15 May 1996: uk.comp.os.linux

RESULT: uk.comp.os.linux PASSES 294:13
Author:   Rod Ellery - Vlounteer Votetaker 
Email: ukvoting@ellery.demon.co.uk 
Date: 1996/05/15 
Forums: uk.net.news.config, uk.net.news.announce, demon.ip.support.unix, demon.tech.unix  
Message-ID:   <result-uk.comp.os.linux-960515-075015@usenet.org.uk> 



             Creating new newsgroup uk.comp.os.linux

Voting closed 23:59:59 GMT, 10th May 1996.

This vote was conducted by a neutral third party member of UK-VOTING. 
UK-VOTING is a group of independent votetakers who count votes on CFV's in
the uk hierarchy. The rules under which this vote was taken are posted 
regularly to uk.net.news.announce or can be found at the following URL:

For voting questions only contact ukvoting@ellery.demon.co.uk (Rod Ellery).
For questions about the new newsgroup contact the proposer who is
Ian Chard <ian@tanagra.demon.co.uk>

SUMMARY: Creation of uk.comp.os.linux PASSES 294:13

For Group Passage, the sum of votes for a proposal must be 12 greater than
the number of votes against group creation.

There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.  If 
no serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the group will 
be created shortly thereafter. Allegations of irregularity should be sent 
to control@usenet.org.uk.

Distribution:   uk.net.news.announce, uk.net.news.config,demon.tech.unix
-------------   also separately to:
                comp.os.linux.announce, linux-uk-discuss@mailbase.ac.uk

One Line Summary:
   uk.comp.os.linux Discussion of the Linux operating system

   The Linux operating system has a considerable following in
   the UK, and discussion of local issues is not overly welcomed
   in the current newsgroups (comp.os.linux.*).  There are several
   major topics of UK interest (availability of Linux in the UK,
   comparison of UK distributions, internationalisation for the UK,
   UK user groups and so forth) that would benefit from a uk.*

   This newsgroup is proposed for discussion of the Linux operating
   system, with its focus on aspects of its use in the UK.

   Discussion of Linux distribution vendors in the UK, user groups, and
   other UK-related issues is welcome.  Requests for help and
   discussion of technical issues is also welcome, but discussions of
   Linux kernel development should be held in the international groups,
   as this activity is coordinated over a wide area.

   Short (<20 lines) announcements of events and advertising from
   manufacturers and resellers of Linux-related products (e.g.
   distributions) in the UK are permitted.  Advertising aimed at a
   non-UK-specific audience is not permitted.

   Binaries are not permitted, however references to FTPable material
   and WWW URLs are welcome.  Short samples of source code (<30 lines)
   may be used to illustrate a point, but anything longer should be
   referenced by a pointer.




The following list of addresses is copyright 1996 Rod Ellery. Use for
any purpose other than verifying the vote for this newsgroup is prohibited.

