01 Oct 2001: Amend the UK Usenet Committee document (Newsadmin Seats)
From: Malcolm Mladenovic <m.mladenovic@ukvoting.org.uk>
Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2001 21:32:43 +0100
Subject: Result: Amend the UK Usenet Committee document (Newsadmin Seats): proposal passes
Newsgroups: uk.net.news.announce,uk.net.news.config,uk.net.news.management
Amend the UK Usenet Committee document (Newsadmin Seats)
Summary: Proposal passes - Yes: 36 No: 15 Abstain: 4
There were 21 more 'yes' votes than 'no' votes, and a majority of 12 is
required for the proposal to pass.
Voting closed 23:59:59 BST on Fri, 14th Sep, 2001.
Primary Votetaker: Malcolm Mladenovic <m.mladenovic@ukvoting.org.uk>
Secondary Votetaker: Alex Holden <admin-unc@alex-holden.org.uk>
Proponent: Peter Smyth <psmyth@ukf.net>
uk.net.news.announce, uk.net.news.config, uk.net.news.management
1. Particulars of the Vote
- ---------------------------
Name E-mail address Vote
Alan Ford alan.sks.whirlnet.co.uk ABSTAIN
Glenys Pople gkp.bna.howfen.demon.co.uk ABSTAIN
James Coupe james.atje.zephyr.org.uk ABSTAIN
Tony Evans tony.sic.darkstorm.co.uk ABSTAIN
Andrew Gierth andrew.erlenstar.spl.demon.co.uk NO
Charles Lindsey chl.clw.cs.wor.man.ac.uk NO
Charles Bryant comnews.vote.ch.vrc.chch.demon.co.uk NO
Dave Sparks Dave.Sparks.sisyphus.dfesb.demon.co.uk NO
Graham Drabble graham.drabble.soi.lineone.net NO
Ian Jackson ijackson.bnt.chiark.greenend.org.uk NO
Justa Lurker jlurker.bigfoot.giewh.com NO
Peter Parry peter.wpp.ltd.sdopi.uk NO
Pekka P. Pirinen ppp.edrai.pirinen.demon.co.uk NO
Richard Clayton richard.rlh.highwayman.com NO
Robbie Irvine robbie.lssp.arrakis.nu NO
Colin Rosenstiel rosenstiel.ripd.cix.co.uk NO
{R} {R}.vote.semolina.hda.org NO
T Lee tfl.secv.psp.co.uk NO
Barry Salter ukvotes.bmff.salterg.demon.co.uk NO
Iain Bowen alaric.cgvvv.alaric.org.uk YES
Alex D. Baxter alex-news.pfl.oenone.demon.co.uk YES
Andrew Hartley andy.jwsna.eastupham.freeserve.co.uk YES
Andy Mabbett andy.bejno.pigsonthewing.org.uk YES
Barry Dorrans barryd.nlw.bann.co.uk YES
bigegg bigegg.asvlh.hardboiled.org.uk YES
Chris Bannister cj.dkd.moodog.org.uk YES
Denis Mcmahon denis.pickaxe.eiine.demon.co.uk YES
rachel walmsley flossie.sykt.sheepish.org.uk YES
Geoff Berrow geoff.efuap.hten.org.uk YES
Charles F Hankel hankel.freedombird.hbpna.net YES
Dave Fawthrop hyphen.fbtlg.hyphenologist.co.uk YES
J M Kemp James.etkbu.none.org.uk YES
Jezza jezza.khob.hotwells.freeserve.co.uk YES
Jonathan Wheeler J.F.hod.Wheeler.rl.ac.uk YES
Jack Howard jhoward.firstnet.net.fbncn.uk YES
Jon Thomson jon.thomson2273.imsr.freeserve.co.uk YES
Steve Firth mail.pseyk.malloc.co.uk YES
Michael Farthing mf.tkyyt.cyclades.demon.co.uk YES
Mike Fleming mike.iip.tauzero.co.uk YES
Molly Mockford molly.mockfords.wttss.clara.co.uk YES
David Mahon nadmin_dmahon.bepi.amigo.co.uk YES
Neil Fernandez ncf.borve.lkla.demon.co.uk YES
Batch {$news$}.bifs.rubious.demon.co.uk YES
Nick Leverton nick.leverton.mln.org YES
Nigel Ashton nigel.nigelashton.icne.demon.co.uk YES
Owen Rees owenrees.waitrose.shp.com YES
Peter Gradwell peter.gradwell.mgekp.com YES
Peter J Ross peter.j.ross.btinternet.llp.com YES
Peter Sullivan peter.eks.manorcon.demon.co.uk YES
Philip Powell philip.btst.blencathra.org.uk YES
philip page philip.j.page.atn.btinternet.com YES
Peter Smyth psmyth.psh.ukf.net YES
Six six.lnf.screamingeagle.1to1.org YES
Wm tcnw41.tarrcity.smmgn.demon.co.uk YES
Eddie Bernard usenet.ebernard.greatxscape.meek.net YES
2. Votetaker's Comments
- ------------------------
No bounced acks. One person voted 4 times (all the same way).
One ballot paper was received after the vote closed. Examination of
the headers indicated that the e-mail arrived on the voter's ISP
some time after the deadline and so that vote had to be discarded.
3. Voting and Appeal Guidelines
- --------------------------------
This vote was conducted by a neutral third party member of UKVoting.
UKVoting is a group of independent votetakers who count votes on
behalf of the uk.* hierarchy and other 3rd parties.
The rules under which votes for the uk.* hierarchy are taken are
posted regularly to uk.net.news.announce or can be found at the
following URL:
The UKVoting web pages can be found at <http://www.ukvoting.org.uk/>
There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted
to uk.net.news.announce.
Allegations of irregularity should be sent to control@usenet.org.uk.
- ------------
Change the Membership section to read as follows
There shall be two classes of member of the Committee.
1) Permanent Members
The UK Network is topologically a star network, with a few central sites
on an "inner ring" who feed news to their own branches, and with
relatively little cross-communication between branches away from the
root. Inevitably, those few central sites are in a position to control
what goes out to their own branches, and are therefore classified as
Major Service Providers.
The Committee shall include, as Permanent Members, one representative of
each Major Service Provider, up to a maximum of 4 permanent members.
2) Open Members
An Open Member is any person who is a reader of uk.* articles. There
shall be 9 Open Members.
At each annual Committee Election, all open members who have served a
full 3 year term shall retire from the Committee. If at this point there
are fewer than three vacant seats then the longest serving member(s) will
retire (ties to be broken by lot) as needed to create three vacant seats.
Retiring members shall be eligible for re-election.
Any newsadmin members already on the Committee will be allowed to
serve out their term as open members but no new newsadmins members
will be elected as from the date this proposal is adopted.
Also to remove all reference to the newsadmin class from the rest of the
Change the last sentence of the 'Co-opting Committee Members' section to read
The committee has the authority to co-opt members for the Open class.
Change subsection 1) of the 'Elections' section to read
1) Each year during September, Control shall post (on behalf of UKVoting) to
uk.net.news.announce a call for nominations for the Open class of members.
Nominations shall remain open for three weeks, and each candidate must
and delete the phrase 'in any class' from the first paragraph of subsection
2) of the 'Elections' section.
and delete the last paragraph of subsection 4) of the 'Elections' section.
- --
Malcolm Mladenovic, <m.mladenovic@ukvoting.org.uk>
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