21 Nov 2003: UK Usenet Committee Elections 2003

From: Mark Goodge <m.goodge@nospam.ukvoting.org.uk>
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 19:23:34 +0000
Subject: RESULTS: UK Usenet Committee Elections 2003
Newsgroups: uk.net.news.announce,uk.net.news.config,uk.net.news.management


RESULTS: UK Usenet Committee Elections 2003

Please note that, due to the known ability of the "swen" virus to
harvest addresses from news postings, all email addresses in this
results posting, including the votetaker's "from" and "reply-to"
addresses, are spamtrapped or munged.


The following people are elected as members of the UK Usenet Committee:

Graham Drabble
Chris Croughton
'Lt Cmdr Jim'

Voting closed at 23:59:59 GMT, 13th November 2003.

Primary Votetaker:
   Mark Goodge <m dot goodge at ukvoting dot org dot uk>
Secondary Votetaker:
   Richard Ashton <richard dot ashton at ukvoting dot org dot uk>



The full results follow below in the following order:

1) Information on the Ballot
2) Results in Detail
3) Voter List
4) Counted Vote List
5) Votetaker's Comments
6) Voting and Appeal Information
7) Copy of Statements from the CFV



Voters were asked to rank the following candidates in order of

Candidate A: Graham Drabble
Candidate B: 'kat'
Candidate C: Adam Barratt
Candidate D: Paul Harper
Candidate E: Chris Croughton
Candidate F: 'Lt Cmdr Jim'



There were 146 vote emails received:

132 Valid and counted votes
   9 Valid votes subsequently superseded by the voter (which
     are included in the valid and counted votes)
   3 Invalid votes subsequently corrected by the voter (which
     are included in the valid and counted votes)
   2 Invalid votes which remained uncorrected by the voter

The election was conducted using the STV method of voting, with
the count carried out under the ERS97 rules.

The STV analysis is as follows:

UK Usenet Committee Election 2003
131 votes, 1 abstention
Stage 1
Quota = 26.20

Graham Drabble ELECTED
with 50.00
over quota 26.20

with 35.00
over quota 26.20

Vote required for election now: 26.20

Stage 2

No candidates can be excluded, so we transfer the largest surplus

Surplus of Graham Drabble
50 papers transferred.
Total Present Value: 50.00
0 papers non-transferable.
Papers transferred at 0.47

Chris Croughton ELECTED
with 26.52
over quota 26.20

Vote required for election now: 26.05

Stage 3

No candidates can be excluded, so we transfer the largest surplus

Surplus of 'kat'
34 papers transferred.
Total Present Value: 34.00
1 papers non-transferable.
Papers transferred at 0.25
Vote required for election now: 25.90

Stage 4
The sum of
Paul Harper: 11.69
and the total surplus: 0.32
is less than the support for the next lowest candidate, 'Lt Cmdr Jim': 19.55,
so that candidate is excluded.

Excluding Paul Harper
Transferring papers worth 1.00

'Lt Cmdr Jim' ELECTED
with 27.55
over quota 26.20

**Count Complete**

In grid format, this is expressed as follows:

Election for UK Usenet Committee Election 2003
Number to be elected: 4 (from 6)
Counted votes: 131
Abstentions:     1
Quota for election on first round: 26.20

  1st Preferences-+
                  |     Stage 2       Stage 3       Stage 4
                  |     T     A       T     A       T     A
Graham Drabble  50  -23.80  26.20         26.20         26.20  Elected
'kat'           35          35.00  -8.80  26.20         26.20  Elected
Adam Barratt     8    7.99  15.99   4.25  20.24   1.00  21.24
Paul Harper      9    0.94   9.94   1.75  11.69  -9.00   2.69
Chris Croughton 19    7.52  26.52         26.52         26.52  Elected
'Lt Cmdr Jim'   10    7.05  17.05   2.50  19.55   8.00  27.55  Elected

Non-transferable      0.30   0.30   0.30   0.60   0.60   0.60
Totals         131         131.00        131.00        131.00

Key to grid:

