02 Feb 2000: Committee Elections 1999

From: UKVoting <ukvoting@ukvoting.org.uk>
Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2000 15:56:39 GMT
Subject: Updated 1999 Committee Election Results
Newsgroups: uk.net.news.announce,uk.net.news.config,uk.net.news.management


This is a re-post in order to correct the serious errors in the
original count.  This does NOT affect the result of the election.
The only other changes are that an incorrect date has been fixed,
along with the munging of a small number of addresses which were
accidentally left un-munged in the previous post, for which UK-Voting
apologises.  Finally, Control has pointed out that the discussion
period should be five rather than ten days.

                         RESULTS OF CALL FOR VOTES

From: UKVoting <ukvoting@ukvoting.org.uk>

Subject: 1999 Committee Election Results

                         RESULTS OF CALL FOR VOTES
                      Summary of Committee Elections

  Open Class: The following people are elected (two to serve
                until Oct 2002, the other until Oct 2000):

  Geoff Berrow - a.k.a. Blade Runner
  Thomas Lee
  David Damerell

  News Class: The following person was elected unopposed

        Andrew Gierth
- -------------------------------------------------------------

Voting closed at 23:59:59 GMT, 19th December 1999.

Initial Primary Votetaker: votequestion@swinny.cix.co.uk (Rob Felton)
Secondary Votetaker: voting@mort.demon.co.uk (Malcolm Mladenovic)
Tertiary Votetaker: r.irvine@ukvoting.org.uk

- -------------------------------------------------------------

uk.net.news.announce, uk.net.news.config, uk.net.news.management

- -------------------------------------------------------------

The Results:

The results follow below in the following order:

1) Result
2) Particulars of the Vote
3) Votetakers comments
4) Voting and Appeal guidelines
5) Committee Elections Guidelines

1) Result

N.B. Please find below a summarised set of the Results for the 1999
Committee Elections.


1) David Damerell
2) Geoff Berrow (a.k.a. Blade Runner)
3) James Farrar
4) Peter Parry
5) Six
6) Thomas Lee

Details of the Count

Total Vote = 191 ballots
Quota = 191/(3+1) == 47.75

Candidate 1  43
Candidate 2  53
Candidate 3   6
Candidate 4  26
Candidate 5  15
Candidate 6  48

Candidates 2 and 6 reach quota and are deemed elected.
Their surpluses are as follows:

 Candidate 2: 53-47.75  = 5.25
 Candidate 6: 48-47.75  = 0.25

Total transferrable vote = 5.50.
This is smaller than the difference between the two lowest candidates'
votes and is therefore deferred under section 5.2.2.

Valid Vote = 191
Non-transferable vote = 0

Quota is unchanged at 47.75

Candidate 3 has 6 current ballots and is eliminated.

Next preferences for Candidate 3 (excluding candidates 2 and 6)
  Candidate 1  4
  Candidate 4  2
  Non-xferable 0

Valid Vote = 191
Non-transferable vote = 0

Quota is unchanged at 47.75

Candidate 1  43 + 4[3]  = 47
Candidate 4  26 + 2[3]  = 28
Candidate 5  15 + 0[3]  = 15

No candidate reaches quota.

Total transferrable vote = 5.50.
This is smaller than the difference between the two lowest candidates'
votes and therefore is deferred under section 5.2.2.

Valid Vote = 191
Non-transferable vote = 0

Quota is unchanged at 47.75

Candidate 5 has 15 current ballots and is eliminated.

Next preferences for Candidate 5 (excluding candidates 2 3 and 6)
  Candidate 1  7
  Candidate 4  4
  Non-xferable 4

Candidate 1  43 + 4[3] + 7[5] = 54
Candidate 4  26 + 2[3] + 4[5] = 32

Candidate 1 passes quota and is deemed elected.


The following are elected (in this order):
  Candidate 2
  Candidate 6
  Candidate 1

2) Particulars of the Vote

The following people posted valid votes:

