26 Oct 2000: uk.* Committee 2000 elections
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From: Robert Irvine <r.irvine@ukvoting.org.uk>
Newsgroups: uk.net.news.announce,uk.net.news.config,uk.net.news.manageme
Subject: RESULT: UK Usenet Committee Elections 2000
Followup-To: uk.net.news.management
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 13:49:50 +0100
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Summary of Committee Elections
Open Class: The following people are elected All to serve
until End Dec 2003:
As Open Class Candidates
David Mayall
Jack Howard
As a News Class Candidate:
The following person was elected unopposed
Peter Corlett
- --------------------------------------------------------------
Voting closed at 23:59:59 BST, 22nd October 2000.
Initial Primary Votetaker: r.irvine@ukvoting.org.uk (Robbie Irvine)
Secondary Votetaker: b.salter@ukvoting.org.uk (Barry Salter)
- --------------------------------------------------------------
uk.net.news.announce, uk.net.news.config, uk.net.news.management
- --------------------------------------------------------------
The Results:
The results follow below in the following order:
1) Result
2) Particulars of the Vote
3) Votetakers comments
4) Voting and Appeal guidelines
5) Committee Elections Guidelines
1) Result
N.B. Please find below a summarised set of the Results for the 2000
Committee Elections.
Round 1.
1) Eddie Bernard
2) Charles F Hankel
3) Dave Mayall
4) Jack Howard
5) Andy Roberts
Total votes cast: 245
Initial distribution of primary votes from no votes cast:
Transfer 17 to EB at 1
Transfer 35 to CFH at 1
Transfer 134 to DM at 1
Transfer 38 to JH at 1
Transfer 21 to AR at 1
Non-transferrable: 0
Candidate EB: 17
Candidate CFH: 35
Candidate DM: 134
Candidate JH: 38
Candidate AR: 21
Quota to be Elected: 81.67
Candidate 3, Dave Mayall is elected
Distribution of surplus of 52.33 for 3:
Non-transferrable: 6
Transfer 3 to EB at value of 0.40
Transfer 125 to JH at value of 0.40
Transfer 1 to AR at value of 0.40
Status of second Round:
Non-transferrable: 6
Candidate AR: 18.20
Candidate CFH: 35
Candidate DM: 134 (elected)
Candidate JH: 88
Candidate AR: 21.40
Quota: 81.67
Candidate 4, Jack Howard is elected
The election is concluded with Dave Mayall and Jack Howard elected
2) Particulars of the Vote
The following people posted valid votes which have gone ahead to be
245 Valid Votes Consisting of
Unconfirmed Usenet Presence
petermccoy#thefreeinternet/kc.ou Peter McCoy
duffield_john#si/ocm John Duffield
jmb#cedarbank81/fsnet/kc/ou Jenny
benny_tatchell#terra/spain Benny Tatchell
beos51#hotmail/ocm Be OS
ann/wood#pemail/ent Ann Wood
aharvey#aharvey/cjb/ent Alec Harvey
Confirmed Usenet Presence
murble#xencat/murble/rgo/ku William Boughton
awright#aire-worth/clara/kc/ou Tony Wright
tony#cats/tele2/kc/ou Tony Towers
tony#gardner214/freeserve/kc/ou Tony Gardner
tony#tagman/demon/kc/ou Tony Evans
tom#compton/nuie Tom Hughes
tlw#redowa/kc/ou Tim Willets
tim#snowgoons/fsnet/kc/ou Tim Walls
tim#sharrock/rgo/ku Tim Sharrock
tim#economic-truth/kc/ou Tim Miller
tmf#ecs/soton/uk/edu Tim Forcer
tfl#psp/kc/ou Thomas Lee
tez#pierrot/kc/ou Terrance Richard Boyes
susan#ashton/demon/kc/ou Susan Ashton
spod#venicones/demon/kc/ou Stuart O'Donnell
phupp#dsv1/kc/ou Stuart Millington
sjd117#york/uk/edu Stevie D
votes#stevey/demon/kc/ou Steve Yerbury
steve#wrightnet/demon/kc/ou Steve Wright
stephen_toledo_brown#uk/ibm/ocm Steve Toledo-Brown
steve#puppet-head/kc/ou Steve Peake
