22 Nov 1999: uk.games.roleplay charter change

From: Brian Jones <brianjones@worcester.demon.co.uk>
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 14:27:16 GMT
Subject: REPOST: RESULT - Change to the charter of uk.games.roleplay
Newsgroups: uk.net.news.announce,uk.net.news.config,uk.games.roleplay


         RESULT - Change to the charter of uk.games.roleplay

Summary of results: 

PROPOSAL "A": Purpose of newsgroup

        Proposal PASSES by 38 votes to 5


The four options were: 1: Proposed by James Coupe
                       2: Proposed by David Damerell et al
                       Status Quo 
                       Re-Open Discussion

STAGE ONE - Options compared to Status Quo:

Option 1           preferred to Status Quo by 23 votes to 18
Option 2           preferred to Status Quo by 36 votes to  8
Status Quo preferred to Re-Open Discussion by 30 votes to 10

Option 2 (the text proposed by David Damerell et al) is the only option
to beat Status Quo by 12 or more votes, accordingly it is the Condorcet
winner and Stage Two is not necessary.

PROPOSAL "C": Advertising

        Proposal PASSES by 38 votes to 7

PROPOSAL "D": Binaries

        Proposal PASSES by 32 votes to 10

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Voting closed at 23:59:59 GMT, 24th October 1999

Proponent: David Damerell <damerell@chiark.greenend.org.uk>
Votetaker: Brian Jones <votequestion@worcester.demon.co.uk>

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uk.net.news.announce, uk.net.news.config, uk.games.roleplay

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The Results:

The results follow below in the following order:

1) Results
2) Particulars of the Vote
3) Votetakers Comments
4) Voting and Appeal Guidelines
5) Rationale & Proposed Changes

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------


Votes were received from:
A. F. Simpson           afs7~~le~ac~uk
A.J.Clark               ajc4~~soton~ac~uk
Aaron Fuller            fulleraaron~~ukonline~uk~co
Adam Benedict Canning   siu99abc~~reading~ac~uk
Adam Hattrell           adamh~~operamail~moc
Andy Leighton           andyl~~azaal.dircon~uk~co
Andy Mabbett            andy~~pigsonthewing~demon~uk~co
Brendan Murphy          bmm~~brendanmurphy~demon~uk~co
Chris Haywood           113026.3515~~compuserve~moc
Chris Raistrick         c.raistrick~~freeuk~ten
D. Stevens              dstevens~~cableinet~uk~co
David Damerell          damerell~~chiark.greenend~gro~uk
Eddie Cochrane          eddiec~~cobrabay.freeserve~uk~co
Eugene                  Eugene.Mann~~ukgateway~ten
G T Kingston            tkingston~~argonet~uk~co
Giles Williams          giles.cfv2~~otranto~demon~uk~co
Guy Robinson            Guy_Robinson~~bigfoot~moc
Henry Penninkilampi     spamfree~~metropolis~ten~au
Ian Miller              ism_4322~~bifroest~demon~uk~co
J M Kemp                jas~~jmkemp~demon~uk~co
John Dallman            jgd~~cix~uk~co
John Scott              j.f.scott~~brighton~ac~uk
Jonathan David Price    lw99jdp~~brunel~ac~uk
Lucy Ketcher            jhs9lrk~~leeds~ac~uk
Marcus L. Rowland       mrowland~~ffutures~demon~uk~co
Mark Tyndall            mrt102~~york~ac~uk
Matthew Hambley         snowyowl~~therealm.freeserve~uk~co
Matthew Vernon          matthew~~debian~ro
Michael Lush            mlush~~hgmp.mrc~ac~uk
Mr. Tines               tines~~ravnaandtines~moc
Nick Eden               nick~~pheasnt~demon~uk~co
Paul Leake              P.J.Leake~~durham~ac~uk
Pete Lindsay            pete~~louisxiv~demon~uk~co
Phil Masters            phil~~philm~demon~uk~co
Raven                   Raven~~arpeggio~demon~uk~co
Rhodri James            rhodri~~wildebst~demon~uk~co
Rob Harper              stateofmind~~breathemail~ten
Roger Burton West       roger~~firedrake~gro
Roger Vincent           rogerv~~threex~uk~co
Sheila Thomas           malwen~~granta~demon~uk~co
simon gray              simon~~star-one~gro~uk
Steve Turnbull          publisher~~visions-mag~moc
Steve Wright            steve~~wrightnet~demon~uk~co
Thomas Lee              tfl~~psp~uk~co
Tim Ellis               tim~~timellis~demon~uk~co
Timothy Partridge       timpart~~perdix~demon~uk~co
tobias erle             vote-uk~~kholdan~snafu~de