             James Farrar           james@sfgiants22.freeserve@kuoc
           Marcus Houlden              committee-99@houlden.f9@kuoc
              Tony Towers                      tony@cats.tele2@kuoc
            Ellen Mizzell               votes9910@tictac.demon@kuoc
             Livia Mitson                     livia.wheelwrigh@tent
               Mark Brown                    broonie.tardis@ed@kuca
               Nick Regan                          nick@nregan@kuoc
                      {R}                      richard@horizon@kuoc
             Barry Salter                ukvotes.salterg@demon@kuoc
          Richard Clayton                      richard.turnpik@moce
              Alex Holden                    votes.alexh@clara@kuoc
                John Hall                     john.jhall@demon@kuoc
               Tom Hughes                            tom.compt@nuno
               Steve Dodd                      dirk.loth@demon@kuoc
             Raven (Brit)                 Raven.arpeggio@demon@kuoc
         Keith Willoughby                         keith.flat22@gro2
              Arwel Parry                  arwel.cartref@demon@kuoc
               simon gray                     simon.star-one@o@kurg
           Peter Gradwell                        peter.gradwel@mocl
             Kath Collman                  kath.hwthwood@demon@kuoc
             Tim Sharrock                        tjsharrock.ie@groe
        Matthew Malthouse             matthew.calmeilles@demon@kuoc
          Chris Croughton                    chris.keris@demon@kuoc
             Matt Johnson                 matt@guysfield@demon@kuoc
             Steve Wright                steve@wrightnet@demon@kuoc
           Molly Mockford                     molly@orbs@demon@kuoc
          Adrian Wontroba                            aw1@stade@kuoc
                Tez Burke                   burkesworks@lineon@tene
              Dave Sparks           Dave.Sparks@sisyphus@demon@kuoc
                     Bill              Bill@billybubbles@demon@kuoc
             Andy Mabbett             andy@pigsonthewing@demon@kuoc
                    Jezza             jezza@hotwells.freeserve@kuoc
             astral alice                     alice@darkwave.o@kugr
             Mike Fleming                         mike@tauzero@kuoc
               David Wood                    david@wood2@demon@kuoc
             Helge Nareid                h.nareid@nareid@demon@kuoc
              Steve Peake                     puppet@dial.pipe@mocx
              Ian Peattie                     ian@john-richard@kuoc
            Roger Vincent                        rogerv@threex@kuoc
              Steve Lewin                         slewin@clara@kuoc
            Barry Dorrans                          barryd@bann@kuoc
              Ian Jackson           ijackson@chiark.greenend.o@kugr
             Mark Tyndall                         mrt102@york.@kuca
                Phil Wade                      philwade@bigfoo@moct
            Annabel Smyth                annabel@amsmyth@demon@kuoc
             Andrew Norma                               nja@le@kuca
           Paul Bolchover                          pb10003@cam@kuca
          Anthony R. Gold                           tgold@pani@mocx
              tobias erle                  vote-uk@kholdan.sna@eduf
            Nick Leverton                 leveret@warren@demon@kuoc
                Bob Scott                      bob@loud-n-clea@mocr
            Barry Johnson                   bjohnson@enterpris@tene
            Rachael Munns                       vashti@dream.o@kugr
            Andrew Heggie                         ahe1@cableol@kuoc
              Dick Craven                 R.C.Craven@btinterne@moct
            John Robinson                  john@thebeard@demon@kuoc
              Dave Mayall                david.mayall@ukonline@kuoc
              Andy Walker                     a.j.walker@virgi@tenn
            Denis McMahon                  denis@pickaxe@demon@kuoc
   A Plantigrade Omnivore                           D.Budd@mcc@kuca
          Charles Lindsey                       chl@clw.cs.man@kuca
           David Damerell           damerell@chiark.greenend.o@kugr
              Pete Humble                          peet@dircon@kuoc
            Sam Blackburn                   blackburn@nym.alia@tens