slewin#clara/kc/ou Steve Lewin
steve#thornet/kc/ou Steve Heaven
%steve%#malloc/kc/ou Steve Firth
stevea#deadly/kc/ou Steve Argyle
steve#rawlinson/demon/kc/ou steve
s/j/baird#btinternet/ocm Stephen Baird
stephenbowden#yahoo/ocm Stephen
squire#bryhod99/demon/kc/ou squire
six#screamingeagle/1to1/rog Six
simon#twoplaces/kc/ou Simon Turner
simon#star-one/rgo/ku simon gray
siderius/nuncius#tesco/ent Siderius Nuncius
serena#sblanchflower/freeserve/kc/ou Serena Blanchflower
sean/c#libertysurf/kc/ou Sean Casey
sarah#gubbins/ent Sarah Reeson
swfb#bokop/win-uk/ent S/W/F/ Borthwick
rpjs#kalevala/rgo/ku Roy Stilling
rossh#clara/ent Ross H
rosiem#stwerburgh/freedombird/ent Rosalind Mitchell
ronan#noc/ulcc/uk/edu Ronan Flood
roger#nospam/firedrake/rog Roger Burton West
rf#cl/cam/uk/edu Robin Fairbairns
r/todd#ntlworld/ocm Robert Todd
r/h/poole#aston/uk/edu Rob Poole
robert/linham#sjc/ox/uk/edu Rob Linham
ricka#globalnet/kc/ou Rick Ansell
richard-vote#illuin/rog Richard Letts
richard+com2kcfv#sfere/greenend/rgo/ku Richard Kettlewell
jrk#sys/uea/uk/edu Richard Kennaway
richard/horton#btinternet/ocm Richard Horton
richard/g#ntlworld/ocm Richard G
richard#turnpike/ocm Richard Clayton
philip#blencathra/rgo/ku Philip Powell
philwade#bigfoot/ocm Phil Wade
phil#saxmund/demon/kc/ou Phil Clark
peter#uk-hosting/rgo/ku Peter simons
peter#wpp/ltd/uk Peter Parry
peter#gradwell/ocm Peter Gradwell
peteralf#fabel/denmark Peter Alfredsen
pjd#notned/ent pete-d
penny#bredgar55/freeserve/kc/ou Penny Mayes
vote#womar/kc/ou Paul Womar
paul/trembath#lynx-heywood/kc/ou Paul Trembath
paul/rush#btinternet/ocm Paul Rush
paul#harrisp/demon/kc/ou Paul Harris
paul#pcserv/demon/kc/ou Paul Carpenter
pb10003#cam/uk/edu Paul Bolchover
paulbetteridge#kjoak/globalnet/kc/ou Paul Betteridge
paul#levante/demon/kc/ou Paul Baker
watman#clara/kc/ou paul
p/herring#dcs/shef/uk/edu Patrick Herring
alistair/gunn#energis-squared/ocm palmersperry
owenrees#waitrose/ocm Owen Rees
nick#nregan/kc/ou Nick Regan
themusicworkshop#cwcom/ent Nick Odell
neil_hopkins#msn/ocm Neil Hopkins
ncf#borve/demon/kc/ou Neil Fernandez
molly#mockfords/clara/kc/ou Molly Mockford
mike#mbreliance/demon/kc/ou Mike Thomas
mike#mikesounds/demon/kc/ou Mike McMillan
mike#tw2/ocm Mike Henry
mike#tauzero/freeserve/kc/ou Mike Fleming
mjc#mchome/kc/ou Mike Clements
mike#urgle/ocm Mike Bristow
michael#cavrdg/demon/kc/ou Michael Parry
mholcroft#peoplesrepublic/demon/kc/ou mholcroft
matthew#calmeilles/demon/kc/ou Matthew Malthouse
matt#guysfield/demon/kc/ou Matt Johnson
matt/foster#ed/uk/edu Matt Foster
mary#ajl-electronics/demon/kc/ou Mary Kemp
martinp#wanadoo/nl martinp
editor#navvies/demon/kc/ou Martin Ludgate
mark/wright#bristol/uk/edu Mark Wright
mrt102#york/uk/edu Mark Tyndall
md#rncb/uk/edu Mark Drury
mwc22#cam/uk/edu Mark Collis
com2kvote#nukesoft/kc/ou Marcus Houlden
mbm#acm/rog Malcolm Mladenovic
amanda/kerr-munslow#brasenose/ox/uk/edu Mad Hatter
mgk#ecs/soton/uk/edu M@
lyn#cibwr/freeserve/kc/ou Lyn David Thomas
liz#westhoughton/demon/kc/ou Liz Batty
linz#lindsayendell/kc/ou Linz
neyret#wanadoo/fr Laurent Neyret
kim#totternhoe/demon/kc/ou Kim Andrews
kevin#andreoli/kc/ou Kevin Andreoli
keith#flat222/rog Keith Willoughby
kath#hwthwood/demon/kc/ou Kath Collman
kake#ox/ocmpsoc/ent Kate L Pugh
jlurker#bigfoot/ocm Justa Lurker
j/f/wheeler#rl/uk/edu Jonathan Wheeler
jonathan#turnip/rgo/ku Jonathan Vaughan
jon#timewarp/demon/kc/ou jon rouse
jonplews#dial/pipex/ocm Jon Plews
jcb#avism/demon/kc/ou JohnB.