Votes Processed

100121.17@compuserve.com                        (Roy Eastwood)            Y
93djh2@eng.cam.ac.uk                            (Dave Holland)            Y
A.J.Martin@qmw.ac.uk                            (A.J.Martin)              Y
abealea@cix.compulink.co.uk                     (Andrew Beale)            Y
ac8@soas.ac.uk                                  (Aaron Crane)             Y
adrian@westfld.demon.co.uk                      (Adrian James)            Y
ajr93@ecs.soton.ac.uk                           (Alistair J Riddoch)      Y
ajs6@leicester.ac.uk                            (Andrew Stoker)           Y
ajt@terlecki.demon.co.uk                        (Tony Terlecki)           Y
al2@cix.compulink.co.uk                         (Alan Salmon)             Y
Alan@harding.demon.co.uk                        (Alan Harding)            Y
alaric@harlech.demon.co.uk                      (Iain Bowen)              Y
alba@easynet.co.uk                              (John & Debbie Dow)       Y
Alec@tca.co.uk                                  (Alec Clews)              Y
Alex.Butcher@bristol.ac.uk                      (Alex Butcher)            Y
alfie@alfie.demon.co.uk                         (Nick Holloway)           Y
allison@kaiwan009.kaiwan.com                    (Tyler Allison)           Y
alt@openplus.co.uk                              (Andy Thomas)             Y
amb@gedanken.demon.co.uk                        (Andrew M. Bishop)        Y
andie@memex.co.uk                               (Andie Ness)              Y
andrew@astilla.demon.co.uk                      (Andrew Bate)             Y
andrew@harlequin.co.uk                          (Andrew Aitchison)        Y
andrew@hougie.co.uk                             (Andrew Hougie)           Y
andrewl@hpqs0087.sqf.hp.com                     (Andrew Lehane)           Y
andy@oznet.demon.co.uk                          (Andy Osborne)            Y
angus@bmsysltd.demon.co.uk                      (Angus Wood)              Y
anrepb@which.co.uk                              (Ben Anrep)               Y
apc5@aber.ac.uk                                 (Alan Chapman)            Y
armand.sarkissian@materials.oxford.ac.uk        (Armand Sarkissian)       Y
athan@mersinet.co.uk                            (Neil Soveran-Charley)    Y
athula@cs.keele.ac.uk                           (Athula Herath)           Y
B.Karlsen@dcs.shef.ac.uk                        (Brian Karlsen)           Y
ba@jb.man.ac.uk                                 (Bryan Anderson)          Y
bash@bash.demon.co.uk                           (Bashir Akram)            Y
bkm@star.rl.ac.uk                               (Brian McIlwrath)         Y
bly@star.rl.ac.uk                               (Martin Bly)              Y
boris@warwick.ac.uk                             (Boris Muzykantskii)      Y
boyer@rd.bbc.co.uk                              (John Boyer)              Y
bweir@birchlea.demon.co.uk                      (Barclay Weir)            Y
c.malarky@dcs.napier.ac.uk                      (Chris Malarky)           Y
ccaamgw@ucl.ac.uk                               (Mr Martin G Williams)    Y
ccx004@coventry.ac.uk                           (Colin Bruce)             Y
cedric@easynet.co.uk                            (Cedric Edwards)          Y
ceejbh@cee.hw.ac.uk                             (Joachim Berdal Haga)     Y
cgood@armltd.co.uk                              (Chris Good)              Y
charles@fma.com                                 (Charlie Stross)          Y
chris@mousemat.demon.co.uk                      (Chris Ames)              Y
chris@rivers.dra.hmg.gb                         (Christopher Samuel)      Y
chriss@resharp.demon.co.uk                      (Christopher Sharp)       Y
cla@ducksrv1_po.uk.bis.adp.com                  (Christian Langlois)      Y
Claude@optimage.demon.co.uk                     (Claude Masseron)         Y
clive@epos.demon.co.uk                          (Clive Messer)            Y
cm2bcajt@bs47c.staffs.ac.uk                     (Andy Thomas)             Y
colin@growlers.demon.co.uk                      (Colin Mitchell)          Y
colin@mellifluous.europe.dg.com                 (Colin Smith)             Y
collyers@hursley.ibm.com                        (Stephen Collyer)         Y
cook@progress.demon.co.uk                       (Chris Cook)              Y
crn@netix.telecall.co.uk                        (C. Newport)              Y
csc5sjn@leeds.ac.uk                             (Stuart Nuttall)          Y