           Shane Matthews                     smatt@1st-legend@kuoc
               Tim Forcer                        tmf@ecs.soton@kuca
             Duncan Dewar                duncan@brandane@demon@kuoc
         Richard Kennaway                          jrk@sys.uea@kuca
             Susan Ashton                   susan@ashton@demon@kuoc
   Brian {Hamilton Kelly}                              bhk@dsl@kuoc
           Alex D. Baxter               alex-news@oenone@demon@kuoc
          Richard Herring                richard@clupeid@demon@kuoc
         Keith Brazington                    keith@quetz@demon@kuoc
        Brett Paul Dunbar               brett@dimetrodon@demon@kuoc
           Lindsay Endell                     linz@gofar@demon@kuoc
                 Iain Rae                         iainr@civ.hw@kuca
              Matt Foster                       matt.foster@ed@kuca
              James Coupe                    james@obeah@demon@kuoc
                Tez Boyes                          tez@pierrot@kuoc
             Hugh Simmons                  hugh@st-ronan@demon@kuoc
              Imran Ghory                     ImranG@btinterne@moct
            David Clapham          Dave@community-spirit@demon@kuoc
              Fred Barber                  fredb@frolix8@demon@kuoc
           James Bellaire                           bellaire@t@mock
                     Huge                   huge@axalotl@demon@kuoc
              Lee Maguire                    lee@wetware@demon@kuoc
               Graham Nye                 graham@tyndale@demon@kuoc
               Jon Harley                   J.W.Harley@warwick@kuca
                Alan Ford                  alan@whirlnet@demon@kuoc
                    Fenny                    yorks.lass@net.nt@mocl
            jeff lebowski                         thedude@jena@kuoc
                  martinP                    m.paterson@consun@lnte
            Philip Powell              philip@blencathra@demon@kuoc
             Claire Speed                          c.speed@mcc@kuca
          Chris Bannister                      cj@moodog@demon@kuoc
           Kevin Andreoli              kevin.andreoli@ukgatewa@teny
              Rick Ansell                      ricka@globalnet@kuoc
         Aakash Mehendale                     aakash@popaccoun@moct
             Mike Landers                    plissken@netcomuk@kuoc
            Dave Williams                            dave@clue@mocs
              Penny Mayes                penny@labyrinth.freeu@mock
             jAmES Lawson                            chasm@ccl@gro4
              Peter Parry                   peter@wppltd@demon@kuoc
                Tom Joyce                   t.m.joyce@dunelm.o@kugr
            Richard Letts           rilchard-vote@illuin@demon@kuoc
         Stuart O'Donnell                 spod@venicones@demon@kuoc
               Maga Tweed                       maga@magawiska@kuoc
           Richard Lamont                 richard@stonix@demon@kuoc
      Delboy (D.M.Mackel)                     delboy@madasafis@moch
          Darren Wyn Rees                       merlin@netlink@kuoc
               Thomas Lee                              tfl@psp@kuoc
         Chris M. Dickson                  chris@dickson@demon@kuoc
              Brian Jones              bajones@worcester@demon@kuoc
              Tim Willets                    tim@willets@demon@kuoc
                  Denis F                    bedfordtlfan@yaho@moco
                Steve Way                     steve@ways@demon@kuoc
                    niall                    niallcw@btinterne@comt
      Christopher Watkins               christopher@uffa@demon@kuoc
            Andrew Gierth               andrew@erlenstar@demon@kuoc
             Nigel Cliffe                    ncliffe@btinterne@comt
               dave mills               davemills@ravesw@demon@kuoc
             John Mallard                  john_mallard@lineon@tene
                       M@                        mgk@ecs.soton@kuca
         Jonathan Wheeler                       J.F.Wheeler@rl@kuca
         S.W.F. Borthwick                     swfb@bokop.win-u@tenk
                Ben Evans               bene@chiark.greenend.o@kugr
            Ross Hamilton                           rossh@clar@tena