Stage 2 - Surplus of Graham Drabble
Stage 3 - Surplus of 'kat'
Stage 4 - Exclusion of Paul Harper

T = number of votes transferred at this stage
A = votes for candidate after transfer



The following individuals supplied valid votes or abstentions:

Name                           Email

A T (Sandy) Morton             atm?sandymillport@fsnet@co@uk
Adam D. Barratt                vote+ctte+2003-4?adam-barratt@org@uk
Adam Price                     adam+usenet?pappnase@co@uk
Alan Sermons                   alan-com2003?funky-badger@co@uk
alanwilliams                   alanwilliams?blueyonder@co@uk
Alastair                       alastair_voting?hotmail@com
Alec McKenzie                  mckenzie?despammed@com
Alex D. Baxter                 alex-news?oenone@demon@co@uk
Alex Holden                    jbgabznlnyy?alexholden@co@uk
Ali                            sb150?ntlworld@com
Ali Hopkins                    fn62?dial@pipex@com
Andrew Black                   andrew-v?black1@org@uk
Andrew Hartley                 andrew@p@hartley?student@mmu@ac@uk
Andrew Hodgson                 andrew?hodgsonfamily@org
Andrew McDonald                andrew?mcdonald@org@uk
Anthony R. Gold                bigfoot?davros@org
arachedog                      philip@j@page?btinternet@com
Barry Dorrans                  barryd?idunno@org
Barry Salter                   gurervfabpnony?southie@me@uk
Ben Whyte                      ben?whyte-systems@co@uk
Bill Muskett                   billn?musketts@org@uk
Bob Eager                      rde?tavi@co@uk
Bob Scott                      bob?Bobandaileen@co@uk
Brian                          Brian?bjforster@force9@co@uk
Brian {Hamilton Kelly}         bhk?dsl@co@uk
Carl Inglis                    usenet?yoshiwara@org@uk
Charles Lindsey                chl?clerew@man@ac@uk
Chris Croughton                chris?keristor@org
Christian Smith                christian?jasdigital@com
Cliff Hones                    voter?cliff@hones@org@uk
Clive D.W. Feather             clive?davros@org
Clive R Robertson              vote2003?clive@org@uk
Colin Rosenstiel               rosenstiel?cix@co@uk
Dave H                         dmh?dmh@org@uk
Dave Johnson                   requiem?freeuk@com
Dave Mason                     com2003?sarnie@org@uk
Dave Mayall                    dave?research-group@co@uk
Dave Millard                   dave?focus3@uk@com
Dave Williams                  dave?clues@com
David Mahon                    dmahon_vote_com2003?amigo@co@uk
David Taylor                   davidt?yadt@co@uk
Dick Gaughan                   dickg?dickalba@demon@co@uk
Don Aitken                     don-aitken?claranet@co@uk
Dr Zoidberg                    Alex?drzoidberg@co@uk
Eddie Bernard                  edd@the@duck?blueyonder@co@uk
Edward King                    eaking?ulape@org@uk
Gareth Jayne                   gaz?gazmond@co@uk
Geoff Berrow                   bl?ckdog@co@uk
gizbon                         gizbon?higs@co@uk
Graham Drabble                 graham@drabble?lineone@net
Graham Murray                  newspost?gmurray@org@uk
Grant Mason                    2003comcfv?mason@sh
Iain McWilliams                iain?duckend@org@uk
Ian Jackson                    ijackson?chiark@greenend@org@uk
J. van der Knaap               knaapjvd?yahoo@co@uk
James Bentall                  james?bentall@net
Jeff McGhie                    jeff?mcghie@me@uk
Jeff Taylor                    jeff?clearview@cix@co@uk
Jim Crowther                   jim@ukv?crowfam@org@uk
Jim Riley                      jimrtex?pipeline@com
John Bean                      john?waterfoot@org
John Dallman                   jgd?cix@co@uk
John Hall                      john?jhall@co@uk