cyber_surfer@wildcard.demon.co.uk               (Martin Rodgers)          Y
d.hanlon@spanish.bbk.ac.uk                      (David Hanlon)            Y
D.J.Beckett@ukc.ac.uk                           (Dave Beckett)            Y
D.J.Wilkinson@durham.ac.uk                      (Darren J Wilkinson)      Y
d.love@dl.ac.uk                                 (Dave Love)               Y
d.shields@ic.ac.uk                              (Daniel Shields)          Y
dac@cs.strath.ac.uk                             (David Clark)             Y
dajdavies@cix.compulink.co.uk                   (Andy Davies)             Y
dan@dangl.demon.co.uk                           (Dan Glover)              Y
darren@nitebeat.demon.co.uk                     (Darren Guiden)           Y
darren@xarius.demon.co.uk                       (Darren J Moffat)         Y
dave@hamilton.demon.co.uk                       (David Hamilton)          Y
dave@tigcomms.demon.co.uk                       (David Haworth)           Y
davep@hagbard.demon.co.uk                       (Dave Pearson)            Y
david@prism.demon.co.uk                         (David Metcalfe)          Y
David@zeras.demon.co.uk                         (David Zeraschi)          Y
davtom@drmach.demon.co.uk                       (David J. Thomas)         Y
derek@knosof.co.uk                              (Derek Jones)             Y
dirkp@pc54.ph.rhbnc.ac.uk                       (Dirk Peter van der Werf) Y
djw2@ukc.ac.uk                                  (David Warman)            Y
dmitri@entersys.demon.co.uk                     (Dmitri Barsoukov)        Y
dom@myrddin.demon.co.uk                         (Dominic Mitchell)        Y
duncan@spd.eee.strath.ac.uk                     (Duncan C THOMSON)        Y
edmund@edmund1.demon.co.uk                      (Edmund C Featherstone)   Y
eesrjhc@ee.bath.ac.uk                           (R J Hill-Cottingham)     Y
emkxp01@mtcc.demon.co.uk                        (Keith Parks)             Y
esrhp@csv.warwick.ac.uk                         (Mr M A Craven)           Y
evilandi@cimmerii.demon.co.uk                   (Andrew R. Oakley)        Y
firth@troika.demon.co.uk                        (Bob Firth)               Y
g093@uea.ac.uk                                  (Andrew Savory)           Y
gadams@ddrive.demon.co.uk                       (Graham Adams)            Y
gaf@ast.ma.umist.ac.uk                          (Gary Fuller)             Y
gavinjw@rab.co.uk                               (Gavin J. Whatrup)        Y
geoff@palaemon.demon.co.uk                      (Geoff Blake)             Y
george@gpdesign.demon.co.uk                     (George Poulson)          Y
Gerard@galatham.demon.co.uk                     (Gerard Alan Latham)      Y
ghemming@pavilion.co.uk                         (Graham Hemmings)         Y
ghughes@cix.compulink.co.uk                     (G. Hughes)               Y
gjudd@enterprise.net                            (Graham Judd)             Y
gps@trix.dircon.co.uk                           (Graham Swallow)          Y
gre@mtits.co.uk                                 (Gwyn Evans)              Y
gunnar@aladdin.co.uk                            (Gunnar Hilmarsson)       Y
h.hidouci@ic.ac.uk                              (Hacene Hidouci)          Y
hawza@joep.easynet.co.uk                        (Joe Warren-Meeks)        Y
iain@yoshac.demon.co.uk                         (Iain W. Barker)          Y
iainr@civ.hw.ac.uk                              (Iain Rae)                Y
ian@achrn.demon.co.uk                           (Ian Smith)               Y
ian@chiark.chu.cam.ac.uk                        (Ian Jackson)             Y
ian@dungeon.demon.co.uk                         (Ian Kershaw)             Y
ian@emit.demon.co.uk                            (Ian McConnell)           Y
idaniel@jesus.ox.ac.uk                          (Illtud Daniel)           Y
interlink@cix.compulink.co.uk                   (Sean Pearce)             Y
ivor@club.demon.co.uk                           (Ivor Peksa)              Y
j.farringdon@psychol.ucl.ac.uk                  (Jonny Farringdon)        Y
james@corp.netcom.net.uk                        (James Fidell)            Y
jamest@iotia2.demon.co.uk                       (James R. R. Tullett)     Y
jason@zarniwop.demon.co.uk                      (Jason Elliott)           Y
jay@elec.gla.ac.uk                              (Jeppe Sigbrandt)         Y