secretary#talyllyn/kc/ou John S. Robinson
john#thebeard/rog John Robinson
jml4#cam/uk/edu John Line
john-dean#msn/ocm John Dean
joe/otten#virgin/ent Joe Otten
vote-com2k#jhc/rgo/ku Jim Hill
jim#benton-evans/demon/kc/ou Jim Benton-Evans
jezza#hotwells/freeserve/kc/ou Jezza
jrfry#jeremyfry/demon/kc/ou Jeremy Fry
jeffrey#goldmark/rog Jeffrey Goldberg
jeff#folkwise/kc/ou Jeff Dennison
james#biometry/demon/kc/ou James Lynn
ca9126#qmw/uk/edu James Farrar
james#zephyr/rgo/ku James Coupe
jeff#maerdy/rog J.Lewis
r/ian/wilson#ntlworld/ocm Ian Wilson
ian#john-richard/kc/ou Ian Peattie
ijackson#chiark/greenend/rgo/ku Ian Jackson
iainr#civ/hw/uk/edu Iain Rae
iain#hotch/demon/kc/ou Iain L M Hotchkies
alaric#alaric/rgo/ku Iain Bowen
hugh#st-ronan/demon/kc/ou Hugh Simmons
huge#huge/rgo/ku Huge
hilde#borve/demon/kc/ou Hilde Fernandez
usenet#nareid/demon/kc/ou Helge Nareid
guy#first-light-services/kc/ou Guy Morgan
jb#surfbaud/kc/ou Guy Fawkes
grete#darkstorm/kc/ou Grete Evans
grant/mason#ntlworld/ocm Grant Mason
graham#tyndale/demon/kc/ou Graham Nye
graham/drabble#lineone/ent Graham Drabble
gkp#howfen/demon/kc/ou Glenys Pople
george#seaviewvillage/kc/ou George N
gzorge#blueyonder/kc/ou George Middleton
gzorge#blueyonder/kc/ou George
fredb#frolix8/demon/kc/ou Fred Barber
frankie/roberto#lineone/ent Frankie Roberto
usenet-voting#franklee/kc/ou Frank Lee
news#rickmansworth/mersinet/kc/ou Fenny
liz#bladeshomebrewery/kc/ou Elizabeth Blades
eaking#ulape/rgo/ku Edward King
usenet#ebernard/greatxscape/ent Eddie Bernard
draenog#yon-net/demon/kc/ou draenog
jrs#merlyn/demon/kc/ou Dr John Stockton
faunt#panix/ocm Doug Faunt
don-aitken#freeuk/ocm Don Aitken
dinkipix#dinkipix/kc/ou DinkiPixie
denis#pickaxe/demon/kc/ou Denis Mcmahon
david#wood2/rgo/ku David Wood
dmedcalf#compuserve/ocm David Medcalf
votecommittee2k#amigo/kc/ou David Mahon
david#scars/rgo/ku David Long
davidk#brocross/u-net/ocm David Kitching
ddstretch#ntlworld/ocm David D Stretch
dave#clues/ocm Dave Williams
dave/sparks#sisyphus/demon/kc/ou Dave Sparks
dave#quackduck/rgo/ku Dave Root
dave/painter#care4free/ent Dave Painter
davemills#ravesw/demon/kc/ou Dave Mills
david/mayall#ukonline/kc/ou Dave Mayall
dave#lowjobs/kc/ou Dave Mason
dmalcolm#bcs/rgo/ku Dave Malcolm
dave#hbarnet/freeserve/kc/ou Dave Hillam
merlin#netlink/kc/ou Darren Wyn Rees
darren#meldrum/kc/ou Darren Meldrum
d/toye#ntlworld/ocm Daniel Toye
nl#bcvr/demon/kc/ou D5233
conor#puddle/kc/ou Conor O'Neill
rosenstiel#cix/kc/ou Colin Rosenstiel
phys0060#ermine/ox/uk/edu Colin Blackburn
c/speed#mcmail/ocm Claire Speed
christopher#uffa/kc/ou Christopher Watkins
chris#mnemosyne/demon/kc/ou Christopher Dearlove
chris#watts/flyer/kc/ou Chris Watts
c/marshall#mcmail/ocm chris marshall
chris/dixon#easynet/kc/ou Chris J Dixon
news#lowfield/kc/ou chris harrison
chris#yordas/demon/kc/ou Chris Eilbeck
chris#keristor/rog Chris Croughton
cj#moodog/rgo/ku Chris Bannister
v_trim#hotmail/ocm Chris
chopsocky#my-deja/ocm Chopsocky
chl#clw/cs/man/uk/edu Charles Lindsey
charles#hankel/freedombird/ent Charles F Hankel
cath/le-guernevel#wanadoo/fr cath.le-guernevel
uther#yoshiwara/demon/kc/ou Carl Inglis
bronews#tqsolutions/demon/kc/ou brougham Baker
brian/white#pobox/ocm Brian White
bajones#worcester/demon/kc/ou Brian Jones
bhk#dsl/kc/ou Brian {Hamilton Kelly}
brian#bjforster/force9/kc/ou Brian
brett#dimetrodon/demon/kc/ou Brett Paul Dunbar
bob#bobandaileen/kc/ou Bob Scott
gordon#elkin49/freeserve/kc/ou bluemeanie
bill/muskett#which/ent Bill Muskett
neil/horlock#mcmail/ocm Bill Jillians
billnot#teleline/spain Bill Hayles
wish#dumain/demon/kc/ou Bill Hay
benblaney#hotmail/ocm Ben Blaney
chris#belfry/rog Beetle
batch#rubious/demon/kc/ou Batch
arwel#cartref/demon/kc/ou Arwel Parry
tgold#panix/ocm Anthony R. Gold
amn#ubik/demon/kc/ou Anthony Naggs
golabco#vtx/ch Anne Coulon
andyt#azande/demon/kc/ou Andy Taylor
andy/roberts#zetnet/kc/ou Andy Roberts
andy#pigsonthewing/rgo/ku Andy Mabbett
andy#ananam/demon/kc/ou Andy Lindsay
andy/daniels#ukonline/kc/ou Andy Daniels
andrewstone#hemscott/ent Andrew Stone
nja#le/uk/edu Andrew Norman
andrew#eastupham/freeserve/kc/ou Andrew Hartley
andrew#erlenstar/demon/kc/ou Andrew Gierth
votes#alex-holden/kc/ou Alex Holden
alex#goselldirect/ocm Alex Dawson
alex-news#oenone/demon/kc/ou Alex D. Baxter
alan#whirlnet/kc/ou Alan Ford
af#etrigan/rog Alan Fleming
al#betterwords/kc/ou Al Menzies
mike#jeamland/rog ~m
{R}#semolina/rog {R}
The following people posted invalid votes:
nick/m#etnet/kc/ou Nick Meredith bounced ack
richard/whitbread#freeuk/ocm richard Whitbread bounced ack
Late votes
Min Lacey <Min#mygaff0/demon/kc/ou>
Withdrawn Votes
jo#onet/kc/ou Jo
Suspect Vote
benny_tatchell#terra/spain Benny Tatchell suspect duplicate Bill Not
unable to prove without a doubt so counted.