John the R-T                   t_e_n_e_s_u?hotmail@com
Julie Brandon                  julie-vote?computergeeks@co@uk
kat                            the@kat?ntlworld@com
Keith Lawrence                 adsl?perrydell@com
Keith Willoughby               keith?flat222@org
Keith@Hampshire                Keith?engerland@fsnet@co@uk
Kevin Andreoli                 kevin?andreoli@co@uk
Kevin Hones                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~?h@gg
Kimbo                          somerat?hotmail@com
lazarus                        mfvc50?dsl@pipex@com
Lt. Cmdr. Jim                  jim?us-lot@org
Mark Knight                    markk?knigma@org
Martin Ebourne                 martin?zepler@org
Matthew Balyuzi                matthew?balyuzi@net
Mike Bristow                   mike?urgle@com
Mike Fleming                   mike?tauzero@co@uk
Mike Mann                      mike?kempston@net
Mike McKeown                   mike?xenocyte@com
Mike Tullett                   miketullett?ntlworld@com
Mike Zanker                    mike?zanker@org
Molly Mockford                 com2003?mollymockford@me@uk
mysteron                       mysteron?zetnet@co@uk
Neil Fernandez                 ncf?borve@demon@co@uk
Nick Odell                     themusic@workshop?ntlworld@com
Nigel Ashton                   nigel?nigelashton@demon@co@uk
oldrose                        oldrose?tiscali@co@uk
Owen Rees                      owen@rees?tesco@net
paul                           {voter}?watman@clara@co@uk
Paul Carpenter                 paul?pcserv@demon@co@uk
Paul Cummins                   paul?cummins@ie@eu@org
Paul Giverin                   paul?giverin@co@uk
Paul Harper                    paul?harper@net
Paul Hilder                    pjhilder?yahoo@co@uk
Paul Leake                     paul?pinkstuff@publication@org@uk
Paul-B                         paul?streetka@biz
Pedt                           pedt?dontspame@com
Pete Fenelon                   pete?fenelon@com
Pete The Gardener              pete_the_gardener?hotmail@com
Peter C                        peter@trentham?gb@com
Peter Parry                    peter?wpp@ltd@uk
Peter Robinson                 pmrobinson?gmx@net
Peter Smyth                    psmyth?ukf@net
Philip Powell                  philip?blencathra@org@uk
Rabbit                         rabbit_is?hotmail@com
Richard Clayton                richard?highwayman@com
Richard Lamont                 richard?lamont@me@uk
Richard Letts                  richard-vote?illuin@org
Richard Lyth                   richard@lyth?ntlworld@com
Robert Woolley                 rob?robertwoolley@co@uk
Rogerh                         rogerh?clara@co@uk
Ronan Flood                    ronan?noc@ulcc@ac@uk
RWJH                           richard@huzzey?st-annes@oxford@ac@uk
Simon Faulkner                 news?titanic@co@uk
sparhawk                       sparhawk2?ntlworld@com
Stephen Diston                 S@Diston?Menaces@Freeserve@co@uk
Steve Firth                    voting?malloc@co@uk
Steve Peake                    steve?puppet-head@co@uk
Steve Purdy                    vote-20031001?roundtuit@org@uk
Stuart Millington              ukcom2003vote?dsv1@co@uk
Susan Ashton                   susan?ashton@demon@co@uk
Tez Burke                      burkesworks?lineone@net
Tim Lee                        Tim?datapath@co@uk
Tim Sharrock                   tim?sharrock@org@uk
Tom Harris                     usenet?tomharris@me@uk
Tom Hodgson                    tom@hodgson?reflex@net@uk
Tom Hughes                     tom?compton@nu
Tony                           tony?darkstorm@co@uk
Tony Towers                    tony?cats@tele2@co@uk
Wm                             tcnw61?tarrcity@demon@co@uk

