06 Mar 1999: uk.local.* Charter Change

From: Alan Fleming <af@contract.co.uk>
Date: 6 Mar 1999 23:00:55 -0000
Subject: RESULT - Amend newsgroup charters for all uk.local groups PASSES 170:12
Newsgroups: uk.net.news.config,uk.net.news.announce



	  Summary: uk.local.* Charter Changes

    Amend newsgroup charters for all uk.local groups PASSES 170:12

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Voting closed at 23:59:59 GMT, 16th February 1999.

Proponent: amabbett@bham-assist.demon.co.uk (Andy Mabbett)
Votetaker: af@contract.co.uk (Alan Fleming)

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uk.net.news.announce, uk.net.news.config, uk.local.*

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The Results:

The results follow below in the following order:

1) Result
2) Particulars of the Vote
3) Votetakers comments
4) Voting and Appeal guidelines
5) Rationale & Charter modification

PROPOSAL - Amend charters for all uk.local groups

YES = 170
NO = 12

YES beat NO by a majority of 158 votes.

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------

The Particulars of the Vote


A.J. Norman				nja:*:leicester.ac !uk
Adrian Wontroba			aw1:*:stade.co !uk
Al Howat				al:*:eschaton.demon.co !uk
Alan J. Wylie			alan.wylie:*:zen.co !uk
Alan Rayner				alanr:*:lightnet.co !uk
Alastair Walker			Alastair:*:telxon.demon.co !uk
Alex Dawson				alex.dawson:*:uea.ac !uk
Alex Holden				votes:*:alexh.claranet.co !uk
Alex Ray				ajtr2:*:cam.ac !uk
Allan Beetlestone			{A}:*:beetlestone.demon.co !uk
Andrew Harvey			aharvey:*:itl !net
Andy Henson				arh:*:cix.co !uk
Andy Mabbett			amabbett:*:bham-assist.demon.co !uk
Andy McDade				ajm:*:forfree !at
Andy Veitch				ajv:*:sklr.demon.co !uk
Arwel Parry				arwel:*:cartref.demon.co !uk
Barry Salter			barrykas:*:salterg.demon.co !uk
Beth					beth:*:flyboat.demon.co !uk
Bill Muskett			bill.muskett:*:which !net
Billyboy				billyboy:*:gto !net.om
Bruce Mardle			bruce:*:algol.demon.co !uk
C Boothroyd				cboothroyd:*:cix.co !uk
Calum I Mac Leod			calum:*:bordernet.co !uk
Carol Turner			carol:*:magpie.demon.co !uk
Chris Keen				vote:*:aimless.demon.co !uk
Chris M. Dickson			chris:*:dickson.demon.co !uk
Chris Watts				chris:*:vineries.demon.co !uk
Clair Barrass			clair:*:barrass1.freeserve.co !uk
Claire Speed			c.speed:*:mcc.ac !uk
Colin Bell				crb:*:art.co !uk
Colin McKenzie			mckenzie:*:onlinegb !com
D.I. Redhouse			dir21:*:cam.ac !uk
Damien van C.			damien:*:ukmedics !com
Danny Collman			ddcollman:*:hwthwood.demon.co !uk
Dave JW Day				ukvote:*:stejonda.demon.co !uk
Dave Mayall				david.mayall:*:ukonline.co !uk
Dave Millard			dave:*:focus3.demon.co !uk
Dave Pearson			dp:*:medphysics.leeds.ac !uk
Dave Sparks				Dave.Sparks:*:sisyphus.demon.co !uk
David Blair				david:*:upcs.demon.co !uk