Voting                  A       B1  B2  SQ  ROD C       D
A. F. Simpson           yes     3   1   2   4   yes     yes
A.J.Clark               yes     2   1   3   4   yes     yes
Aaron Fuller                    2   1   4   3   yes     yes
Adam Benedict Canning   no      4   3   1   2   no      no
Adam Hattrell           yes     2   1   3   4   yes     no
Andy Leighton           yes     2   1   4   3   yes     no
Andy Mabbett            abstain                 abstain abstain
Brendan Murphy          yes         1       2   yes     yes
Chris Haywood           yes     1   2   3   4   yes     no
Chris Raistrick         yes     3   1   4   2   yes     yes
D. Stevens              yes     2   1   3   4   yes     yes
David Damerell          yes     2   1   3   4   yes     abstain
Eddie Cochrane          yes     2   1   3   4   yes     yes
Eugene                  yes     3   3   2   1   yes     abstain
G T Kingston            yes     3   1   2   4   yes     yes
Giles Williams          yes         1           yes     yes
Guy Robinson            no              1       no      no
Henry Penninkilampi     yes     2   1   3   4   yes     yes
Ian Miller              yes     4   1   3   2   yes     yes
J M Kemp                yes     4   1   2   3   yes     yes
John Dallman            yes         1   2       yes     yes
John Scott              yes     4   1   2   3   yes     yes
Jonathan David Price    yes     2   1           yes     yes
Lucy Ketcher            yes     2   1   3   3   yes     yes
Marcus L. Rowland       yes     3   1   2   4   yes     abstain
Mark Tyndall            yes     1   1           yes     yes
Matthew Hambley         yes     2   1   3   4   yes     yes
Matthew Vernon          yes     2   1   3   4   yes     yes
Michael Lush            no      4   4   1   4   yes     no
Mr. Tines               yes     3   1   2   4   yes     yes
Nick Eden               no              1       no      no
Paul Leake              yes     3   2   4   1   yes     yes
Pete Lindsay            no      4   3   1   2   no      no
Phil Masters            yes     4   1   2   3   yes     yes
Raven                   yes     1   4   2   3   no      no
Rhodri James            yes     2   1       3   yes     yes
Rob Harper              yes     2   1   3   4   yes     yes
Roger Burton West       yes     4   1   2   3   yes     yes
Roger Vincent           yes     2   1   3   4   yes     yes
Sheila Thomas           yes     2   1   3   4   yes     yes
simon gray              abstain                 abstain abstain
Steve Turnbull          yes     2   1   3   4   yes     yes
Steve Wright            yes     2   1   3   4   yes     yes
Thomas Lee              abstain 1   1   1   1   no      no
Tim Ellis               yes         1       2   yes     yes
Timothy Partridge       yes     2   1   4   3   yes     yes
tobias erle             yes     4   3   1   2   no      yes

Proposal "A" - Purpose of Group

    YES = 38
     NO =  5

YES beat NO by a majority of 33 votes, this is more than the +12
majority required to beat the Status Quo. Accordingly, the proposal

A. F. Simpson           yes
A.J.Clark               yes
Adam Hattrell           yes
Andy Leighton           yes
Brendan Murphy          yes
Chris Haywood           yes
Chris Raistrick         yes
D. Stevens              yes
David Damerell          yes
Eddie Cochrane          yes
Eugene                  yes
G T Kingston            yes
Giles Williams          yes
Henry Penninkilampi     yes
Ian Miller              yes
J M Kemp                yes
John Dallman            yes
John Scott              yes
Jonathan David Price    yes
Lucy Ketcher            yes
Marcus L. Rowland       yes
Mark Tyndall            yes
Matthew Hambley         yes
Matthew Vernon          yes
Mr. Tines               yes
Paul Leake              yes
Phil Masters            yes
Raven                   yes
Rhodri James            yes
Rob Harper              yes
Roger Burton West       yes
Roger Vincent           yes
Sheila Thomas           yes
Steve Turnbull          yes
Steve Wright            yes
Tim Ellis               yes
Timothy Partridge       yes
tobias erle             yes

