Path:!!!!!!!not-for-mail From: Mark Goodge Newsgroups:,,uk.people.rural,uk.people.fathers, Subject: RESULT: CFV - Creation of uk.people.{silversurfers|young-at-heart} passes with option A: Create group as uk.people.silversurfers Followup-To: Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 19:45:37 +0000 Message-ID: Sender: Iain Bowen as Control Approved: Iain Bowen as Control Lines: 382 Xref: uk.people.rural:3036 uk.people.fathers:4726 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- RESULT: CFV - Creation of uk.people.{silversurfers|young-at-heart} passes with option A: Create group as uk.people.silversurfers SUMMARY Option A (Create group as uk.people.silversurfers) was preferred to all other options, and preferred to option D (Do Not Create Group) by a margin of greater than 12. Therefore, Option A wins. ====================================================================== Voting closed at 23:59:59 GMT, 13th January 2002 Proponent: Paul Carroll Votetaker: Mark Goodge Distribution:,,uk.people.rural, uk.people.fathers, ====================================================================== The full results follow below in the following order: 1) Information on the ballot 2) Results 3) Vote Statistics 4) Individual Vote Details 5) Votetaker's Comments 6) Voting and Appeal Guidelines 7) Rationale and Proposal ====================================================================== INFORMATION ON THE BALLOT Voters were asked to vote on a proposal to create the group under two alternative names: 'uk.people.silversurfers' and 'uk.people.young-at-heart'. The options on the ballot paper were: Option A: Create group as uk.people.silversurfers Option B: Create group as uk.people.young-at-heart Option C: Re-Open Discussion Option D: Status Quo (Do not create group) ====================================================================== RESULTS Multi-option group creation votes in the uk.* hierarchy are decided by a two-stage procedure. All options are first compared with votes for the status quo (Do Not Create Group), and any which are not preferred to SQ by the required margin of 12 votes are eliminated. The remaining options, if any, are then evaluated by the Condorcet method. Stage 1: Option A was preferred to SQ (Option D) by a margin of 59 votes Option B was preferred to SQ (Option D) by a margin of 52 votes Option C was preferred to SQ (Option D) by a margin of 43 votes Therefore, all options proceed to a full Condorcet count. Stage 2: A full Condorcet count shows that Option A is preferred to all other options: Option A was preferred to Option B by 88 votes to 26 (20 Abstentions) Option A was preferred to Option C by 89 votes to 31 (12 Abstentions) Option A was preferred to Option D by 89 votes to 30 (13 Abstentions) Full Condorcet Tables: Table 1 - Absolute Figures (Raw Preferences Grid) A B C D A [n/a] [ 86] [ 89] [ 89] B [ 26] [n/a] [ 78] [ 82] C [ 31] [ 34] [n/a] [ 74] D [ 30] [ 30] [ 31] [n/a] In this grid, each number represents the number of votes which were cast that preferred the option named in the number's row to the option appropriate to the number's column. For instance, 86 votes preferred Option A to Option B while 78 votes preferred Option B to Option C. Table 2 - Relative Figures (Opposite Comparison Grid) A B C D A [n/a] [ 60] [ 58] [ 59] B [-60] [n/a] [ 44] [ 52] C [-58] [-45] [n/a] [ 43] D [-59] [-52] [-43] [n/a] In this grid, each number represents the number of votes which were cast that preferred the option named in the number's row to the option appropriate to the number's column less the number of votes which were