David Budd				d.budd:*:mcc.ac !uk
David Clapham			Dave:*:community-spirit.demon.co !uk
David Damerell			damerell:*:chiark.greenend.org !uk
David E Glass			dave:*:btcf.demon.co !uk
David McKelvie Rosser Owen	dro:*:dalhelve.demon.co !uk
David Morris			David:*:davidm.demon.co !uk
David Richards			vote.reply:*:dv-8.demon.co !uk
David Riley				dave:*:dmriley.demon.co !uk
Deb Paget				deb:*:snru-unn.demon.co !uk
Derek Stanley			derek:*:boat-safety.demon.co !uk
Devi Jankowicz			anima:*:devi.demon.co !uk
Doug Weller				dweller:*:ramtops.demon.co !uk
Dr David White			fluff:*:zetnet.co !uk
Dr John Betts			dr:*:browser.demon.co !uk
Dr John Stockton			jrs:*:merlyn.demon.co !uk
Duncan Dewar			duncan:*:brandane.demon.co !uk
Dyfrig Thomas			Dyfrig:*:siopywerin.demon.co !uk
Eddie Breeveld			erb:*:mssl.ucl.ac !uk
Fran McGuinness			fran:*:mcg-gsy.demon.co !uk
Gareth D. Reece			Gareth:*:altfx.demon.co !uk
Geoff Berrow			black-dog:*:geocities !com
Geraint Edwards			ger:*:beff.demon.co !uk
Geraldine Messenbird Smith	geraldine:*:messenbirdsmith.Freeserve.co !uk
Greg Chapman			greg:*:home.cam.net !uk
Gregg Cummings			cfv:*:hardboiled.demon.co !uk
Gwyn Evans				gwyn.evans:*:opentrade.co !uk
Heather Colquhoun			colquhoun.mob:*:zetnet.co !uk
Iain Heath				Iain:*:the-pub3.demon.co !uk
Iain Tatch				iain:*:deepsea.force9.co !uk
Ian Dinsdale			ian:*:idinsdal.force9.co !uk
Ian Jelf				ian:*:bluebadge.demon.co !uk
Ian Jennings			ij:*:microware.demon.co !uk
Imran Ghory				imrang:*:btinternet !com
J Reay				j.reay:*:zetnet.co !uk
Jacques Hankin			jacques:*:thecroft.demon.co !uk
James Coupe				james:*:obeah.demon.co !uk
Jane Vernon				jane:*:otbo.demon.co !uk
Jason Waghorn			jason:*:ullscarf.demon.co !uk
Jeff Lewis				jeff:*:rhondda.demon.co !uk
Jeremy McNeill			jezza:*:hotwells.freeserve.co !uk
Jim Hill				jim:*:jh-c.demon.co !uk
Jo Walton				Jo:*:bluejo.demon.co !uk
John Bazeley			jkb:*:cableinet.co !uk
John Blundell			john:*:blundell.demon.co !uk
John C. Elliott			herbie:*:tesco !net
John Clayton			claude:*:orangenet.co !uk
John Dawson				john:*:jondaw.demon.co !uk
John Grey				john:*:thegreys.demon.co !uk
John Hall				john:*:jhall.demon.co !uk
John Mallard			john_mallard:*:lineone !net
John Sullivan			john:*:yddraiggoch.demon.co !uk
Jon Plews				jonplews:*:dial.pipex !com
Jonathan Wheeler			J.F.Wheeler:*:rl.ac !uk
Joseph Otten			joe.otten:*:virgin !net
Kath Collman			Kath:*:hwthwood.demon.co !uk
Keith					dysgwr:*:aol !com
Kevin Michael Sheehan		kevin.sheehan:*:rhbnc.ac !uk
Lee Bumstead			lee:*:bumstead.demon.co !uk
Les Kneeling			les:*:lesk.demon.co !uk
Lesley Simpson			nl:*:corwyn.demon.co !uk
Lyn David Thomas			lyn:*:stuffing.demon.co !uk
Malcolm Hills			malcolm:*:mdhills.demon.co !uk
Mark Raeburn			Mark:*:phooey.demon.co !uk
Mark Tyndall			mrt102:*:york.ac !uk