Adam Benedict Canning   no
Guy Robinson            no
Michael Lush            no
Nick Eden               no
Pete Lindsay            no

Aaron Fuller            abstain
Andy Mabbett            abstain
simon gray              abstain
Thomas Lee              abstain

- ------------------------------

Proposal "B"


                                       1     2    ROD    SQ
1) Proposed by James Coupe:          [n/a] [  2] [ 26] [ 24]
2) Proposed by David Damerell et al: [ 38] [n/a] [ 36] [ 37]
Re-Open Discussion:                  [ 14] [  6] [n/a] [ 10]
Status Quo:                          [ 18] [  8] [ 31] [n/a]

In this grid, each number represents the number of votes which were cast
that preferred the option named in the number's row to the option
appropriate to the number's column. For instance, 2 votes preferred
option one (proposed by James Coupe) to option two (proposed by David
Damerell et al) while 14 votes preferred reopening the discussion to 
option one (proposed by James Coupe).

However, as only one of the options beat Status Quo by twelve or more
preferences, it is declared the Condorcet winner and no further count
is necessary.

Preferences             B1  B2  SQ  ROD
A. F. Simpson           3   1   2   4
A.J.Clark               2   1   3   4
Aaron Fuller            2   1   4   3
Adam Benedict Canning   4   3   1   2
Adam Hattrell           2   1   3   4
Andy Leighton           2   1   4   3
Andy Mabbett
Brendan Murphy              1       2
Chris Haywood           1   2   3   4
Chris Raistrick         3   1   4   2
D. Stevens              2   1   3   4
David Damerell          2   1   3   4
Eddie Cochrane          2   1   3   4
Eugene                  3   3   2   1
G T Kingston            3   1   2   4
Giles Williams              1
Guy Robinson                    1
Henry Penninkilampi     2   1   3   4
Ian Miller              4   1   3   2
J M Kemp                4   1   2   3
John Dallman                1   2
John Scott              4   1   2   3
Jonathan David Price    2   1
Lucy Ketcher            2   1   3   3
Marcus L. Rowland       3   1   2   4
Mark Tyndall            1   1
Matthew Hambley         2   1   3   4
Matthew Vernon          2   1   3   4
Michael Lush            4   4   1   4
Mr. Tines               3   1   2   4
Nick Eden                       1
Paul Leake              3   2   4   1
Pete Lindsay            4   3   1   2
Phil Masters            4   1   2   3
Raven                   1   4   2   3
Rhodri James            2   1       3
Rob Harper              2   1   3   4
Roger Burton West       4   1   2   3
Roger Vincent           2   1   3   4
Sheila Thomas           2   1   3   4
simon gray
Steve Turnbull          2   1   3   4
Steve Wright            2   1   3   4
Thomas Lee              1   1   1   1
Tim Ellis                   1       2
Timothy Partridge       2   1   4   3
tobias erle             4   3   1   2

- ------------------------------

Proposal "C" - Advertising

    YES = 38
     NO =  7

YES beat NO by a majority of 31 votes, this is more than the +12
majority required to beat the Status Quo. Accordingly, the proposal

A. F. Simpson           yes
A.J.Clark               yes
Aaron Fuller            yes
Adam Hattrell           yes
Andy Leighton           yes
Brendan Murphy          yes
Chris Haywood           yes
Chris Raistrick         yes
D. Stevens              yes
David Damerell          yes
Eddie Cochrane          yes
Eugene                  yes
G T Kingston            yes
Giles Williams          yes
Henry Penninkilampi     yes
Ian Miller              yes
J M Kemp                yes
John Dallman            yes
John Scott              yes
Jonathan David Price    yes
Lucy Ketcher            yes
Marcus L. Rowland       yes
Mark Tyndall            yes
Matthew Hambley         yes
Matthew Vernon          yes
Michael Lush            yes
Mr. Tines               yes
Paul Leake              yes
Phil Masters            yes
Rhodri James            yes
Rob Harper              yes
Roger Burton West       yes
Roger Vincent           yes
Sheila Thomas           yes
Steve Turnbull          yes
Steve Wright            yes
Tim Ellis               yes
Timothy Partridge       yes