deemed invalid by the votetakers
dave#lowjobs/kc/ou Dave Mason suspected vote fraud
also voted as
eric#sockpuppet/freeisp/kc/ou Stressed Eric
cbw#lowjobs/kc/ou cbw
sabrinilla#lowjobs/kc/ou shag me doggie style
billy_bunter#sockpuppet/freeisp/kc/ou Billy Bunter arthur_aardvark#sockp
uppet/freeisp/kc/ou Arthur Aardvark thecatdowntheroad#lowjobs/kc/ou sky
As per the guidelines:
"The results shall be published in such a manner that it may be seen who
voted, but only the individual voter will be able to recognise and
confirm his own vote. "
And therefore the following are the valid votes with the Unique ID for
people to identify their votes and the way people voted:
Candidate 5 ( AR )------------+
Candidate 4 ( JH )----------+ |
Candidate 3 ( DM )--------+ | |
Candidate 2 ( CFH )------+ | | |
Candidate 1 ( EB )----+ | | | |
ID | | | | |
37283D0964A3CBD4 1 3 5 4 2
E57D850929FF9B4F - - 2 1 -
7BB24E094EFAF321 3 1 - - 2
A4EAD18B9DA80FD0 3 - - 1 2
CA21FB4131BECFDE 3 2 5 4 1
935B74A54568013C 1 2 - - -
6543F4A3BE366F69 1 3 5 4 2
7C20561A45458A44 - - 1 2 -
579D5FA25BD83871 1 - - 3 2
571014595427C37E 3 - 2 1 -
1C6CDF50AA547D05 3 1 - - 2
4CA0FFB0F9B6E143 - - 1 2 -
8198986D560CF6BA - - 1 2 -
9A0060D9118DF8FA - - 1 2 -
D75958833DFA233B 3 5 1 2 4
0CDB36D3DC89932E - - 1 2 -
8EC46D5BE4596EE9 - 3 1 2 -
CE67596546F47B30 - 3 1 2 -
6C67B77091E7AC89 3 5 1 2 4
8F7880EE3B14A8F5 - - 1 2 -
AE00B5699CEAA00D - - 2 1 -
02E183FDEF316A72 2 - 3 1 -
D30CDE44B56302E2 - - 1 2 -
CDFBF989B57750A8 1 5 3 2 4
12130DCBE3DF4696 - - 1 2 -
DF980A8B04C98D49 3 4 1 2 5
1F6CAC81B9A6A800 - - 1 2 -
AA43F5402E18F55A - - 1 2 -
935FDEC2292E086C 3 - 1 2 -
DCF21DF8012C88C6 - 1 3 - 2
3EAE85F1A0E64BF7 - - 1 2 -
033A3D35E75B60FA 1 4 5 2 3
A0B296788FA78707 3 5 2 1 4
AF307B875C130FBA - - 2 1 -
9ABFC966C740D552 3 1 4 5 2
207C2D44907E6A70 - - 1 2 -
D3235DA0904F7419 3 1 - - 2
07FDFBEAC9349C86 - - 1 2 -
89A72BD4D7880365 - - 2 1 -
61C7121259FA441E 3 1 - - 2
525AD2787646FA81 3 1 - - 2
DB261CA5458C6512 1 3 2 - -
AC67BB62566F7436 1 2 - 3 -
6D284B5A3C446BC7 - - 1 2 -
6906254EB6F3C7FA - - 1 2 -
CEC763B770AC4F5B 4 3 2 1 5
4C97DCE91C39536C 3 1 - - 2
2ABAE0E27597B565 2 - - 1 -
1C460F1D1DC71855 3 1 5 4 2
B481734044D618EF 3 1 - - 2
8B1DFA5E2A66CD2B 2 3 5 1 4
1C39BB9436D4830B 3 - 1 2 -
1988EE5D819CD828 3 1 5 4 2
5DE9E0B1ADD92FEC - - 1 2 -
EC09F75B9031FE88 - - 1 2 -
597CB4A50BEAC959 - - 1 2 -
A75ADF986A5AECF1 - - 1 2 -
B35058F9DA6A8D02 5 4 1 3 2
D0E05413D9B92763 5 4 1 2 3
7E99402A866CADD6 - - 1 2 -
180E143E940FC95A - - 1 2 -
910B538AE6286766 - - 1 2 -
1BE16A07785229E6 - - 1 2 -
D991F78825932F77 - 2 - 1 -
04F6D288F7BB7CCD - - 2 1 -
792C0B02DE2FF83E - - 2 1 -
7F0F981683F57F9A 3 4 1 2 5
58D55BCC2FEEC434 - - 1 2 -
D25A01547B83C52F 3 1 - - 2
19F1EF1C95965139 - - 2 1 -
6772D8C6CDC99FA3 3 1 5 4 2
E9435FEE5CFF75C4 2 - - 3 1