Marysia				marysia:*:jadzia.demon.co !uk
Max Bone				maxb:*:maxmax.demon.co !uk
Michael John Gayler		gaylers:*:zetnet.co !uk
Michael Parry			michael:*:unicorn-connection.co !uk
Mike Crowe				mac:*:fysh !org
Mike Fleming			mike:*:tauzero.demon.co !uk
Mike Henry				mike:*:tw2 !com
Mike Mallett			mike.mallett:*:zetnet.co !uk
Mike Slocombe			mike:*:urban75 !com
Mike Swift				mike.swift:*:yeton.demon.co !uk
Miles Batchelor			miles_batchelor:*:bigfoot !com
Molly Mockford			molly:*:orbs.demon.co !uk
Nick Leverton			leveret:*:warren.demon.co !uk
Nick Meredith			nick.m:*:zetnet.co !uk
Nigel A Campbell			nigel:*:ncampbell.demon.co !uk
Nik Clayton				nik:*:nothing-going-on.demon.co !uk
Omar Jamil				oxj:*:dcs.ed.ac !uk
Pam Davies				p.m.davies:*:leeds.ac !uk
Paul Herber				pherber:*:pherber !com
Paul McRoy				p.mcroy:*:zetnet.co !uk
Pekka P. Pirinen			ppp:*:pirinen.demon.co !uk
Penny Mayes				penny.m:*:orangenet.co !uk
Pete Mitchell			newsposter:*:dmed.demon.co !uk
Peter Duck				pduck:*:zetnet.co !uk
Peter Munn				pmunnsub:*:pearce-neptune.demon.co !uk
Peter Thomson			peter.thomson:*:dial.pipex !com
Phil Britton			phil:*:paule.demon.co !uk
Phil Wade				phil:*:pooters.freeserve.co !uk
Philip J West			phil:*:westfamily.demon.co !uk
Philip Powell			philip:*:blencathra.demon.co !uk
Richard Ashton			richard:*:corixia.demon.co !uk
Richard Bates			hug-me:*:cheerful !com
Richard Fairbairn			richard:*:fairbairn1.demon.co !uk
Richard Gethin			richard:*:rgethin.demon.co !uk
Richard Parker			rparker:*:ims.ltd !uk
Robert Bird				robert:*:bargee.demon.co !uk
Robert Gormley			r.gormley:*:ed.ac !uk
Robert Hull				Robert:*:spammenot !com
Robert Irvine			robbie:*:arrakis !nu
Robert Trevellyan			robt:*:ct.hughsym.co !uk
Roger Davies			roger.davies:*:virgin !net
Ronan Flood				R.Flood:*:noc.ulcc.ac !uk
Ross Hamilton			ross:*:rossh.clara !net
Ross Younger			wry20:*:cai.cam.ac !uk
Roy Bailey				rbailey:*:westberks.demon.co !uk
Roy Stilling			rpjs:*:kalevala.demon.co !uk
Simon Gray				simon:*:star-one.org !uk
Soselina				Soselina:*:aol !com
Steph Johnson			Steph:*:sbjhome.cix.co !uk
Stephen Judd			steve:*:sjudd.demon.co !uk
Steve Crook				steve:*:brainstorm.co !uk
Steve Glennie-Smith		steve:*:glennie.demon.co !uk
Steve Loft				steve:*:klaatu.demon.co !uk
Steven Clarke			Steven.Clarke:*:Theplanet !net
Tas Wake				T.wake:*:btinternet !com
Tim Ellis				tim:*:timellis.demon.co !uk
Tim Forcer				tmf:*:ecs.soton.ac !uk
Tim James				tim:*:timjames.demon.co !uk
Tim Sharrock			tjsharrock:*:iee !org
Tim Skipper				TimS:*:dataease.co !uk
Tobias Erle				VOTE-UK:*:KHOLDAN.SNAFU !de
Tony Evans				tony:*:tagman.demon.co !uk
Tony Game				tgame:*:netcomuk.co !uk
Tony Walton				tony.walton:*:uk.Sun !com
Trevor Fleming			north-west-political:*:mag-uk !org
Warren Hoy				warren:*:gwtech.demon.co !uk

