Path: sn-us!sn-xit-01!sn-xit-09!!!!!!!!clerew!!not-for-mail From: Jim Hill Newsgroups:,, Subject: RESULT: create newsgroup Followup-To: Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 09:13:06 +0000 Message-ID: Sender: Charles Lindsey as Deputy Control Approved: Charles Lindsey as Deputy Control Lines: 437 Xref: sn-us -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- RESULT OF CALL FOR VOTES Creation of newsgroup Condorcet Option A wins: Create newsgroup without crossposting clause - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Voting opened: Friday 17 January 2003 Voting closed: Sunday 9th February 2003 Proponent: Richard Ashton "{R}" Votetaker: Jim Hill - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRIBUTION These results have been posted to:,, =========================================================================== RESULTS IN DETAIL Voters were asked to rank four options: Option A: Create newsgroup without crossposting clause Option B: Create newsgroup with crossposting clause Option C: Status quo (do not create newsgroup) Option D: ROD (Re-open discussion) A total of 80 valid votes were cast plus 2 abstentions. STAGE ONE: Option A was preferred to Status Quo by 20 votes (49-29) Option B was preferred to Status Quo by 21 votes (50-29) Option D was preferred to Status Quo by 12 votes (43-31) All options were preferred to status quo (do not create newsgroup) by the required 12 votes so all options proceed to stage two. STAGE TWO: Table 1 - Absolute Figures (Raw Preferences Grid) A B C D A [ - ] [ 44] [ 49] [ 60] create without xpost clause B [ 22] [ - ] [ 50] [ 56] create with xpost clause C [ 29] [ 29] [ - ] [ 31] status quo D [ 15] [ 19] [ 43] [ - ] re-open discussion In this grid, each number represents the number of votes which were cast that preferred the option named in the number's row to the option appropriate to the number's column. For example, 49 voters preferred option A to option C and 29 voters preferred option C to option A. Table 2 - Relative Figures (Opposite Comparison Grid) A B C D A [ - ] [ 22] [ 20] [ 45] create without xpost clause B [-22] [ - ] [ 21] [ 37] create with xpost clause C [-20] [-21] [ - ] [-12] status quo D [-45] [-37] [ 12] [ - ] re-open discussion In this grid, each number represents the number of votes which were cast that preferred the option named in the number's row to the option appropriate to the number's column less the number of votes which were cast that preferred the option named in the number's column to the option appropriate to the number's row. For example, 22 more people preferred Option A to Option B than preferred B to A, and 45 more people preferred Option A to Option D than preferred D to A. Condorcet Result The winning option in the absolute table is that where all the numbers in its row are higher than the number in the equivalent position in its column. The winning option in the relative table is that which has all positive numbers in its row and all negative numbers in its column. Therefore, the Condorcet winner is Option A. =========================================================================== VOTER LISTING (a = abstain, 1 - 4 = preference order, 0 = no preference) A B C D 1 1 3 2 Alan Fleming - Org Af Etrigan 1 2 4 3 Alan Smithee - Com Usenet Jxan 1 2 0 0 Alex Holden - Couk Votes Alex-Holden 4 3 1 2 Andrew Wheatley - Orgza Andrew Wheatley Union 3 4 1 2 Anthony R. Gold - Couk Notformail Ahjg 1 2 4 3 Bob Scott - Couk Bob Bobandaileen 2 1 4 3 Dave - Demoncouk Dave Community-Spirit 2 1 4 3 Dave Mason - Orguk Usmf1 Sarnie 2 2 1 3 Dave Mayall - Couk Dave Research-Group 1 2 4 3 Dave Millard - Ukcom Dave Focus3 2 3 1 4 David Betts - Com Dabetts