The following ballot papers were rejected as invalid:

Address                             Reason

tfl?psp@co@uk                       No name on ballot paper
brett@?dimetrodon@demon@co@uk       No name on ballot paper



The guidelines for the UK Usenet Committee Elections stipulate
that the votes of all voters shall be published in such a way that
only the voter can recognise his/her own vote.

The following votes were counted, listed in alphanumeric order of
the Ballot ID:

                   Candidate Rankings
    Ballot ID       A  B  C  D  E  F
- ----------------   ----------------
00aec05fc3eaa661   4  1  5  6  3  2
03ccaae3a5a4b88f   2  3  -  -  4  1
0409a04e3c13ecfd   4  2  5  6  3  1
06c28006444b4083   1  3  4  5  2  6
0705007099fc19ee   4  5  2  6  1  3
08c6944e89174caa   1  3  4  6  2  5
09f4216c7b59222b   -  2  1  -  3  -
0a37453381be691d   2  1  3  -  -  4
0b254018a3c8b281   1  5  2  6  4  3
0ba69abdff39686f   6  1  3  4  2  5
0dd5caa3897cb8fc   1  2  3  6  4  5
0f563351ba64b71f   5  3  2  6  1  4
0f567bb3645a3643   -  -  -  -  -  1
10f7f8a51123cb14   1  3  4  6  2  5
1546ff831700308d   1  2  4  -  5  3
17e9fee190ceaefd   1  3  2  -  4  -
18075762740034a9   2  4  3  6  1  5
193e93eec2426836   1  4  5  6  2  3
1c7f073162e7058d   1  5  3  6  4  2
1ee5eef0e66d78e1   -  1  3  -  2  4
26309fecacb37784   1  3  4  -  2  5
2859028e1b4eb7cc   4  5  3  6  1  2
28b749fb11cd39f5   4  1  5  6  3  2
29caa9d8d3d48748   2  5  3  -  4  1
2ba3e7c08955179e   3  1  2  -  -  -
2c0d2852ba6d3858   2  3  1  6  5  4
2d35e4509254d9e4   -  2  3  -  1  4
2dee3e148503f1d2   4  1  3  5  2  6
3085c9b0bd5dbb71   4  2  3  1  5  6
31a694f4e45088ee   3  1  2  -  5  4
3755155dcd90d964   -  -  -  -  1  -
37b40f1e51493037   -  1  4  -  2  3
388729ec7dc142a9   3  5  4  6  1  2
3afca14a7fe06065   1  5  3  6  4  2
3c736a342c7d6aab   1  -  2  -  3  -
3cae28c49dd93070   1  -  4  -  3  2
3d83f1bd63fa9ab4   1  5  3  6  4  2
408a9894ea14f975   1  4  3  6  2  5
40afc39894aa1fa9   1  5  3  6  4  2
43772cfb9beeab13   3  1  6  4  2  5
441bfc99576df667   4  1  3  6  2  5
45190035a51261f5   1  3  4  6  5  2
45ecc3e608fc9294   -  2  4  -  1  3
492846d1c22d5127   2  4  3  -  1  -
4a2ef0aa384a4fa3   1  2  3  6  5  4
4abffe790a4dd66c   1  2  -  4  3  -
4e2e82e545809ff0   1  6  4  3  2  5
51d48cecd3112ab9   1  5  2  6  3  4
569b3e5874d85592   3  1  2  6  5  4
569bb43d6b203866   2  1  4  3  -  -
56decaca48099566   4  5  1  6  2  3
57509377ab385faa   3  4  5  -  2  1
581590989b08407f   1  2  -  -  3  -
589f1c6791b068fb   3  5  1  6  2  4
5a788bc5b3346fc1   1  5  2  6  3  4
5fdc015569b18978   3  4  5  1  6  2
6227542f535acdad   3  2  4  -  1  5
627700af2892e3b9   2  1  -  -  -  -
