31 May 2000: Create Group uk.media.tv.farscape

From: From: Robbie Irvine <r.irvine@ukvoting.org.uk>
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 18:28:55 GMT
Subject: RESULT uk.media.tv.sf.farscape passes 54:4
Newsgroups: uk.net.news.announce,uk.net.news.config,uk.media.tv.sf.misc



Summary: Creation of uk.media.tv.sf.farscape

Creation of uk.media.tv.sf.farscape PASSES 54:4

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Voting closed at 23:59:59 BST, 26th May 2000.

Proponent: jeff walsh <jeff.walsh@btinternet.com>
Votetaker: Robbie Irvine <r.irvine@ukvoting.org.uk>

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uk.net.news.announce, uk.net.news.config, uk.media.tv.sf.misc

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The Results:

The results follow below, with the rationale and charter from the last
Request for Discussion beneath them for informational purposes.

PROPOSAL - Creation of uk.media.tv.sf.farscpe

    YES : 54 
     NO :  4 
Invalid :  0 
  Total : 62 

YES beat NO by a majority of 50 votes. For group passage, YES votes
must be the majority of all valid (YES and NO) votes. There must also
be 12 more YES votes than NO votes.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

uk.media.tv.sf.farscape Final Vote Ack

James Farrar         flynny#redhotant/koco            a
jezza                jezza#hotwells/freeserve/koco    a
Richard Kettlewell   rjk+umtf01#sfere/greenend/rog/uk a
Thomas Lee           tfl#psp/koco                     a
Andrew Hartley       andrew#eastupham/freeserve/koco  n
Andrew Stoker        andrew#peek-a-boo/rog/uk         n
Jon Thomson          jon#thomson2273/freeserve/koco   n
tobias erle          vote-uk#kholdan/snafu/de         n
Aidan Folkes         aidan#celestis/freeserve/koco    y
Alex D. Baxter       alex-news#oenone/demon/koco      y
Alex LaHurreau       alexdw#locle/nt                  y
alien                alien#alien8e/nt                 y
Andrew Wright        andrew#stardock/u-neto/cm        y
Anthony Naggs        ubikuity#my-Dejao/cm             y
Arwel Parry          arwel#cartref/demon/koco         y
B Jillians           Neil/Horlock#mcmailo/cm          y
Bruce Grant          bgrant#furhold/ifb/koco          y
Callum Noble         callumnoble#bigfooto/cm          y
Cathy Higgins        cathy/higgins#virgine/nt         y
Chris Chapman        clc#cs/nott/uk/edu               y
Colin Wightman       colin#kilroy/demon/koco          y
Damien Ryan          djryan#indigo/ie                 y
dave                 dbrown#newdawn/u-neto/cm         y
Dave Hughes          troubleshooter#clara/koco        y
David Bloomfield     dave#b-field/demon/koco          y
David Brain          david#atlan/cix/koco             y
David Keymer         d/p/keymer#rl/uk/edu             y
David Mahon          dmahon#amigo/demon/koco          y
Dazzler              darren#sar/dera/gov/uk           y
Eddie Cochrane       eddiec#cobrabay/rog              y
Gareth Kitchener     gjk#bigfooto/cm                  y
Iain Clark           iain/clark10#virgine/nt          y
James Beal           jbeal#adaptivebroadband/koco     y
James Coupe          james#zephyr/rog/uk              y
James Creswell       jamjar#uniservityo/cm            y
JamesG               jamesg#jag7/freeserve/koco       y
Jeff Walsh           jeff/walsh#btinterneto/cm        y
John C. Elliott      orac#worldonline/koco            y
Kate Blackie         cmblackie#btinterneto/cm         y
Liz Batty            liz#westhoughton/demon/koco      y
Mark Blunden         mark_b#btinterneto/cm            y
Mark Eller           Mark#ellmar/demon/koco           y
Matthew Hambley      snowyowl#therealm/freeserve/koco y
Max Planck           max#lv426/karoo/koco             y
Mike Fleming         mike#tauzero/koco                y
Nick O'Brien         N/G/J/OBrien#reading/uk/edu      y
orangepeel           orangep33l#btinterneto/cm        y 
Paul Dawson          p/dawson#agamenon/demon/koco     y
Peter Scarisbrick    pjsnash#globalnet/koco           y
Rebecca Stacey       becky#chocolate/demon/koco       y
Roger                roger_p#rbpc/demon/koco          y
sam                  sam#cricketgameso/cm             y
Sarah Reeson         sarah#gubbinse/nt                y
Sarah Walsh          homework#handbago/cm             y
Sean Harry           SeanHarry#aolo/cm                y
Stephen Clifford     stephen#qwangoo/cm               y
Steve Peake          puppet#dial/pipexo/cm            y
Tez Boyes            tez#pierrot/koco                 y
Toni Moore           PKTekGirl#netscapeonline/koco    y
Tony                 tony#tagman/demon/koco           y
VinceH               vinceh#softrock/koco             y
Will Sheward         will#willsworlde/nt              y

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Votetakers Comments:

This was a simple vote with only a couple of minor problems, which the
voters corrected and resubmitted.

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uk.media.tv.sf.farscape Farscape sci-fi tv series as screened in the UK

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uk.media.tv.sf.farscape is for discussion of the Farscape sci-fi tv
series as screened in the UK.

No posts should be made referencing episodes that have yet to be shown
on UK television.

Relevant advertising is permitted, providing that such advertisements
are short (ie under 10 lines) and are preceded by "AD: " in the Subject:
line.  Advertisements are not to be reposted more frequently than once
every three months.

All posts must be in plain text. Attachments, binaries, HTML and other
types of formatted text are not permitted.  However, short (under four-
line) references to relevant FTP-able material and web URLs are welcome.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
This vote was conducted by a neutral third party member of UKVoting.
UKVoting is a group of independent votetakers who count votes on CFVs
in the uk hierarchy.  The rules under which this vote is taken are
posted regularly to uk.net.news.announce or can be found at the
following URL:

There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted to
uk.net.news.announce.  Allegations of irregularity should be sent to

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