NO Votes

Clive Martin			clive:*:cmartin.demon.co !uk
Denis F				bedfordtlfan:*:yahoo !com
Ellen Mizzell			ellen:*:tictac.demon.co !uk
Iain Bowen				alaric:*:harlech.demon.co !uk
Lee Bohan				lee.bohan:*:iname !com
Michael `Mike` Crowe		mikecrowe:*:mikecrowe.demon.co !uk
Paul C Dickie			pcd:*:bozzie.demon.co !uk
Paul L. Allen			pla:*:sktb.demon.co !uk
Peter Corlett			abuse:*:verrine.demon.co !uk
Richard Clayton			richard:*:turnpike !com
Steve Brown				Steve:*:zaxxon.keme.co !uk
T Bruce Tober			octobersdad:*:reporters !net


Malcolm Mladenovic		mbm:*:acm !org
SJFBeckwith				sjfb:*:cirra !com

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Votetakers Notes:

I think this is the largest-ever majority in the history of votes in
the UK hierarchy; it's also one of the largest-ever responses.

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This vote was conducted by a neutral third party member of UKVoting.
UKVoting is a group of independent votetakers who count votes on CFVs in
the uk hierarchy.  The rules under which this vote is taken are posted
regularly to uk.net.news.announce or can be found at the following URL:

The UKVoting web pages can be found at http://www.ukvoting.org.uk/

There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted to

Allegations of irregularity should be sent to control@usenet.org.uk.

- - --------------------------------------------------------------

The first RFD was issued on 5 Oct 1998 and was generally
received well. A second RFD, on 9 Nov 1998, made slight changes to
some of the wording.

A fast-track application was published on 5 Dec 1998, but there
were four objections.

RATIONALE: uk.local.*

The many uk.local.* newsgroups are suffering from the actions of a
minority who see fit to cross-post adverts, trolls or other irrelevant
material to many or all of them. To counter this, it is proposed that
each individual charter be amended by the addition of a paragraph to
limit such cross-posting.

PROPOSAL: uk.local.*

Each uk.local.* charter shall have inserted (immediately after the
section on advertising, where one exists; otherwise at a point to be
determined by Control) the following paragraph:


        Messages posted to this newsgroup must not be cross-posted to
        more than a TOTAL of four uk.local.* newsgroups; these may be
        geographically adjacent or overlapping, or connected by the
        subject of the post (e.g. "moving house from Manchester to

        Note that the advertising of widely-available goods or services
        is *not* relevant in this context, and that most uk.local.*
        groups have restrictions on advertising, or prohibit it. Cross-
        posted adverts, where allowed, must meet the requirements of the
        charters of *all* groups involved.

Where the charter of a specific group prohibits advertising, the above
paragraph shall be omitted.

Any existing rule on cross-posting to uk.local.* groups shall be

Welsh translations of this wording shall be inserted into the charters
of any uk.local.* group with an English Welsh bilingual charter.

The uk.local.* hierarchy charter shall have added:

        Messages posted to groups in this hierarchy must not be
        cross-posted to more than a TOTAL of four uk.local.*
        newsgroups; these may be geographically adjacent or overlapping,
        or connected by the subject of the post (e.g. "moving house from
        Manchester to Birmingham". Note that the advertising of widely-
        available goods or services is *not* relevant in this context,
        and that most uk.local.* groups have restrictions on
        advertising, or prohibit it. Cross-posted adverts, where
        allowed, must meet the requirements of  the charters of *all*
        groups involved.

        A paragraph to this effect, must be included in any future
        charter for a group in this hierarchy.

Once this action has been agreed upon, Control will be asked to post the
relevant amended charter to each group individually.

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Alan Fleming

Version: 2.6


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