General Procedure for taking a Vote


Starting Out

When you're ready to handle a vote, wait for the Co-Ordinator to send around the usual bleating mail to the mailing list asking for some volunteer to handle a vote because he has to put up shelves/work too hard/go yak herding in Patagonia.

Don't bite off more than you can chew on your first vote - unless you've been a proponent for a reorganization, your first vote should be a single-group non-controversial non-AV one.

Routine Matters

If you have questions, ask on the UKVoting mailling list. But don't give away results in your questions.

If other members ask questions, keep them confidential if they pertain to votes in progress.

If a UKVoting member is the proponent, use caution. If you are that proponent, be on your best behavior.

Voting in a CFV you are running is highly frowned upon. It is best to just not do it. Believe me, it'll save you a lot more hassle than a single vote is worth!

Running the Vote

  1. Get the Vote assigned to you.
  2. Contact the Proponent.
  3. Write the CFV.
  4. Post the CFV.
  5. Post the 2nd CFV.

Get the Vote assigned to you

The coordinator will tell you that it has been assigned to you. This is the "passing of the baton." You should then get the proponent's latest RFD (which can be found in and the Template CFV. At this point, the proposal becomes your responsibility and you have the corresponding authority as votetaker.

Contact the Proponent

Contact the proponent to notify them that you will be the votetaker for their proposal and that you are writing the CFV.

This can also be a good time to tell the proponent a few things like:

Since you can't take a position on the proposal, you will refer any voters with questions or comments about its content to them.

Write the CFV

Write the CFV based on the latest RFD.

Send a copy to the proponent for review.

Post the CFV

When the proponent says the CFV is OK, send it to the moderator at The CFV including headers should be an attachment to a message which tells the moderator the name of the proposal if it's cross-posted to any moderated newsgroups (list them) where the places are that he needs to fill in dates (usually two: expires and voting deadline). This is followed by the headers and CFV such that the moderator can clip out the remaining lines in the message and post them.

Post the 2nd CFV

This should be done approximately halfway through the voting period. The subject should now start with "2nd CFV:".

Results Procedures

Do not disclose results, even to the proponent, before they are posted in It's hard to know whether a proponent will be able to restrain themselves or how they'll tell others. When results time arrives, there is a possibility that many people will have an equal interest as the proponent in the results.