4D4B3151464B349F - - 1 2 -
6D4A7092474CBDB2 - - 1 2 -
3402E1699B1BC24F 2 5 1 3 4
3FF3C45933AF5728 5 2 4 3 1
7B862C2F710CDB2B - - 1 2 -
7E32F041D232E372 - - 1 2 -
4F8267ABE44D8567 4 5 1 2 3
6201D04F851F4B07 - - 2 1 -
46F9FEB6BD85FBCF 3 - 2 1 -
36FCBB3F0432036B 3 4 1 2 5
7652D202D9E690B9 - 1 - - 2
658A199EF8BDA8BB 3 1 - - 2
11995ABC17715387 2 3 - 4 1
FA38A7589CFC41D2 - - 1 2 -
7E5AC4F421C97C14 1 - - 2 3
66E3C67846285F25 - 1 - - 2
D4CB9CD11BCB9373 - - 2 1 -
09686F69E6AC7DB3 - - 1 2 -
4D884AC94FCA31BD - - 1 2 -
38BF040437678BBF 3 5 1 2 4
B4A5460E2E737429 4 5 1 2 3
FC97D52058FCDC8E 4 1 - 3 2
38C7117032D74C62 - - 1 2 -
777AD27540684CA9 - - 1 2 -
75E5C74F8C5957B4 3 5 1 2 4
A21DF83C41EDF08E - 2 - - 1
E7DD93BFA242910D 2 3 4 5 1
C241C742B935F21E - - 1 2 -
0FD3F46BFBE4474D 1 2 5 4 3
A8ECF20411A55137 3 - 1 2 -
252B1E594277E419 2 - - 1 -
AE7F0D6D30E3BA73 - - 2 1 -
7E44A2FCD1F5704D - - 1 2 -
92E73686BA5E7CF0 3 - 1 2 -
17657E145097E2B3 - - 1 2 -
8E0820432CCFFA5D 3 5 1 2 4
988004004D588D24 - - 2 1 -
AEB79D516D229338 3 - 1 2 -
6F44CE963F6C964C - - 1 2 -
88BE2A89903FEBA8 1 3 5 4 2
7967DD3B78D4B4C5 3 1 - - 2
B7DCF24D1A44C92D - - 1 2 -
105B3F242ABD4BCB 3 - 1 2 -
FA14844773AFDF8D 3 4 1 2 5
1BD2314602E07B57 - - 1 2 -
968452CDBB0603BD - - 1 2 -
727B90BB54EE72B6 - - 1 2 -
5DD0101551A5F30E - - 2 1 -
38EACBD5118D0342 - - 1 2 -
A796172CBB5654D2 4 5 2 1 3
92ACBD7B7A94A44D 3 - 1 2 -
0BF7650ABCE7EFD3 4 3 1 2 5
40058B04CC2F8E4B - - 1 2 -
CE92D9F007D83DCE - - 1 2 -
FC2B5C8EC5C0AC5D 3 2 - 4 1
E5AB9C13CBE4570C - - 2 1 -
A6CBF01F7BA8D233 - - 1 2 -
2344D74D7AF44A6C - - 1 2 -
DC8EE346F489E436 2 - - - 1
F2886EC43AB83FF9 4 2 3 5 1
9D44504CB821F787 - - 1 2 -
788F77DB62312057 - - 1 2 -
4CEAAE3116A18287 - - 1 2 -
F6803B08675C5ABD - - 1 2 -
478D4F04FA4ABFDF - - 1 2 -
C3BE5D9A5E7A7FB9 - - 1 2 -
1197CFE89F1EEA19 3 1 - 4 2
D4D4B34038C8DD57 - - 1 2 -
5455867653BBFCBD - - 1 2 -
7B308208BFF90B46 3 - 1 2 -
BABD27178A43F02D - - 1 - -
DFD85E35911BBD4F 3 - 2 1 -
977837E68188D18B - - 2 1 -
2B292AED05BFF917 - - 1 2 -
4CB9D7737028431A 3 2 - 4 1
5E7D46C97D9B23E8 - - 1 2 -
A19755C6422844D8 - - 1 2 -
561A81BF8C706785 2 - - 3 1
EC427B9061E0D766 - - 1 2 -
B1958DEC370C2154 - - 1 2 -
66D57FA3B6F5E5DC - - 1 2 -
011A4227A8BE1454 2 - 1 3 -
341BED80F97AC71F - - 1 2 -
8CB80CDD255E7A88 3 2 - - 1
3C5EAD05BAA1A515 - 1 - - 2
07B78430E2FD479F - 1 - - 2
B45FBCD75B6FA445 - - 1 2 -
B4E125B77FE91F0A 1 2 - - 3
57130C1CBA81F789 3 1 - - 2
FD7B819591A0FCD1 3 2 4 5 1
DCC9AC6486D041C8 - 1 - - 2
288F24E50B1EDD50 - - 1 2 -
31516B05B7AD3452 1 3 5 4 2
3DFD79D61E899380 3 5 1 2 4
4091BCE803373669 - - 1 2 -
D6A2F99D627BA746 - 1 - - 2
6BD52D7684574041 2 - 3 1 -
7B63F6E17AE66014 - - 1 - -
A35AD345086B1C06 - - 1 2 -
093152E410B33682 - - 1 2 -
B407B1D1C6768227 3 1 4 5 2
254D0CDF9DA5181E 2 - 3 1 -
66BFC7DB02C871E9 3 2 5 4 1