Adam Benedict Canning   no
Guy Robinson            no
Nick Eden               no
Pete Lindsay            no
Raven                   no
Thomas Lee              no
tobias erle             no

Andy Mabbett            abstain
simon gray              abstain

- ------------------------------

Proposal "D" - Binaries

    YES = 32
     NO = 10

YES beat NO by a majority of 22 votes, this is more than the +12
majority required to beat the Status Quo. Accordingly, the proposal

A. F. Simpson           yes
A.J.Clark               yes
Aaron Fuller            yes
Brendan Murphy          yes
Chris Raistrick         yes
D. Stevens              yes
Eddie Cochrane          yes
G T Kingston            yes
Giles Williams          yes
Henry Penninkilampi     yes
Ian Miller              yes
J M Kemp                yes
John Dallman            yes
John Scott              yes
Jonathan David Price    yes
Lucy Ketcher            yes
Mark Tyndall            yes
Matthew Hambley         yes
Matthew Vernon          yes
Mr. Tines               yes
Paul Leake              yes
Phil Masters            yes
Rhodri James            yes
Rob Harper              yes
Roger Burton West       yes
Roger Vincent           yes
Sheila Thomas           yes
Steve Turnbull          yes
Steve Wright            yes
Tim Ellis               yes
Timothy Partridge       yes
tobias erle             yes

Adam Benedict Canning   no
Adam Hattrell           no
Andy Leighton           no
Chris Haywood           no
Guy Robinson            no
Michael Lush            no
Nick Eden               no
Pete Lindsay            no
Raven                   no
Thomas Lee              no

Andy Mabbett            abstain
David Damerell          abstain
Eugene                  abstain
Marcus L. Rowland       abstain
simon gray              abstain

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Votetakers Comments:

  This was the first vote I have counted using the Condorcet system, 
having failed to notice the multiple choice options on the second part
of the proposals! It took me some time to sort through the result and
even then needed help from other votetakers, particularly Barry Salter.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

This vote was conducted by a neutral third party member of UKVoting. 
UKVoting is a group of independent votetakers who count votes on 
behalf of the uk.* hierarchy and other 3rd parties.  

The rules under which votes for the uk.* hierarchy are taken are posted 
regularly to uk.net.news.announce or can be found at the following URL:


The UKVoting web pages can be found at <http://www.ukvoting.org.uk/>

There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted to

Allegations of irregularity should be sent to control@usenet.org.uk.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------


        The creation of uk.adverts.games.roleplay means that
        uk.games.roleplay now has somewhere where advertising is not
        "frowned upon".  As expressed during the RFD for that group, the
        charter of this group is being updated to reflect that creation,
        moving those topics which are on-topic for that group away from
        this group, for the most part, but also clarifying what is still
        perfectly fine in this group.

        However, during the discussion of the 2nd RFD, it came to light
        that other areas of the charter were also "at fault" in that
        they did not accurately convey the basics of the group.  As
        a result of this, these areas are also being addressed.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------


There has been almost no discussion of the 4th RFD. When the proponent
changed an effort was made to modify the 3rd RFD until it was more
acceptable; this resulted in splitting the charter change into its
four independent pieces to be voted on separately, as well as the
insertion of a second option (written by about half a dozen people)
for one section; both the existing text and the proposed new text were
felt to be rather lacking.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------


Proposal 1 - Purpose of Group

Replace the existing first paragraph:

   The proposed new newsgroup will be used for UK (and visitors) Role
   Playing addicts to meet and arrange games thoughout the UK. Also it
   can be used for (but not limited to) the discussions of new and old
   games, rules, large game meetings (i.e. GenCon).

with the following:

        The newsgroup is for UK (and visiting) roleplaying enthusiasts
        to meet and arrange games thoughout the UK. Also it can be used
        for (but is not limited to) the discussions of new and old
        games, rules, large game meetings (e.g. GenCon).

Proposal 2

Replace the existing second paragraph:

   It will be used for all types of role-playing, including (but not
   limited to) Live Action (i.e. Amber, V:TM), Play By Mail, Dice (ie.
   AD&D, Shadowrun).

with one of the following:

Option 1 - Proposed by James Coupe:

        It is used for all types of roleplaying, including (but not
        limited to) live action roleplaying (LARPs/LRPs e.g. Mind's Eye
        Theatre, Treasure Trap, The Gathering), play by mail and table-
        top games, both using dice based systems (e.g. AD&D, Shadowrun,
        Vampire: The Masquerade) and those using alternative systems
        (e.g. Amber, Dragonlance: 5th Age).