jeremy@golem.easynet.fr                         (Jeremy lacroix)          Y
jfhall@avondale.demon.co.uk                     (John F Hall)             Y
jim@oxfordcc.co.uk                              (Jim Hague)               Y
jiml@eldorado.demon.co.uk                       (Jim Lambe)               Y
jipp@xs4all.nl                                  (Jip de Kort)             Y
jlarmour@origin-at.co.uk                        (Jonathan Larmour)        Y
jmbox@dcs.warwick.ac.uk                         (James Box)               Y
jml4@cus.cam.ac.uk                              (John Line)               Y
jmorrow@phobos.easynet.co.uk                    (John Morrow)             Y
jnw@phaedrus.demon.co.uk                        (Neville Wilford)         Y
joel@easynet.co.uk                              (Joel Benford)            Y
john@dbmx.com                                   (John Allen)              Y
john@linux.demon.co.uk                          (John Phillips)           Y
john@thebeard.demon.co.uk                       (John Robinson)           Y
jon@jonl.demon.co.uk                            (Jon Lacey)               Y
jon@neurodne.demon.co.uk                        (Jon Raymond)             Y
jon@veal.demon.co.uk                            (Jon Veal)                Y
jonsg@harlequin.co.uk                           (Jon S Green)             Y
jre@mail.nerc-murchison.ac.uk                   (Russ Evans)              Y
jsps@doc.ic.ac.uk                               (Jim Spender)             Y
julie@merp.demon.co.uk                          (Julie Brandon)           Y
jw@globalnet.co.uk                              (john wilkinson)          Y
JYoungman@vggas.com                             (James Youngman VGGAS)    Y
k-read@easynet.co.uk                            (Steve Read)              Y
K.Goh@tees.ac.uk                                (Kheng Guan Goh)          Y
Kai.Leibrandt@brunel.ac.uk                      (Kai Leibrandt)           Y
karw@lsi-logic.co.uk                            (kar-lik wong)            Y
kdg2@ukc.ac.uk                                  (Koryn Grant)             Y
Keith@khss.demon.co.uk                          (Keith Hardman)           Y
kevan@cibeles.demon.co.uk                       (Kevan Murphy)            Y
kfjones@dircon.co.uk                            (Ken Jones)               Y
L.P.OMard@lboro.ac.uk                           (Lowel P. O'Mard)         Y
LeBlanc@mcc.ac.uk                               (Dr. A.V. Le Blanc)       Y
leegibson@cix.compulink.co.uk                   (Lee Gibson)              Y
leigh@sauspan.demon.co.uk                       (Leigh Brown)             Y
levine@easynet.co.uk                            (Neil Levine)             Y
lm@iii.co.uk                                    (Lucas Maneos)            Y
loader@maths.ox.ac.uk                           (Ralph Loader)            Y
lorrie@mellers1.psych.berkeley.edu              (Lorrie Wood)             Y
ltb@haruspex.demon.co.uk                        (Leonard Blanks)          Y
m.dent@lancaster.ac.uk                          (Mike Dent)               Y
M.Humphrey@bradford.ac.uk                       (Mike Humphrey)           Y
malc@thing.demon.co.uk                          (Malc Arnold)             Y
Malcolm.Murphy@bristol.ac.uk                    (Malcolm Murphy)          Y
Mark.Phillips.3200938@bnr.ca                    (Mark Simon Phillips)     Y
mark.rigby-jones@keble.oxford.ac.uk             (Mark Rigby-Jones)        Y
Mark.Taylor@bristol.ac.uk                       (Mark Taylor)             Y
mark@acemake.com                                (Mark Adams)              Y
mark@alexr.co.uk                                (Mark Alexander)          Y
mark@chandler.demon.co.uk                       (Mark Chandler)           Y
mark@computerexperts.co.uk                      (Mark Sheppard)           Y
martin.c@zetnet.co.uk                           (Martin Callaghan)        Y
Martin.Houston@ukuug.org                        (Martin Houston)          Y
martink@argonaut.com                            (Martin Kite)             Y
mat@drake.sci.port.ac.uk                        (Mat Withers)             Y
Matt.Aubury@comlab.ox.ac.uk                     (Matt Aubury)             Y
mick@dcs.bbk.ac.uk                              (Mick Farmer)             Y
mike@duncodin.demon.co.uk                       (Mike Civil)              Y
mike@kempston.demon.co.uk                       (Mike Mann)               Y