Ntlworld 1 2 4 3 David Briggs - Net Brigfamily Softhome a a a a David Buttery - Couk Gplscrapyard Yahoo 1 2 4 3 David Mahon - Couk Dmahon_Vote_Usmf1 Amigo 3 4 1 2 David NLY - Couk Bitchplunge Blueyonder 1 2 4 3 David Uri - Com Davidurivest Bigfoot 3 4 1 2 Denis McMahon - Org Sined Davros 2 1 3 4 Derek Turner - Net Frderek Cesmail 2 1 4 3 Dick Gaughan - Demoncouk Dickg Dickalba 4 4 1 4 Dillon Pyron - Rrcom Dmpyron Austin 2 4 1 3 Don Aitken - Com Donaitken Freeuk 1 2 4 3 Geoff Berrow - Couk F1_Bl Ckdog 2 1 4 3 George Sablan - Fsnetcouk Levetis Sablan 1 2 0 3 Gerbil - Steveydemoncouk Stevey Stevey 1 1 4 3 Guy Morgan - Couk Guy First-Light-Services 2 3 1 4 HooDooWitch - Couk Anyone Hindcottage 0 0 1 0 Huge - Hugeorguk Huge Huge 3 4 1 2 Iain Rae - Org Iainr Zathras 2 3 1 4 JBM - Eduinvalid Jpb8 Duke 4 3 1 2 Jim Riley - Com Jimrtex Pipeline 2 1 4 3 John Bean - Net Waterfoot Spamcop 3 1 4 2 John Briggs - Com John Briggs4 Ntlworld 0 0 1 2 Jon Thomson - Warwickacuk Mawdl Csv 1 2 4 3 Kim Andrews - Couk Kim Foca 1 2 1 3 Lt. Cmdr. Jim - Org Jim Us-Lot 3 3 1 2 Mark Coxley - Com Mark Xcski 0 0 1 0 Martin Evans - Pipexcom Mcenews Dial 1 2 3 4 Mike Bristow - Com Mike Urgle 1 2 4 3 Mike Fleming - Couk Mike Tauzero 2 1 4 4 Mike G - Couk Mgibbs Clara 2 1 4 3 Mike Henry - Demoncouk {$Usenet$} Mrtickle 2 1 4 3 Mike Swift - Couk Mike Swift Yeton 1 2 4 3 Neil Padgen - Bbccouk Neil Padgen Mon 1 2 4 3 No Jobs - Demoncouk News Pondview 1 1 1 1 Paul Cummins - Ieeuorg Paul Cummins 1 2 3 3 Paul Dawson - Demoncouk Paul00 Agamenon 2 1 4 3 Paul Giverin - Couk Paul Giverin 4 3 1 2 Paul Harman - Net Junk Doctorwhowebguide 1 4 2 3 Paul Harper - Net Paul Harper 2 1 4 3 Paul Martin - Oxfordacuk Paul Martin Wadham 2 4 1 3 Paul-B - Biz Paul Streetka 2 3 1 4 Pete Fenelon - Com Pete Fenelon 2 3 1 4 Peter Smyth - Net Psmyth Ukf 2 3 1 4 Phil Newnham - Com Pnewnham Yahoo a a a a Philip Powell - Orguk Philip Blencathra 3 4 1 2 Rachael Nex - Com Rachaelnex Ntlworld 1 3 4 2 Rob Poole - Acuk R H Poole Aston 1 2 4 3 Roy Stilling - Orguk Spamtrap Kalevala 2 4 1 3 Rt. Hon. Lt. Smurfy Esq. - Netau Wwenut Bigpond 0 0 1 0 Sandy Morton - Fsnetcouk Atm Sandymillport 1 2 4 3 Shane Matthews - Com Usenet Cluelessweasels 3 1 2 4 Steph - Couk Steph Sbjconsultants 4 3 2 1 Steph Peters - Demoncouk Urcs Sandbenders 1 1 0 0 Stephen Gower - Oxfordacuk Stephen Gower Wolfson 1 2 4 3 Steve Firth - Couk Vote Malloc 2 1 0 3 Stuart Millington - Couk News Dsv1 1 3 4 2 Thomas Lee - Couk Tfl Psp 1 1 4 4 Tim Emanuel - Orguk Tim Cantona 1 1 3 2 Tony Towers - Tele2Couk Tony Cats 4 1 3 2 Tony Wright - Couk Tony Wright Zen 1 2 4 3 Zonky - Net Zonky Dialup-Web 1 2 4 3 fred - Demoncouk Fred Fredc 1 2 4 3 gizbon - Couk Gizbon Higs 3 4 1 2 james long - Orguk Jlong1 Yahoo 2 1 4 3 kqr - Com Kqrq Freeuk 1 2 4 3 lansbury - Net Lansbury Spamcop 2 1 4 3 laz (lazarus) - Couk Lazarus Clara 1 1 4 3 paul - Claracouk {Voter} Watman 3 4 1 2 spider - Ca Dipseydoodle Shaw 1 2 4 3 stuart graham - Com Stuartg Ntlworld 1 2 4 3 xSaBx - Net Sarah Gubbins 2 1 4 3 {R} - Org {R} Semolina =========================================================================== PARTICULARS OF THE VOTE A total of 95 submissions were received by the voting system: 1 vote superceded 1 vote with invalid preferences (revoted) 2 votes with missing Name field (both revoted) 7 votes from incorrect addresses (all revoted) 1 ukvoting autoresponder loop (see votetaker's comments) 1 disallowed vote (see votetaker's comments) 82 valid votes counted - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTETAKER'S COMMENTS Results delay Please accept my apologies for the delay in compiling and issuing these results. Real life intruded unavoidably. Incorrect CFV