64a5277729c57444   1  4  6  3  5  2
672d20d5f5fd9a80   1  5  4  6  3  2
6a76f72737bc407c   1  3  2  -  4  -
6b42ca8d861a34b3   5  4  6  1  3  2
6e97475490f1efa3   -  -  -  -  1  -
7101c6fc4afda774   3  2  1  5  4  6
719f3d0a9d9e20a9   6  1  5  4  3  2
722599e095416984   2  4  1  6  5  3
7257a3484e8cc67a   1  6  5  4  3  2
7396a0a5a59e93b4   -  -  -  -  -  1
75f2dd01b9443701   5  1  3  6  2  4
76d3bed399d4db03   1  4  5  6  3  2
7786114adcb61816   6  1  5  4  3  2
7c1fe73ea77364f5   3  2  5  6  4  1
8333c0d6faf53d5c   1  2  5  6  3  4
863f73ec8ed9dd42   1  3  2  6  4  5
87ac6acdf9ba2794   2  1  4  3  6  5
8908294711cbecd8   -  -  -  -  -  -
89cf83f99530ef04   6  4  5  2  1  3
8ca633c9b0a420d0   4  1  3  -  2  -
8d8616fada2c0c54   3  2  6  5  4  1
8de62c3cf037841f   2  1  3  5  4  -
8e501c07de611428   2  1  4  3  -  -
8e8e4088598aa6ff   6  4  2  5  1  3
931adc5a23caddb9   1  2  3  6  4  5
940a8784fbe2077d   -  2  -  -  1  -
96a126cd55bff886   4  1  3  5  2  6
9c3795bc94070e84   1  2  5  6  3  4
9d45972c9ee51757   1  4  3  6  5  2
9e8fe7f2aa949c10   5  1  2  6  4  3
9f6d1ffcfa487b3c   3  1  4  6  5  2
a152b9cc896fa7e0   -  -  -  2  1  3
a2d8c63c4ee2481e   3  1  4  6  2  5
a32ace339484e309   1  2  5  6  4  3
aa26210d77cb10a8   1  2  4  -  3  -
aafd9b82402ef558   3  1  2  6  4  5
adaa2451e14c5144   -  -  -  1  -  2
afc34d82d35571d2   5  4  3  2  1  6
b128b7ab205eb506   1  2  3  6  4  5
b1e4cf790a164a2c   -  1  4  5  2  3
b90c4176c2443903   4  1  6  5  2  3
baaa1ad5bb7cacdd   1  2  3  6  4  5
bc3c3b265fbd8c63   -  -  -  -  -  1
bef786276fd74501   1  2  3  6  5  4
c0648948ff95f5e9   4  2  3  6  1  5
c34286c3ca4ba495   1  3  5  6  2  4
c599a4cd197d6a25   1  5  3  4  2  6
ce645fd0732b4fe8   1  4  2  6  3  5
cf965463269ab0f4   6  1  3  4  2  5
d33d8d548bc7cf90   1  3  4  6  2  5
d3fca9ce17f44290   3  4  5  6  1  2
d45402dbc8001dbf   4  1  5  2  6  3
d50da9f2687dad4d   5  1  6  4  3  2
d57a4fa0a61d25f9   -  2  4  1  -  3
d6df90bb61b1a517   -  4  -  1  2  3
daf92cb64babc5b3   1  2  6  3  4  5
dd1bc267d92591f8   3  2  1  -  -  -
dd95256617a6f060   1  2  4  6  5  3
e778dbb6b62e1062   1  5  3  2  4  6
ea1ebb7b6bf55ab6   1  3  4  6  2  5
eb26508706968501   1  -  2  -  4  3
ec9db4e25a93db17   2  5  1  6  4  3
ef70706bd2e97c8f   2  4  3  6  5  1
f0b3a815211ea0a1   -  -  -  1  -  2
f0ddf4f1efc65064   3  1  2  6  5  4
f18b3c41ca9d423c   2  3  5  6  1  4
f593300562e4b32d   1  3  2  -  -  -
f8671dbec91bea83   6  1  5  4  2  3
f86b5a8c4520a22c   1  2  5  6  4  3
fa7406b13582ceb4   6  1  5  2  4  3
faf08f700c68cf24   6  1  4  2  3  5
fc62df6de2e72b15   4  3  6  1  2  5
fd0bd3b68e4564b4   1  3  2  6  4  5
fdb290dad729eb7c   6  3  5  1  2  4