mike@mikecat.demon.co.uk                        (Mike Cattell)            Y
mike@mmpintl.demon.co.uk                        (Mike Parker)             Y
mike@newjay.win-uk.net                          (Mile Jones)              Y
mike@tara.demon.co.uk                           (Mike Welch)              Y
Mike@tauzero.demon.co.uk                        (Mike Fleming)            Y
mike@teapots.demon.co.uk                        (Mike White)              Y
miked@ed.ac.uk                                  (Michael De La Rue)       Y
mistry@dmu.ac.uk                                (Raj Mistry)              Y
mjh@dcs.ed.ac.uk                                (Mark Hartswood)          Y
mjp@films.demon.co.uk                           (Mike Prudence)           Y
morgan@physics.ucla.edu                         (Andrew Morgan)           Y
mpk@eniac.demon.co.uk                           (Mike Knell)              Y
msmith@ml-associates.co.uk                      (Matthew Smith)           Y
msw@waldo.demon.co.uk                           (Mark Wickens)            Y
n.w.runham@bangor.ac.uk                         (Dr. N.W.Runham)          Y
nat@nataa.frmug.fr.net                          (Nat Makarevitch)         Y
neil@nook.demon.co.uk                           (Neil Trotter)            Y
neil@stuffing.demon.co.uk                       (Neil Matthews)           Y
nick@orpwood.demon.co.uk                        (Nicholas J Brealey)      Y
njl@tigatech.demon.co.uk                        (Nick Lambert)            Y
nn201@cus.cam.ac.uk                             (Nikhil Nair)             Y
npch@tardis.ed.ac.uk                            (Neil P. Chue Hong)       Y
oconnell@patrol.i-way.co.uk                     (Rob O'Connell)           Y
oliver@geography.leeds.ac.uk                    (Oliver Duke-Williams)    Y
P.A.Rubini@cranfield.ac.uk                      (P.A.Rubini)              Y
P.J.Vossler@exeter.ac.uk                        (Phil Vossler)            Y
P.W.Draper@durham.ac.uk                         (Peter W. Draper)         Y
patrick@haggard.psychol.ucl.ac.uk               (Patrick Haggard)         Y
paul.sharpe@mhm-internet.com                    (Paul Sharpe)             Y
Paul@elsinore.demon.co.uk                       (Paul Leader)             Y
paul@tiny1.demon.co.uk                          (Paul Dunne)              Y
paulc@cix.compulink.co.uk                       (Paul Crick)              Y
pburness@csh01.demon.co.uk                      (Philip Burness)          Y
pcl@sable.ox.ac.uk                              (Paul Leyland)            Y
pete@dcs.bbk.ac.uk                              (Peter A. Newson)         Y
pete@poohstix.demon.co.uk                       (Peter Boyd)              Y
pete@sidunk.demon.co.uk                         (Stuart Ian Dunk)         Y
peterg@reel.demon.co.uk                         (Peter Greenwood)         Y
philb@bnr.ca                                    (Philip Bingham)          Y
pi@macabre.demon.co.uk                          (M. A. Nymton             Y
piran@cogapp.com                                (Piran Montford)          Y
pq@cs.man.ac.uk                                 (Paul Quare)              Y
R.L.Hesketh@ukc.ac.uk                           (Richard Hesketh)         Y
r.mcpheat@strath.ac.uk                          (Robert McPheat)          Y
R.Tinsley@dcs.warwick.ac.uk                     (Bob Tinsley)             Y
raph@panache.demon.co.uk                        (Raphael Mankin)          Y
rda@kythera.demon.co.uk                         (Ray Auchterlounie)       Y
reavpar@ucl.ac.uk                               (Philip Riebold)          Y
RHODESL@novell1.rtc-carlow.ie                   (Lee Rhodes)              Y
Ric@diltd.demon.co.uk                           (Ric Harwood)             Y
Richard.Wood@ncl.ac.uk                          (Richard Wood)            Y
richard@beulah.demon.co.uk                      (Richard Robinson)        Y
richard@corixia.demon.co.uk                     (Richard Ashton)          Y
richard@elmail.co.uk                            (Richard Kettlewell)      Y
richard@stonix.demon.co.uk                      (Richard Lamont)          Y
richardp@macpress.demon.co.uk                   (Richard Padley)          Y
rick@stones.demon.co.uk                         (Rick Stones)             Y
rob@stonecot.demon.co.uk                        (Rob Murgatroyd)          Y
rob@tanstafl.demon.co.uk                        (Robert Collier)          Y