The first cfv issued lacked Expiry and Reply-To headers. The absence of the latter caught out quite a few voters, causing them to request a ballot paper from the votetaker instead of from the ukvoting autoresponder. Both omissions were due to the mail2news gateway being used and were corrected by Control in time for the second cfv. Apologies to those inconvenienced. Incorrect ballot papers The first four ballot requests resulted in blank ballot papers because I hadn't updated the ukvoting autoresponder correctly. All four subsequently obtained valid ballot papers. Reposted cfv Four days after the cfv was posted it was re-posted to the newsgroup which was not included in the original distribution. There was no measurable impact on voting patterns. Autoresponder loop An unusually formatted ballot request delayed the receipt of a ballot paper for one voter and resulted in the autoresponder sending itself an invalid vote. The autoresponder was modified immediately to prevent that happening again. Disallowed vote 3 4 2 1 Michael T Craig - Com Michael_T_Craig Hotmail This vote was anonymously forwarded and the voter has no known Usenet presence or voting history. The voter declined to assist the votetaker to validate the vote. =========================================================================== RATIONALE This RFD had an unfortunate start. However, amid the noise there was sufficient signal to demonstrate that a group had a good chance of being created. This group is intended for armchair enthusiasts of Formula 1 as broadcast currently on UK terrestrial television. The formation of the newsgroup is proposed in order to give Formula 1 supporters in the UK, and those with a UK perspective on Formula 1, somewhere to discuss issues concerning, and topics arising from, the sport. Having reread the "debate" with "people" who subscribe to, I have decided that a crossposting ban should be included in the RFD, and that contrary to my previous statements crossposting this RFD to would be unnecessarily inflammatory. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWSGROUPS LINE Formula 1 motorsport and the UK - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARTER The group may discuss all issues, events and incidents featuring current, historical and future competitors of the FIA Formula One World Championship. The group may also discuss all issues concerning the entry, participation and withdrawal of individual teams, engine suppliers, sponsors, type suppliers and equipment and personnel. Including events and incidents concerning Formula 1 drivers, support drivers, team personnel, FIA personnel and similar subjects, UK TV presenters, UK TV coverage, and any future changes to UK TV coverage by any TV network may also be discussed. ADVERTISING Advertising is forbidden BINARIES & FORMATTING Encoded binaries (e.g. pictures, compressed files, etc.) are forbidden. Such material belongs on a web or FTP site to which a pointer may be posted. Cryptographic signatures (e.g. PGP) may be used where authentication is important and should be as short as possible. Posts must be readable as plain text. HTML, RTF and similarly formatted messages are prohibited. To see how to make some common newsreaders comply with this, read . WARNING Anyone posting contrary to this charter may be reported to their "postmaster" and/or Service Provider. =========================================================================== BALLOT FORM (invalidated copy for reference only) Title of CFV - Create newsgroup Votes must be received by 23:59:59 GMT, Sunday 9th February 2003. For voting questions only contact the primary votetaker: Jim Hill In the event of emergency