If you wish to check that your vote has been correctly recorded, your
Ballot ID can be found on your ballot paper.

It should be noted that the Ballot IDs were issued randomly, and the
sequence here does not match either the order in which ballot papers
were requested or the alphabetical sequence of voter names or email



This was actually one of the simpler votes I've taken, although that
was mostly due to the fact that a large proportion of the processing
was carried out by software rather than being done manually. The
primary and secondary votetakers tallied the results independently
prior to comparing notes, and both of us came up with the same answer.

For reference, the votes were pre-processed using a custom vote
handling system written in Perl, PHP and MySQL, and then counted with
eSTV.exe v1.39 supplied by the Electoral Reform Society. This results
statement is constructed entirely from recycled electrons.

As an aside, you may be interested to know that the autoballot
system received 14 "requests" from the swen virus. The voting address
itself did not receive any virus-laden emails.



This vote was conducted by a neutral third party member of UKVoting.
UKVoting is a group of independent votetakers who count votes on behalf
of the uk.* hierarchy and other 3rd parties.

The rules under which votes for the uk.* hierarchy are taken are posted
regularly to uk.net.news.announce or can be found at the following URLs:

The UKVoting web pages can be found at <http://www.ukvoting.org.uk/>

There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted to

Allegations of irregularity should be sent to the committee via email
to: <control at usenet dot org dot uk>.


(The information in this and the following section is a copy of that
provided in the CFV)


There are currently 4 Open Member Vacancies

An Open Member is any person who is a reader of uk.* articles.


Nominations in the case of the Open class of membership may be made by
any reader of uk.* articles.

Each candidate must receive 4 nominators.


Dave Mayall
Peter Corlett
Graham Drabble (co-opted following the resignation of Sarah Reeson)

All who have served their respective terms

Plus one existing vacancy which remained unfilled following the
resignation of Jack Howard.



6 nominations have been received. The committee has 4 vacancies and
therefore an election will be held to fill the 4 vacancies.

A list of the candidates is below (in application order).


Graham Drabble   Candidate A
'kat'            Candidate B
Adam Barratt     Candidate C
Paul Harper      Candidate D
Chris Croughton  Candidate E
'Lt Cmdr Jim'    Candidate F

Please find below details of the people who nominated each candidate
(Name & Email Address) and a short statement from each candidate:

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------

Candidate A

Name : Graham Drabble
Email: graham dot drabble at lineone dot net


Name : Adam D. Barratt
Email: usenet at adam-barratt dot org dot uk

Name : David Mahon
Email: dmahon at amigo dot co dot uk

Name : Dave Mayall
Email: david dot mayall at ukonline dot co dot uk

Name : Paul Carpenter
Email: paul at pcserv dot demon dot co dot uk


I have been reading unn* since early 2000 and in that time have seen
numerous proposals pass and fail and the atmosphere range from that
of people ready to help proponents create the best groups possible to
the utter flamefests of earlier this year. In general the process
works best when the Committee, UKVoting, the proponent and all others
involved attempt to work together and I hope to promote this whilst
on the committee.

In general I feel that the current system works well although, as
always, there is still room for some improvement. I feel that, where
possible, the guidelines should be kept short and simple with the
committee being able to interpret them in a way that makes things

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------

Candidate B

Name : 'kat'
Email: the dot kat at ntlworld dot com


Name : Adam D. Barratt
Email: usenet at adam-barratt dot org dot uk

Name : Molly Mockford
Email: molly at mockfords dot clara dot co dot uk

Name : Graham Drabble
Email: graham dot drabble at lineone dot net

Name : John Hall
Email: john at jhall dot co dot uk


I have been reading and posting in u.n.n.* since the proposal for
uk.people.silversurfers and using usenet since 1996.
During that time I have come to appreciate the importance of the uk
hierarchy being run well. I am aware that there are candidates with
much more technical knowledge than I have, but I think I can offer
the view of the ordinary user. Above all I want to see the group
creation process run smoothly, and proponents get every assistance
to create groups that will be used and enjoyed.

For those who care about real names, mine is Fiona Gostling. Most
who know that still prefer to call me kat!