DA9875B55DD572D9 - - 1 2 -
0ABCEB9118A21EB9 3 1 - - 2
2D9B7B4B4BFCC377 - - 1 2 -
21F9FD4FF736833E 4 2 3 1 -
8B05E59899429F9A - - 2 1 -
81D57118CA0F1BCC 3 - 1 2 -
9E39586B011461F7 - - 1 2 -
4EB575B7D99FF56B 3 5 1 2 4
B879691479D7AEF5 1 3 5 2 4
DA489A8F7BA92880 - - 1 - -
550AD1270B4CE625 3 - 1 2 -
9E0DE357B4CDF6F8 2 - - 3 1
816B27600C18E97F 3 - 2 1 -
D6D44921487B770C 4 5 1 2 3
A6CC72D7DCADFCBC - - 2 1 -
BD6292E22CEBDB27 - - 1 2 -
96013E668E7F1C42 4 3 1 2 5
EC38A1479040EE2A 3 2 - - 1
B592AB795A0F1C37 - - 1 2 -
84B404F9DBF6A738 - - 2 1 -
DC71388B99CAAF3E 3 - 1 2 -
18BE2FA6EE64541A - - 2 1 -
D569B5712EF016A3 3 1 5 4 2
EDD9D4B2569B5461 2 1 - - 3
0963F0E130CAB86F 1 5 4 3 2
7B6EE4FBF50B33BD 3 5 1 2 4
8602602A5DC8BB60 3 - 1 2 -
8210DB7F1BA75706 - - 1 2 -
BB30E47DA3686AFF 1 2 4 5 3
E6AA0905BCCD81B0 2 3 - - 1
61BA8BCBD539933F 3 - 1 2 -
D9FEFF508761F9CD 3 1 - - 2
54344A750F1EBB3D 2 3 - - 1
C006EAAE9597DEFC - - 1 - -
7E13BB61A6E168C5 - - 2 1 -
0CD75ADFE3EF60F8 - - 1 2 -
7CE86A9AD42E33BE - - 1 2 -
14818BCB99CE91F3 - - 1 2 -
F1A9C18A1BCBE448 - - 2 1 -
F4B05AF7B546175F - - 2 1 -
3FC6B33BB0D4B7D7 3 1 - - 2
C5CF4A5109E1E7B3 - - 1 2 -
D57739B7BB7D830A 3 2 - - 1
54EABB0633DFA0E7 1 - 3 2 -
2E2789B253712320 3 5 1 2 4
507DD817FBEB4E38 5 1 4 3 2
658CA207E8EF3C3B 3 1 5 4 2
3955AC086AF0FC97 - 2 3 - 1
E13BB4CEC5E6A75F - - 1 2 -
B87347C120533A39 - - 1 2 -
0407E8BCDD509EE4 - - 1 2 -
25A47967AE7FD249 3 1 - - 2
69FC715FC68F9CE2 3 1 - - 2
B83C806816D479E3 3 2 - - 1
CCE6B2B6D29405F6 - - 1 - -
CDB38F460655F1EA - - 1 2 -
50DC8A8F260E4564 - - 1 2 -
D56B28208A144A48 - - 1 2 -
88316BFDEB7965A1 - - 1 2 -
B07F282D58DDEDD2 4 5 2 1 3
9E12589A94FA35B7 3 5 1 2 4
7CCE66AE411CAE60 5 3 1 2 4
431D630DBFFA5E42 4 3 1 2 5
B6BB04980B28849B - - 1 2 -
C9897BA8C68550B2 3 - 1 2 -
DECFD0371DC88C69 - - 1 2 -
09F1C45424057A8E - 1 - - 2
CD0963C22A865EF9 - - 1 2 -
9D860340CBABC619 - - 1 2 -
7A965210FD3DD55D 2 - 1 - -
3) Votetakers Comments
Robbie :-
A slightly more stressful time this year than last, mostly for personal
reasons. Voting this year was very brisk, almost a third of the total
communications through the vote maildrop happened in the first three
Some of the initial acks might have been late I appologise for this and
we will try and improve as an organisation for next year.
The script I have been using to check the result all the way through is
a little *too* accurate and doesn't quite follow ERS rules so the
results are from the 2nd hand counted version (found a duplicate when
marking up these results).
Some semi interesting/dull facts due to me having my mail tagged for
total mail through the vote maildrop 311 (including the late vote) Total
number of votes tagged as from a host on:
Of interest was the vote sent from a UK host via an open relay in the
states it was tagged by orbs funnily enough.