only, contact the secondary votetaker: Mark Goodge For questions about the proposed newsgroup contact the proponent: Richard Ashton "{R}" - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTING INSTRUCTIONS These instructions are repeated from the Call For Votes (CFV) document for your convenience. Name and Address: You must enter either your normal Usenet name or your real name so that you can be identified in the published vote results. If you do not, your vote will not be counted. Your vote acknowledgement will be sent to the address from which you requested this ballot paper. By default, you will also be identified in the official results by that same address. Optionally, if you prefer to be identified in the results by your normal Usenet address, please enter it where prompted. How to vote: The ballot consists of multiple options which will be counted under the Condorcet system. To vote, enter '1' against your favourite option, '2' against your second favourite option, and so on. You may rank options the same if you have no preference between them and you may leave options unmarked but are requested not to do so. Unmarked options will be assumed to be ranked lower than all marked options. To abstain, enter 'A' against all the options. Voting Address: After registering your preferences, send your ballot paper to . A normal reply to the ballot paper should suffice but check the address carefully before sending. The following url also provides the correct voting address: You should receive a vote acknowledgment within three days. If you decide subsequently to withdraw your vote, you may do so by entering the word 'CANCEL' in the normal Usenet name field, leaving all other options blank. You should receive an acknowledgement within three days that your prior vote will not be included in the official results. - ---->8- please snip this line and upwards when voting - ----------------- Start of ballot usmf1 ----------------- Ballot ID: Enter your normal Usenet name between the square brackets: Name: [ ] You must complete the above for your vote to be valid ----~-~--~---~-~-~-~----~-~-~--~------~-~-~---- Optionally, enter your normal usenet e-mail address between the square brackets if you prefer that to be recorded in the vote results: Address: [ ] ----~-~--~---~-~-~-~----~-~-~--~------~-~-~---- Vote: Create newsgroup Rank these options in order of preference - 1,2,3,4 or A to abstain - between the square brackets: [ ] Option A: Create newsgroup without crossposting clause [ ] Option B: Create newsgroup with crossposting clause [ ] Option C: Status quo (do not create newsgroup) [ ] Option D: ROD (Re-open discussion) - ------------------ End of ballot usmf1 ------------------ - ---->8- please snip this line and downwards when voting =========================================================================== This vote was conducted by a neutral third party member of UKVoting. UKVoting is a group of independent votetakers who count votes on behalf of the uk.* hierarchy and other 3rd parties. The rules under which votes for the uk.* hierarchy are taken are posted regularly to or can be found at the following URL: The UKVoting web pages can be found at There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted to Allegations of irregularity should be sent to - -- Jim Hill UKVoting Votetaker -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 5.0i Charset: noconv iQCVAwUBPlniLWOfGXkh8vHZAQEO5QQAnSpqZpiUMhplPriUZ1slSXxZ0aaOp2HI sHpPfcayRqJIz4tqkKuSWg+qNqWv3ou2B6ICmECw6rOdftL9DArZNdj/U3BfN6Zx 9v0wCFOgQ6k+pjTWdFqnkLIR7BmGlQJoDX1PnxFYNCcKVuRi1AhzsLLzbVCPpQUW RVbN9WBH2eQ= =nkt1 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----