              Mike Wallis                       m.wallis@leeds@kuca
          Colin Blackburn                   phys0060@ermine.ox@kuca
           David Kitching                 davidk@brocross.u-ne@comt
           Darren Meldrum                       darren@meldrum@kuoc
               Phil Clark                   phil@saxmund@demon@kuoc
            Stefan Davids                       smd@hopf@demon@kuoc
             John C. Kirk                  John@golgotha@demon@kuoc
         Pekka P. Pirinen                    ppp@pirinen@demon@kuoc
               Iain Bowen                 alaric@harlech@demon@kuoc
                   squire                squire@bryhod99@demon@kuoc
         Colin Rosenstiel                       rosenstiel@cix@kuoc
             Roger Haynes                     rogerh@crosswind@tens
           Martin Ludgate                 editor@navvies@demon@kuoc
         Jim Benton-Evans               jim@benton-evans@demon@kuoc
            Stephen Baird                   steve@grinning-cat@kuoc
                      Bob                       galactica@cwco@tenm
           Paul Carpenter                    paul@pcserv@demon@kuoc
               Peter Dent               p-dent@iboro.freeserve@kuoc
             Andy Roberts                     andyrobts@zetnet@kuoc
            Rex M F Smith                  sumisu@gehena@demon@kuoc
             Barrie Black        barrie@kingsmuirangus.softnet@kuoc
              Edward King                   eaking@ulape@demon@kuoc
             Aaron Fuller                 fulleraaron@ukonline@kuoc
             Guy Robinson                  guy_robinson@bigfoo@comt
           Andrew Gabriel                andrew@cucumber@demon@kuoc
        Allan Beetlestone                {A}@beetlestone@demon@kuoc
             Mark Meadows                       shazam@softhom@tene
               Evan Johns                  evan.johns@ukgatewa@teny
             Glenys Pople                     gkp@howfen@demon@kuoc
            Chris Eilbeck                   chris@yordas@demon@kuoc
              Doug Weller                dweller@ramtops@demon@kuoc
              Mark Collis                            mwc22@cam@kuca
         Jurek Czernuszka                 george@beldame@demon@kuoc
              Dave Hillam                   d.hillam@btinterne@moct
               Geoff Pugh               geoffpugh@fortyplus.f9@kuoc
         Lyn David Thomas                   lyn@stuffing@demon@kuoc
          Peter Alfredsen                     peteralf@softhom@tene
            Peter Corlett                        abuse@cabal.o@kugr
                  John B.                      jcb@avism@demon@kuoc
             Neil Horlock                   Neil.Horlock@mcmai@mocl
               Pete Biggs                     pete@physchem.ox@kuca
              Paul Martin              paul.martin@nuffield.ox@kuca
               John Davis                     echoes@btinterne@comt
            Anthony Naggs                       amn@ubik@demon@kuoc
                Jon Plews                   jonplews@dial.pipe@mocx
                      Six           six@screamingeagle.in2home@kuoc
            Scott Allison                  scott@freedomphones@kuoc
         Dr John Stockton                     jrs@merlyn@demon@kuoc
             Mike Bristow                            mike@urgl@moce
              Alan Wigand                     alan@alanw@demon@kuoc
                Jon Rouse                   Jon@timewarp@demon@kuoc
          Keith@Hampshire                 KA@roofer.swinternet@kuoc
              Mark Goodge                      mark@good-stuff@kuoc
             Clive Martin                  clive@cmartin@demon@kuoc
               Paul Womar                    Vote@pwomar@demon@kuoc
               Peter Munn        pmunnsub@pearce-neptune@demon@kuoc
                 Dave Lee                   dave@alpha21@demon@kuoc
                 Jim Hill                    committee99@jhc.o@kugr
              Kate L Pugh                       kake@ox.compso@tenc
          Frankie Roberto                 frank.roberts@zetnet@kuoc
                  draenog                draenog@yon-net@demon@kuoc
                     Paul                     Paul@xebon.clara@kuoc
                  Ian Boe                       ian@boei@demon@kuoc
                  Sue Lee                  sue@dizzydogs@demon@kuoc