cast that preferred the option named in the number's column to the option appropriate to the number's row. For example, 58 more people preferred Option A to Option C than preferred C to A, and 44 more people preferred Option B to Option C than preferred C to B. The winning option in the absolute table is that where all the numbers in its row are higher than the number in the equivalent position in its column. The winning option in the relative table is that which has all positive numbers in its row and all negative numbers in its column. (On this ballot, this is Option A). ====================================================================== VOTE STATISTICS There were 166 messages received through the UKVoting server for this ballot, consisting of: 130 valid and counted votes 29 valid votes superseded by later votes from the same voter 3 discarded as invalid (acknowledgement bounced) 2 blank (no name or email address in the ballot) 2 test messages (clearly marked as such in the email) The counted valid votes and those discarded as invalid are listed in detail below. ====================================================================== INDIVIDUAL VOTE DETAILS Notes: 1. Voters were asked to rank the options from 1 (highest) to 4 (lowest). Equal rankings are allowed, and any unranked options are considered to be ranked below all ranked options. 2. Voters used a variety of different marks (or lack of them) to indicate unranked options. Irrespective of the actual character used, all unranked options have been represented in the table by '-' (dash). 3. The votes column shows the ranking given by the voter to each option. For example: A B C D voter 1 1 2 4 3 voter 2 - 2 - 1 Voter 1 ranked option A first, then B, then D, and then C. Voter 2 ranked Option D first, then B, and left the other options unranked. Name Email A B C D Ade Vickers javickers?yahoo@oc@ku 1 2 3 4 Alan LeHun ukvote?lehun@clara@oc@ku - - - - Alan Ralph alan@ralph?redunser@demon@oc@ku 2 1 3 4 Alex Holden votes?alex-holden@gro@ku 4 1 3 2 allen allen?allen@as 1 - - - Andrew Gierth andrew?erlenstar@demon@oc@ku 4 3 2 1 Andrew Wheatley andrew@wheatley?union@gro@za 1 4 3 2 Andy Mabbett andy?pigsonthewing@gro@ku - - 2 1 andy roberts andy@roberts?zetnet@oc@ku 1 3 2 4 Anita Carter ronita@carter?lineone@ten 1 2 3 - Bagpuss kerkintail?lineone@ten 1 2 3 4 Barb bingham?lineone@ten 1 2 3 4 biffo biffo?tiscali@oc@ku 1 - - - Bill P bill-percival?lineone@ten 1 2 3 4 Brian Brian?bjforster@force9@oc@ku - - - 1 Charles Lindsey chl?clw@cs@man@ac@uk 1 2 3 2 Charlie Drake charliedrake?tiscali@oc@ku 1 4 4 4 Cobweb evelyng?whsmithnet@oc@ku 1 2 3 4 Crafty shuttersnipe?lineone@ten 1 2 3 4 Cris Kelhan crispin?kelhan@fsworld@oc@ku 1 - - - Dai Bando daielectric?lineone@ten 1 3 2 4 Dangerous sjalldred?tiscali@oc@ku 1 2 4 4 Dave Dave?community-spirit@demon@oc@ku 4 3 2 1 Dave Fawthrop hyphen?hyphenologist@oc@ku 1 2 3 4 Dave Hillam dave?hillam@gro@ku 4 4 4 4 Dave Mason dave?lowjobs@oc@ku 1 3 2 4 Dave Mayall david@mayall?ukonline@oc@ku 3 1 2 1 Dave Millard dave?focus3@uk@moc 1 2 3 4 Dave Roberts dave?studio-33@oc@ku 1 2 3 4 Dave Sparks Dave@Sparks?sisyphus@demon@oc@ku 1 3 2 4 David Mahon vote_UKPSY01?amigo@oc@ku 2 4 1 3 David Taylor davidt?yadt@oc@ku 1 2 4 3 Denis McMahon denis?pickaxe@demon@oc@ku 4 3 2 1 DG / Dick Gaughan dickg?dickalba@demon@oc@ku - - - - Don Aitken don-aitken?freeuk@moc 1 2 - - Eddie Bernard usenet?ebernard@greatxscape@ten - - - - Ergo Eric@Gales?btinternet@moc 1 2 3 4 Firebird charani_b?hotmail@moc 1 3 4 2 frogman silversurfer?comic@moc 1 2 3 4 gizbon gizbon?higs@oc@ku 1 4 2 3 Glenkys glenys?tgis@oc@ku 