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------

Candidate C

Name : Adam D. Barratt
Email: usenet+cfa03 at adam-barratt dot org dot uk


Name : Graham Drabble
Email: graham dot drabble at lineone dot net

Name : kat
Email: kat at the-kat dot org

Name : Molly Mockford
Email: molly at mockfords dot clara dot co dot uk

Name : Philip Powell
Email: philip at blencathra dot org dot uk


Having spent a number of years reading and participating in various uk.*
groups, I feel that it is time to give something back to the community that
has provided so much enjoyment to me over the years.

Overall, I feel that the hierarchy is in good condition, and that it is the
responsibility of the committee is to ensure that this is maintained. The
committee should be open to new ideas, and suggestions as to how things
could be improved, but should be wary of change solely for its own sake.

I believe that the roles of the Committee, UKVoting and UKMentors complement
each other well, and that we should strive to ensure that relations between
the three bodies run as smoothly as possible; the great strides that have
been made in this area over the past months should be continued and built

Above all, we must not forget that the committee serves at the pleasure of
the hierarchy's users.

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------

Candidate D

Name : Paul Harper
Email: paul at harper dot net


Name : Ali Hopkins
Email: fn62 at dial dot pipex dot com

Name : Christian Smith
Email: christian at jasdigital dot com

Name : Alex Cook
Email: alex at drzoidberg dot co dot uk

Name : Mike McKeown
Email: mike at xenocyte dot com


The reason I am standing for the committee is that I have been very
critical of the way the committee has worked in the past, and although
significant improvements have been made in approach and attitude, I
still feel there is more to do, in the area of communication
especially. While I am happy to continue to point these out as they
occur in the hope that someone within the committee will think them
work carrying forward, I would feel the best way to get something done
is by volunteering to participate in the committee process and
persuade & change from within.

It seems to me that a lot of the problems that arose earlier in the
year were down to simple failures of communication, and proactively
aiming to resolve and prevent these failures will in future help the
smooth running of the hierarchy. The management of expectation is key.

My history on usenet goes back to 1995, and in that time I have been
the successful proponent on RFDs for group creation, removal, and
extending the life of temporary groups and have taken an active part
in uk.* hierarchy management discussions & votes.

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------

Candidate E

Name : Chris Croughton
Email: chris at keristor dot org


Name : Graham Drabble
Email: graham.drabble at lineone dot net

Name : Alison Hopkins
Email: fn62 at dial dot pipex dot com

Name : Geoff Berrow
Email: ccnom at ckdog dot co dot uk

Name : Anthony R. Gold
Email: panix2 at ahjg dot co dot uk


I have been using Usenet since 1992, and for much of that time have been
a reader of and contributor to the uk.net.news.* newsgroups.  I have
seen through two successful RFDs (uk.culture.language.english and
uk.rec.drugs.cannabis, am currently co-moderator of uk.politics.announce
and am a regular contributor to several uk newsgroups.

This is the second time someone has suggested that I stand for the
Committee, the previous time my work situation was such that I was out
of touch a lot of the time and so I declined.  I think that having
complained about the actions of existing Committees in the past it's time
I "put my money where my mouth is" and do te job myself.  I won't be a
lapdog, and existing Committee members know that if I feel something is
wrong I'll say so, but at the same time I try to respect people and the
fact that they have opinions even when I disagree.

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------

Candidate F

Name : 'Lt. Cmdr. Jim'
Email: jim at us-lot dot org


Name : Sarah Reeson
Email: news at gubbins dot net

Name : Charles Lindsey
Email: chl at clerew dot man dot ac dot uk

Name : 'sparhawk'
Email: sparhawk2 at ntlworld dot com

Name : 'F'
Email: tflick at scifigoth dot com


This year looks to have a strong set of potential candidates,
but at the time of writing, there aren't many, and voters are
left with very little choice.  That's not good for the
electorate, and not good for the new Committee members either.
It is largely for this reason that I am standing.

I can't offer great technical knowledge (although I'm not entirely
clueless), or long years of experience (I've only used Usenet
regularly for around 2 years).  I can offer only my time, my
honestly held opinions, and if not impartiality, at least my own
unique set of biases.

For those interested, my real name is Jim Clokey, and I'm a
Computer Science student, Chief Moderator on uk.net.beginners,
and an unreformed SF and real-world gamer geek.

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