Option 2 - Proposed by David Damerell et al

        The group is for discussion of all types of roleplaying games
        (RPGs); games where the players assume the roles of imaginary
        characters in a fictional world, described and controlled by
        another player who is often known as the gamemaster. RPGs 
        include tabletop games such as Dungeons & Dragons, play-by-
        mail/email and live-action/freeform games. These games use a 
        variety of rules (which commonly employ dice to add an element 
        of unpredictability) to help the gamemaster decide the result 
        of actions in the game.

        The group does not cover 'roleplaying' in other contexts, such 
        as psychiatric, business training or sexual settings, or the 
        genre of computer games known as RPGs. (The use of computers to 
        assist the play of roleplaying games is on-topic.)

Proposal 3 - Advertising

Replace the existing section on advertising:


   Lengthy and/or off-topic posts will not be welcome. Short
   announcements of relevant products, services and events, inviting
   e-mail inquires or suggesting URL's for further information, will be

with the following:

      * Advertising:

        Short one-off announcements of relevant products, services and
        events, inviting e-mail enquiries or suggesting URLs for
        further information, will be allowed. Lengthy and/or off-topic
        posts will not be welcome. Advertisements for clubs and social
        events may be repeated at fortnightly or longer intervals.

        No other advertising, especially offers of goods for sale,
        should be posted to this newsgroup; newsgroups such as
        uk.adverts.games.roleplay or rec.games.frp.marketplace could be
        used instead. Messages posted to those groups must not be cross-
        posted to uk.games.roleplay.

        It should be noted that this specifically does not prohibit
        people looking for groups to join, or groups looking for new
        players to join them, from posting to the group to find players.

Proposal 4 - Binaries

Replace the existing section on Binaries:

   Binaries should not be allowed in this newsgroup. Instead URL's
   pointing to binaries should be given.

with the following:

      * Binaries:

        Encoded binaries (e.g. pictures, compressed files, etc.), are
        *forbidden*, except for cryptographic signatures (e.g. PGP)
        Binaries belong on a web or ftp site (or similar storage
        systems), whose URL may be posted.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------


        The newsgroup is for UK (and visiting) roleplaying enthusiasts
        to meet and arrange games thoughout the UK. Also it can be used
        for (but is not limited to) the discussions of new and old
        games, rules, large game meetings (e.g. GenCon).

        The group is for discussion of all types of roleplaying games
        (RPGs); games where the players assume the roles of imaginary
        characters in a fictional world, described and controlled by
        another player who is often known as the gamemaster. RPGs 
        include tabletop games such as Dungeons & Dragons, play-by-
        mail/email and live-action/freeform games. These games use a 
        variety of rules (which commonly employ dice to add an element 
        of unpredictability) to help the gamemaster decide the result  
        of actions in the game. 

        The group does not cover 'roleplaying' in other contexts, such 
        as psychiatric, business training or sexual settings, or the 
        genre of computer games known as RPGs. (The use of computers to 
        assist the play of roleplaying games is on-topic.)

      * Advertising:

        Short one-off announcements of relevant products, services and
        events, inviting e-mail enquiries or suggesting URLs for
        further information, will be allowed. Lengthy and/or off-topic
        posts will not be welcome. Advertisements for clubs and social
        events may be repeated at fortnightly or longer intervals.

        No other advertising, especially offers of goods for sale,
        should be posted to this newsgroup; newsgroups such as
        uk.adverts.games.roleplay or rec.games.frp.marketplace could be
        used instead. Messages posted to those groups must not be cross-
        posted to uk.games.roleplay.

        It should be noted that this specifically does not prohibit
        people looking for groups to join, or groups looking for new
        players to join them, from posting to the group to find players.

      * Binaries:

        Encoded binaries (e.g. pictures, compressed files, etc.), are
        *forbidden*, except for cryptographic signatures (e.g. PGP)
        Binaries belong on a web or ftp site (or similar storage
        systems), whose URL may be posted.


Newsgroups line
uk.games.roleplay       A UK specific newsgroup for all aspects of roleplaying

Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i for non-commercial use
Charset: noconv


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