1 2 3 4 Graham Drabble graham@drabble?lineone@ten 3 1 2 3 GreySwan greyswan?inorbit@moc 1 2 3 4 Guy Morgan guy?first-light-services@oc@ku - 1 2 - Huge Huge?huge@gro@ku - - 2 1 IanDunbar iandunbar?thegap@fsnet@oc@ku 1 2 3 4 itsjustmee itsjustmee?btopenworld@moc 1 1 3 4 J. Lewis jeff?maerdy@gro 1 2 3 4 James Bentall jimney?bigfoot@moc 1 2 - - James Coupe james?zephyr@gro@ku 4 1 1 3 James Farrar londonstatto?yahoo@oc@ku - - 2 1 jammyface jammyface?blueyonder@oc@ku 1 2 4 4 jamps jan@par?ntlworld@moc 1 2 3 4 jasongnome jasongnome?clara@oc@ku 1 2 3 4 Jaygee j@gibb1?ntlworld@moc 1 3 2 4 Jeffrey Goldberg Jeffrey?goldmark@gro 1 1 1 1 Jezza jezza?hotwells@freeserve@oc@ku 1 3 2 4 John john?pegler@gro@ku 1 - - - John B jcb?avism@demon@oc@ku 1 4 2 3 John Elliott herbietheone?aol@moc 1 2 - - John Hall john?jhall@oc@ku 2 1 3 4 John the R T john@payne32?ntlworld@moc 1 2 3 4 johno john_o?lineone@ten 1 2 3 4 Jon Thomson jon?thomson2273@freeserve@oc@ku - - - 1 Julian Edge julian@edge?btinternet@moc - - - - Julian Sharp news?sharpuk@f9@oc@ku 3 4 2 1 karl davis karldav82?hotmail@moc 1 - - - Kevin Andreoli kevin?andreoli@oc@ku 4 1 3 2 Leevan pbrentnall?tiscali@oc@ku 1 2 3 4 Linda digit?gardener@moc 1 2 3 4 margaret hunter mhhunter?lineone@ten 1 2 - - Mark Tyndall mrt102?york@ac@uk 1 2 3 1 martinp martinp?wanadoo@nl 1 2 - - Mary mlmbaker?freeuk@moc 1 4 4 4 Michaelangelo mikenagel?btinternet@moc 1 2 3 4 Mike Clouston mike?mike-clouston@oc@ku 1 2 3 4 Mike Fleming mike?tauzero@oc@ku 2 1 4 3 Mike Henry {$usenet$}?mrtickle@demon@oc@ku 4 1 2 3 Mike PC mikepc?tiscali@oc@ku 1 3 2 4 Mike Tullett mtullett?ntlworld@moc 1 2 3 4 Molly Mockford molly?mockfords@clara@oc@ku - - - - Morningsun grace@clarke?lineone@ten 1 2 3 4 Mudge peter?ringtail@fsnet@oc@ku 1 2 3 4 Murray J Macnab mjmacnab?ntlworld@moc 1 2 3 4 ned alan@dale?lineone@ten 1 2 3 4 Neil Ellwood cne?netmatters@oc@ku 1 2 4 4 Neil Fernandez ncf?borve@demon@oc@ku 1 1 3 4 Nigel Ashton nigel?nigelashton@demon@oc@ku 4 1 3 2 Pam stoke3?ntlworld@moc 1 2 3 4 parrotfish parrotfish?lineone@ten 1 2 3 4 Patrick Herring anweald?ntlworld@moc 1 3 2 4 paul {voter}?watman@clara@oc@ku 1 4 2 3 Paul C. Dickie pcd?bozzie@demon@oc@ku 3 4 1 2 Paul Cummins paul?cummins@ie@eu@gro - - 2 1 Paul Giverin paul?giverin@oc@ku 1 2 3 4 Peter Carter levetis?ntlworld@moc 1 2 3 4 Peter Smyth psmyth?gmx@ten 4 1 3 2 peter.trentham peter@trentham?lineone@ten 1 2 3 4 Phil Todd phil?smallgods@gro@ku 2 1 3 4 Phil Wade phil?pooters@gro 1 2 3 4 Philip Powell philip?blencathra@gro@ku 1 2 3 4 plod paul@j@clark?ntlworld@moc 1 4 3 2 {R} {R}?semolina@gro 4 3 2 1 ray ray?dream-weaver@moc 1 2 3 4 Richard Clayton richard?highwayman@moc 4 3 1 2 Richard Kettlewell richard+upsy01?sfere@greenend@gro@ku 2 2 1 2 Robbie robbie?arrakis@un 4 3 2 1 Sandra grizwald?lineone@ten 1 2 3 4 Sandy Tomkins sandytomkins?thefreeinternet@oc@ku 1 2 3 4 Sgath Faol Admin?CelticShadows@oc@ku 1 2 3 4 Shane Matthews usenet?cluelessweasels@moc 3 1 3 2 sleeco sleeco?lineone@ten - - - - squire squireb?bryhod99@demon@oc@ku 4 4 1 1 Steph Peters steph?sandbenders@demon@oc@ku 4 3 2 1 steve steve?rawlinson@demon@oc@ku 1 - - - steve peake steve?puppet-head@oc@ku 1 4 3 2 Terry terryponsford?blueyonder@oc@ku 1 2 3 4 The Barsteward stevebakerj?lineone@ten 1 2 4 4 the kat the@kat?ntalk@gro 1 2 3 4 Thomas Lee tfl?psp@oc@ku 4 1 2 3 Tickettyboo tickettyboo?ntlworld@moc 1 2 3 4 Tim Emanuel tim?cantona@gro@ku 4 2 3 1 Tony tony?darkstorm@oc@ku - - - - Tony Walton tony@walton?sun@oc@ku 4 3 2 1 Tr@cie tracie?london@moc 1 2 3 4 shaz shaz6?btinternet@moc 1 2 3 4 Trevor swanley?btinternet@moc 1 2 3 4 Wm tcnw41?tarrcity@demon@oc@ku - - 2 1 wrinklie one jf@howarth?btinternet@moc 1 2 3 4 Zonky zonky?teletubbies@ten 4 3 1 2 Invalid votes: Flying Nun 2001 flyingnun?tiscal@oc@ku ack bounced oldrose oldrose?aol@moc ack bounced Flying Rat flyingrat?btconnect@moc ack bounced ====================================================================== VOTETAKER'S COMMENTS This was one of the more awkward votes I've had to deal with. Due to the unavailability of the original votetaker, a lot of people had revoted as they were under the impression that their initial vote had not got through. This meant a much larger than usual number of superseded votes, as well as some test messages designed to trigger the original autoresponder. Some voters used voting names that included non-ascii characters. These have had to be rendered in ascii for the purposes of the results posting, so it's possible that some names are not quite as their owners would prefer them to be. ====================================================================== VOTING AND APPEAL GUIDELINES This vote was conducted by a neutral third party member of UKVoting. UKVoting is a group of independent votetakers who count votes on behalf of the uk.* hierarchy and other 3rd parties. The rules under which votes for the uk.* hierarchy are taken are posted regularly to or can be found at the following URL: The UKVoting web pages can be found at There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted to Allegations of irregularity should be sent to ====================================================================== RATIONALE AND PROPOSAL FROM THE CFV RATIONALE: This follows on from the original RFD for uk.people.silversurfers and the 2nd RFD, for uk.people.young-at-heart. The momentum behind this RFD was the decision of one ISP to replace a closed newsgroup with a web based view only forum, which is unacceptable to the majority of existing members. A move to the uk.* hierarchy would not only allow them to maintain their collective identity but also provide the opportunity for posters from the wider usenet community to participate. PROPOSED CHARTER: Newsgroups line: uk.people.silversurfers Advice and chat for older internet users CHARTER: uk.people.silversurfers uk.people.silversurfers is a forum for the discussion of matters relating to getting older and not wanting to be left behind in a technological world. This may include but is not limited to non-technical advice, mentoring in any related subject and general discussion about getting older. Although primarily intended to assist people coming to terms with getting older contributions from people of all ages are welcome. Advertising Advertising is forbidden. Binaries & Formatting Encoded binaries (e.g. pictures, compressed files, etc.) are forbidden. Such material belongs on a web or FTP site to which a pointer may be posted. Cryptographic signatures (e.g. PGP) may be used where authentication is important and should be as short as possible. Posts must be readable as plain text. HTML, RTF and similarly formatted messages are prohibited. To see how to make some common newsreaders comply with this, read . Warning Anyone posting contrary to this charter may be reported to their "postmaster" and/or Service Provider. END CHARTER. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP 6.5.1i Charset: noconv iQCVAwUBPFWqYmOfGXkh8vHZAQExWQP/cnxBg8G5kLkcZSPWjL/SmnqYeQ5slai1 wTFLK139vtt11w60tWhNiUzo5lK8mgvZZMiuneN7gL/bezqMOkSS+Gdy5Raliawg QibkqWz7fTYyXQe0pz9OAzGO3Zl2l3BqkxmRjsHTRs+uVonuJYhGawvTUS+PbaKZ A0KA4uOkOY4= =nuWb -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----