As to the conduct of voters and people in general during the election. I
have no problems explaining how things work/don't work to people but I
would have appreciated not having to spend time excluding people
'playing' with the system using 'live' votes.
The random posting of pointers to the elections had an effect, 23 people
asked for a copy of the CFV to be mailed to them. While on one level
getting more people to vote is good, the reposting outside of the uk.*
hierarchy was not a good idea as It may have stopped the vote due to
attracting votes from 'disinterested parties' and I thought the wording
that made them look 'official' was not good.
In the above results is an accusation of suspected voting fraud, to be
exact multiple voting from a single person and or host via 'different'
email addresses/names. I feel sad when it comes to the extent that
someone feels they have to do something like this.
On the political front - if people are going to stand multiple people on
a 'party' platform read up about the voting method before doing so.
Barry :-
Apart from a few teething problems with the software used to generate
the acknowledgements, which resulted in duplicate (and even incorrect)
acknowledgements being sent out, I feel the vote went pretty smoothly
This year has seen an exceptionally high turnout, with 245 valid votes
(for the record, there were 191 valid votes in the 1999 Elections), and
a larger than usual number of requests for a copy of the CFV.
4) Voting and Appeal guidelines
This vote was conducted by neutral third party members of UKVoting.
UKVoting is a group of independent votetakers who count votes on CFVs in
the uk hierarchy. The rules under which this vote is taken are posted
regularly to uk.net.news.announce or can be found at the following URL:
The UKVoting web pages can be found at http://www.ukvoting.org.uk/
There is a ten day discussion period after these results are posted to
Allegations of irregularity should be sent to control@usenet.org.uk.
5) Committee Elections Guidelines
There are currently 2 Open and 2 News Administrator Vacancies
A News Administrator is a person responsible for administering or
overseeing the news system on a site. Sites which serve only 1 user, or
which exchange news articles with only 1 other site do not count.
An Open Member is any person who is a reader of uk.* articles.
A News Administrator is a person responsible for administering or
overseeing the news system on a site. Sites which serve only 1 user, or
which exchange news articles with only 1 other site do not count.
An Open Member is any person who is a reader of uk.* articles.
Nominations in the case of the "News Administrator" class of membership
require at least one nomination to be made by a News Administrator
(definition above)
Nominations in the case of the "Open" class of membership may be made by
any reader of uk.* articles.
You may only nominate up to and including two persons.
News Administrator Class:
N.B. There are now three vacancies on the committee for this class.
Open Member Class:
1) David Mayall (end of 3 year term)
2) David Damerell (retiring early)
News Administrator Class:
One nomination received.
1) Peter Corlett
EMail Address abuse#cabal/rog/ku
1. Jon Ribbens EMail address: nominate#jon/oaktree/ku/oc News Admin Y
2. Rick Payne EMail address: rap#uk/concentric/moc News Admin Y
3. Peter Gradwell EMail address: peter#gradwell/moc News Admin Y
4. Joel Rowbottom EMail address: joel#jml/ent News Admin Y
I started on Usenet in 1991, when I quickly got the hang of trolling and
set to on comp.sys.amiga.* which taught me not to. In 1994, I discovered
uk.*, turned into a news junkie, and haven't really looked back. I found
myself hacking around with INN and NNTP when my binary-only (and not
maintained since 1995) news client packed in on 2000-01-01, causing the
end of my world... Having left Demon's reliable newsfeed, I also needed
to get a decent feed back, so I rigged one up.
Rather than being the large ISP's representative, I'm standing as a
small guy. I'm the part-time two-bit newsadmin that is probably more
typical than the big newsadmins of yesterday. Your average two-bit
newsadmin probably doesn't actually get involved in uk.* though, so it's
worth me sticking my oar in and giving that perspective.
The appropriate validation of candidate and nominators having been
carried out, Peter Corlett is provisionally elected unopposed.
Open Class:
5 nominations received - the committee has 2 vacancies and therefore an
election will be held to fill the 2 vacancies.
1) Eddie Bernard
2) Charles F Hankel
3) Dave Mayall
4) Jack Howard
5) Andy Roberts
Please find below details of the people who nominated each candidate
(Name & Email Address) and a short statement from each candidate:
Candidate 1: Eddie Bernard
eMail Address usenet#ebernard/greatxscape/net
Nominator Name:
1. Stevie D eMail address: sjd117#york/ac/uk
2. Graham Cox eMail address: graham_cox78#hotmail/com
3. Frankie Roberto eMail address: frankie/roberto#lineone/net
4. * Gemz * eMail address: gemziz#hotmail/com
I'm Eddie Bernard, and I'm standing as a member of the Reform Group. I
support all the policies in the Reform Group statement listed at
I am committed to getting the message of uk.* across the world,
and to all its users. A good amount of uk.* users are blissfully unaware
of the fact that they do have a say in how uk.* is run, and I think the
spreading of the word should be top priority.
If elected, I would press for all the developments in the Reform
Group statement, and to continue the work put into uk.* over the years.
I'm not in the business of flaming proponents because of poor spelling,
or for any other irrational reason. Despite the work put in over the
past year or two, the group creation process could still be shortened,
and is often intimidating to proponents, and I would attempt to make
this easier. I would also encourage more co-operation between uk.* and
other hierarchies like free.uk.*, ni.*,wales.*, scot.*, and england.*.
