philip Powell philip.blencathra@ogr@ku
Roy Stilling rpjs.kalevala@ogr@ku
Simon Gray simon.star-one@ogr@ku
Steve Peake ukvoting.puppet-head@oc@ku
Tim Walls tim.snowgoons@fsnet@oc@ku
Tom Harris t@harris.iname@moc
Tony tony.darkstorm@oc@ku
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Voted No - 13 votes
{R} {R}.semolina@ogr
Alex D. Baxter alex-news.oenone@demon@oc@ku
Bruce Mardle bruce.algol@demon@oc@ku
Dave Sparks Dave@Sparks.sisyphus@demon@oc@ku
David Mahon votegc2ft.amigo@oc@ku
Justa Lurker jlurker.bigfoot@moc
Kevin Andreoli kevin.andreoli@oc@ku
lachlan lachlan.excommunicant@oc@ku
Michael Farthing mf.cyclades@demon@oc@ku
Paul Cummins tramlink.lineone@nte
Pekka P. Pirinen ppp.pirinen@demon@oc@ku
Stuart O'Donnell spod.veniocnes@demon@oc@ku
William Boughton bill.xencat@murble@ogr@ku
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Abstained - 1 vote
Thomas Lee tfl.psp@oc@ku
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Votetakers' Comments:
Apart from a slight hiccup at the start of the vote where the reply-to
address differed from the originally intended address, there were no
problems. No invalid votes were received.
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This vote was conducted by two neutral third party members of UKVoting.
UKVoting is a group of independent votetakers who count votes on behalf
of the uk.* hierarchy and other 3rd parties.
The rules under which votes for the uk.* hierarchy are taken are posted
regularly to uk.net.news.announce or can be found at the following URL:
The UKVoting web pages can be found at <http://www.ukvoting.org.uk/>
There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted to
uk.net.news.announce. Allegations of irregularity should be sent to
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Recently, a proposal failed its fast track due to objections about two
minor problems. The proponent made changes to correct these problems and
then re-submitted a fast-track request. This failed as people did not
like the fact that this procedure was not given in the guidelines. This
RFD seeks to correct that by providing a mechanism by which this can be
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Amend the first paragraph of section (5) of the Guidelines for Group
Creation to read the following:
5. If, by the end of the initial discussion period, a consensus has been
reached and the proposal appears to be straightforward and
non-controversial, the proponent may, within 40 days of the original
publication of the most recent RFD, ask control@usenet.org.uk
to create the group by the "fast-track" method. If Control (as
advised by the Committee) is satisfied of this, he will announce in
uk.net.news.announce that, in the absence of valid objections, the
new group will be created on a date not less than 5 days thereafter.
In the event of 4 or more objections, or any objection which seems to
the Committee to be well founded, the fast-track procedure shall be
halted, and the RFD should either proceed to a vote, or have a
revised RFD submitted for further discussion. In circumstances where
the fast-track has failed on only minor problems, the proponent is
permitted to correct these, and re-submit a fast-track request with
the corrections, which shall then be conducted as above.
For comparison, the present text reads:
5. If, by the end of the initial discussion period, a consensus has been
reached and the proposal appears to be straightforward and
non-controversial, the proponent may, within 40 days of the original
publication of the most recent RFD, ask control@usenet.org.uk to
create the group by the "fast-track" method. If Control (as advised
by the Committee) is satisfied of this, he will announce in
uk.net.news.announce that, in the absence of valid objections, the
new group will be created on a date not less than 5 days thereafter.
In the event of 4 or more objections, or any objection which seems to
the Committee to be well founded, the fast-track method shall not be
used, and the RFD should either proceed to a vote, or have a revised
RFD submitted for further discussion.
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