robert@robmcc.demon.co.uk                       (Robert McClintock)       Y
roland@painswik.demon.co.uk                     (Roland Hinkley)          Y
root@betty.compulink.co.uk                      (David Billington)        Y
root@intercom.demon.co.uk                       (Andy Jones)              Y
root@mathie.demon.co.uk                         (Graeme Mathieson)        Y
root@rcull.demon.co.uk                          (Rick Cull)               Y
rsimpson@ewrcsdra.demon.co.uk                   (Richard Simpson)         Y
russell@lutton.lls.com                          (Russell Brown)           Y
rwilson@marvin.enet.dec.com                     (Rob Wilson)              Y
S.Renals@dcs.shef.ac.uk                         (Steve Renals)            Y
sab@dcs.st-and.ac.uk                            (Stuart A. Blair)         Y
sabawi@ibm.net                                  (Al Sabawi)               Y
sal@dcs.st-and.ac.uk                            (Steve Linton)            Y
scoanc@cardiff.ac.uk                            (Andrew Cormack)          Y
sct@dcs.ed.ac.uk                                (Stephen C. Tweedie)      Y
sde1000@chiark.chu.cam.ac.uk                    (Stephen Early)           Y
sean_c@Oldham.gpsemi.com                        (Sean Connor)             Y
sh@elfland.demon.co.uk                          (Sean Holdsworth)         Y
shaw@cix.compulink.co.uk                        (Shaw Carruthers)         Y
simon@callan.demon.co.uk                        (Simon Callan)            Y
simon@galloway.co.uk                            (Simon Brooke)            Y
simon@mahayana.demon.co.uk                      (Simon Gray)              Y
Simon@sbarr.demon.co.uk                         (Simon Barr)              Y
skk@dcs.ed.ac.uk                                (Stephen Kitt)            Y
slewis@smartwar.demon.co.uk                     (Steve Lewis)             Y
sp106@unix.york.ac.uk                           (Stephen Parker)          Y
stephenb@scribendum.win-uk.net                  (Stephen Benson)          Y
steve.boardman@jrc.it                           (Steve BOARDMAN)          Y
steve.glover@ukonline.co.uk                     (Steve Glover)            Y
steve@cee.hw.ac.uk                              (Joachim Berdal Haga)     Y
steve@gridlock.demon.co.uk                      (Steve Tracey)            Y
steve@kalika.demon.co.uk                        (Stephen Kennedy)         Y
steve@riverbed.demon.co.uk                      (Steve Potter)            Y
steven.clarke@keble.oxford.ac.uk                (Steven Clarke)           Y
stuart@dcre.leeds.ac.uk                         (Stuart Butterfield)      Y
sweh@mpn.com                                    (Stephen Harris)          Y
t.gurney@cumbrae.cc.strath.ac.uk                (Tony Gurney)             Y
tbm@sypher.com                                  (Martin Michlmayr)        Y
tfj@apusapus.demon.co.uk                        (Trevor Jenkins)          Y
tgm@netcom.com                                  (Thomas G. McWilliams)    Y
tgold@microvst.demon.co.uk                      (Anthony R Gold)          Y
Tim.Perkins@ddg.phar.cam.ac.uk                  (Tim Perkins)             Y
Tim@mikebray.demon.co.uk                        (Tim Bray)                Y
tim@uniqueuk.co.uk                              (Tim Tipple)              Y
tom@linuxbbs.demon.co.uk                        (Tom Crossland)           Y
tomw@tsys.demon.co.uk                           (Tom Wheeley)             Y
tony@softins.tcp.co.uk                          (Tony Mountifield)        Y
tonymo@dmv.co.uk                                (Tony Mountifield)        Y
u5rmc@csc.liv.ac.uk                             (R.M. Cohen)              Y
U9429255@Queens-Belfast.AC.UK                   (Simon McCartney)         Y
ulle@daimi.aau.dk                               (Ulrik Skyt)              Y
vashti@drmach.demon.co.uk                       (Rachael Munns)           Y
vince@sevnseas.demon.co.uk                      (Vince Fletcher)          Y
walkertim@logica.com                            (Tim Walker)              Y
wish@dumain.demon.co.uk                         (Bill Hay)                Y
xiaokun@aero.gla.ac.uk                          (Xiaokun Zhu)             Y
Y.Cao@exeter.ac.uk                              (Yi Cao)                  Y
ymyuso%essex.ac.uk@mailhost.essex.ac.uk         (Yusseri Yusoff)          Y
zak@vision25.demon.co.uk                        (Cheradenine Zakalwe)     Y