There is room for all these hierarchies, and room to work together as
In accordance with Reform Group policy, I would resign after a year, and
let the electorate judge how they think I performed. -------------------
Candidate 2: Charles F Hankel
eMail Address charles#hankel/freedombird/net
Nominator Name:
1. Liz Blades eMail address: liz#bladeshomebrewery/co/uk
2. Penny Mayes eMail address: penny#bredgar55/freeserve/co/uk
3. Rosalind Mitchell eMail address: rosiem#stwerburgh/freedombird/net
4. Jenny M Benson eMail address: jmb#cedarbank81/fsnet/co/uk
I have been on Usenet since 1995 and have seen the establishment of the
UK Usenet Committee and its progress over the years. I believe that a
lot more can be done to simplify the group creation process and to
remove the obstacles that the average user faces, especially if their
proposal is for a group that people involved in the unn* newsgroups do
not immediately identify with. I also believe in the principles of
democracy and am saddened by the apparent lack of interest shown in
promoting it by the present committee and would seek to change that when
elected. I stand on the sensible Reform Group manifesto (http://www.bigw
ig.net/free.uk.usenet) and pledge to dedicate as much time and honest
effort to the task of being on the committee as it demands. Membership
of the Reform Group is entirely complementary to committee membership
and I shall seek to work with both in mind to the benefit of the uk.*
hierarchy and its many users. I am also a member of the uk-dot-
star_agents list which seeks to spread the news of the elections to all
uk.* newsgroups so that everyone can be made aware of the existence of
the committee and the fact that they can all take part, as a candidate
and as a voter. A vote for me is a vote for common sense. --------------
Candidate 3: Dave Mayall
eMail Address david/mayall#ukonline/co/uk
Nominator Name:
1. Molly Mockford eMail address: molly#mockfords/clara/co/uk
2. James Coupe eMail address: james#zephyr/org/uk
3. Philip Powell eMail address: philip#blencathra/org/uk
4. Geoff Berrow (Blade Runner) eMail address: black-dog#geocities/com
I stated some time ago that I would stand again if sufficient people
offered to nominate me without me having to ask them directly. As I
received more than enough offers, I am standing for a second term.
I will not promise major change and upheaval as I expect some of the
malcontents might wish (or might even promise if they stand themselves).
I will continue (whether re-elected or not) to work towards making
improvements in the uk.* process. uk.* is widely regarded
internationally as a well run hierarchy, yet we must never rest on our
laurels, and it is a prime responsibility of the committee to work with
those outside the committee to improve still further.
The siren voices will continue to decry uk.* and point to free.uk.* and
alt.* with their "easy" group creation procedures, and they will claim
that this is "giving people what they want". They are wrong. These other
hierarchies give some people what they want in the short term. uk.*,
with good leadership will give more people what they want in the long
term; A sensible, and organised set of newsgroups without acres of dead
wood to wade through. --------------------------------------------------
Candidate 4: Jack Howard
eMail Address jack#stormshadow/co/uk
Nominator Name:
1. Dave Mayall eMail address: david/mayall#ukonline/co/uk
2. Iain Bowen eMail address: alaric#alaric/org/uk
3. Peter Parry eMail address: peter#wpp/ltd/uk
4. Tim Auton eMail address: tim#mollymoo/f9/co/uk
I'm standing as an "independent" candidate. While my work as a network
administrator and Internet software developer has given me a fair degree
of knowledge of the technical side of things, I can also be said to be
very much on the side of the "ordinary user". For example I support
responsible spamtrapping, and think that where possible, and within
reasonable limits, proponents should be able to easily get the groups
they want, rather then having to accept what "the establishment" thinks
they should have.
I'd like to see the group creation process made simpler and easier for
new proponents, and the uk.* hierarchy continue to grow and prosper as
an internationally respected managed hierarchy. I'd like to work with
the Committee, ensuring that the views of the ordinary users are heard,
while accepting the overall democratic processes of uk.*.
I'm not a member of any secret cabal or group, neither am I a puppet of
the establishment. I stand for common sense and sensible compromise.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Candidate: Andy Roberts
eMail Address andyrobts#zetnet/co/uk
Nominator Name:
1.Penny Mayes eMail address: penny#bredgar55/freeserve/co/uk
2 Bill Jillians eMail address: Neil/Horlock#mcmail/com
3 Jezza eMail address: jezza#hotwells/freeserve/co/uk
4.Fenny eMail address: rickmansworth#mersinet/co/uk
I am campaigning as a Reform Group candidate, because I agree with the
following demands: *make the group creation process easier | * Abolish
the veto.
* reduce the role of control to simply posting system messages on the
instruction of the elected committee.
* Annual elections for all committee members, with the right of recall
if the electors are not happy with them. | * No reserved places, dump
the permanent members. | * No more secret discussions: publish the full
committee minutes. IF ELECTED I will seek to win majority support for
these policies and implement them. Meanwhile I pledge to: *Increase
accountability by making a copy of my contributions to the committee
mailing list instantly available to the public. *Resign after one year
and seek re-election. You decide if I should carry on. I would also like
to see uk.* and the committee work together with other hierarchies such
as free.uk.*(www.bigwig.net/free.uk.usenet/ ) , wales.* scot.*, ni.* and
england.*(http://www.england.news-admin.org/) instead of disregarding
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