adrian_joseph@il.us.swissbank.com               (Adrian Joseph)           N
casar@uni-mb.si                                 (Ales Casar)              N
Claire.Speed@mailhost.mcc.ac.uk                 (C Speed)                 N
dje@fges.demon.co.uk                            (David John Evans)        N
kor@PTT-Telecom.NL                              (Kor Gros)                N
martin@zamenhof.demon.co.uk                     (Martin Radford)          N
neil@easynet.co.uk                              (Neil J McRae)            N
opgenoorth@gmd.de                               (Heinrich Opgenoorth)     N
peterd@pnd-pc.demon.co.uk                       (Peter Denison)           N
psf@shellus.com                                 (Phil S. Fair)            N
simon@hopper.demon.co.uk                        (Simon Toomer)            N
theo@incore.xs4all.nl                           (Theo van der Kruis)      N
zodiac@serum.demon.co.uk                        (Laurie Harper)           N

swfb@bokop.win-uk.net                           (S.W.F. Borthwick)        A

Votes Rejected
Eric S Roman <eroman@sanctuary>                 Inv. email address/bounced
hacene@Hoggar.ps.ic.ac.uk (Hacene)              Inv. email address/bounced
<gi4gov@man-i3.zetnet.co.uk>                    Inv. email address/bounced

oper@Hoggar.ps.ic.ac.uk (Operator)              Ballot Form Not Completed
murphys@ultranet.com (Shawn J. Murphy)          Ballot Form Not Completed

J <jong@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk>                      Real Name Not Supplied
root <root@byteelec.demon.co.uk>                Real Name Not Supplied

Votetaker Comments:

This is, I believe, the largest poll ever achieved in a UK newsgroup
vote and, given the figures, probably one of the least contentious.

Rod Ellery. UKVOTING Volunteer Votetaker <ukvoting@ellery.demon.co.uk>
Private mail to <rod@ellery.demon.co.uk>


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