The following people posted invalid votes:
chaz.obelisksystems@ukco - ack bounced

Late votes
Kevin Bracey    kevin@bracey.pacemicr.moco

deemed invalid by the votetakers
Nogbert Noggson borsetshire.tesc.teno
Borsetshire Webmaster   webmaster.borsetshire.cj.tenb

As per the guidelines:

"The results shall be published in such a manner that it may be seen who
voted, but only the individual voter will be able to recognise and
confirm his own vote. "

And therefore the following are the valid votes with the Unique ID for
people to identify their votes and the way people voted:

  Candidate 6 ( TL )--------------+
  Candidate 5 (  S )------------+ |
  Candidate 4 ( PP )----------+ | |
  Candidate 3 ( JF )--------+ | | |
  Candidate 2 ( GB )------+ | | | |
  Candidate 1 ( DD )----+ | | | | |
ID                      | | | | | |
00f6304a9ed746fe        2 3 5 6 1 4
033d95a5f845ccbb        2 4 5 1 6 3
08f051ead124d803        1 2 5 3 6 4
09a2fd8071dadb61        3 1 4 2 6 5
0b941c4cefd7a312        1 2 5 3 6 4
0e3372b51192c353        2 1 - 3 - -
10b21223168399d7        2 1 5 3 6 4
1100e2ebfc9a4826        2 4 3 1 6 5
112866daf095a3fd        1 5 4 2 6 3
136b040f68b6fcd7        3 2 4 5 6 1
13da04441255f9cf        1 2 5 3 6 4
14e7ecc0906de034        5 2 4 1 6 3
15066c25ee458e81        1 3 5 4 6 2
151a5ca74c5fd310        5 2 4 3 6 1
154e82d538e5f555        - 2 5 3 1 4
16675bae654e991c        4 3 2 5 6 1
167c0e67521a3a77        - 1 - - - -
18572d3943aeb6e4        6 1 4 2 5 3
1a1c4f5eb53f77ed        3 4 5 2 6 1
1bfb3e08e328ebe0        3 1 2 4 6 5
1dfa6bfdbaf73413        2 4 5 1 - 3
1eb1343ed30237e3        2 1 4 5 6 3
1ec67aa51f855288        2 3 4 1 6 5
1ee736064605a959        2 3 5 4 6 1
1efa55653360b4f6        3 4 2 5 6 1
2074f86df68187b8        4 2 5 3 6 1
2258c007123a8dc8        4 5 3 2 - 1
2340453be9f9a2bd        3 1 5 2 6 4
23649febaa3eae73        - 1 - - 2 -
24bddfd50705d56b        1 2 4 3 6 5
28173ca1ff441e08        4 3 5 2 6 1
2ac1a48b9654f530        5 2 4 1 6 3
2af3ba787e6b7fa9        4 1 5 2 6 3
2cf3de780e3a5c42        - - - - 1 -
2d3933ffcff8d9d4        3 5 4 2 6 1
325d89c3bbdfe98a        4 5 3 1 6 2
3311e3b971e3a7d4        3 1 - 2 - -
331abd6da78634b6        5 4 1 3 6 2
36c544b492d48e18        3 2 5 4 6 1
37623ab573c1d371        - 1 3 - - 2
395170f86b6d1fa7        3 4 2 1 - 5
3a94a8c93a14e5e5        2 3 4 5 1 6
3b55fbf3d1f41005        3 2 6 4 1 5
3c8a3350f9b691fb        3 4 1 5 6 2
3e0311d61903a015        6 5 4 2 3 1
3efc4a774e10bff0        3 - - 2 - 1
3f8eca55f954d2b7        4 5 3 1 6 2
400866bbff74ab3c        3 2 1 - - 4
419967d702d9b5b1        1 5 4 2 6 3
422244824dddc648        3 2 5 4 6 1
450f84cf6fe68018        3 2 5 4 6 1
454eb022536911ac        1 5 2 3 6 4
4572399bf6cc04c5        1 4 5 3 6 2
45fceda3e0abcbf2        2 3 4 5 6 1
4676b93b2ca12bf2        2 4 5 3 6 1
46cbe11b4dbbbd8b        1 3 4 5 6 2
48dc723796273f85        4 5 3 2 - 1
499bcf1e802f6c6f        3 4 5 2 1 6
4cefe34846d9b35b        1 2 5 3 - 4
4e2086eecec13929        2 1 - - - 3
51a20cc6aa48a50e        1 5 4 3 2 6
5328020b7ee27c58        5 2 3 4 - 1
5373bb31ac55df66        2 3 5 1 6 4
540d8c485b87d83d        - 1 - 3 - 2
54d950c38072c963        3 1 2 4 - 5
571381c39867d040        3 5 4 2 - 1
583d0798a1d18c56        2 1 5 3 - 4
5952032947cfb2f8        4 1 2 5 6 3
5ad679c3fe832679        3 1 4 5 6 2
5c28e19852984c42        1 3 5 2 6 4
5e8197159334e48e        3 - - 1 - 2
5e96a74081d50743        1 - 4 3 - 2
60c1ccace9e15039        3 1 4 2 6 5
60c7ad7d0f10819a        3 1 2 4 - -
65480121af72a33b        2 3 5 4 - 1
66171ea400429eb7        1 3 4 5 6 2
665957028b24bc77        1 6 2 3 5 4
667bd6391ffa87cd        - 2 - - 1 -
6b54171ab61c9b9f        5 4 3 2 - 1
6bdcaa337f209872        2 1 5 4 6 3
6c809821a339dcdb        2 1 4 3 6 5
6ca8502cc5cd2378        - 1 2 - 3 -
6d9c373782762e97        2 1 5 3 - 4
6f382de5698afb7b        5 4 2 1 6 3
706b1cd3e718bd33        3 2 4 5 6 1
745ccd25cf2787bc        5 2 4 6 1 3
75df621a578cc7b7        - - - - 1 -
765fe9001cf9f07f        3 1 4 2 - 5
7788740fe06aeb7d        1 4 2 3 6 5
7f29397317d8faac        3 4 5 2 6 1
818d40692a4173f8        1 2 4 3 6 5
81d052e91f141f22        3 1 5 4 6 2
8306cbbb05264db4        3 1 - - 2 -
85cc666df1b5dec8        2 5 3 1 6 4
85f1aee9bc67af6b        2 3 4 1 - -
869ce7dc57835224        6 2 4 5 1 3
876303b00d47faa4        3 4 5 2 6 1
887de6aed3514421        5 3 4 1 6 2
88946f2fa98c7742        4 1 3 5 - 2
88c2f0e16ed80d91        3 4 5 1 6 2
89afe9b95132484c        4 2 5 3 6 1
8adb67d6797ff28c        2 5 4 3 6 1
8c85afa6629b16da        5 3 4 1 6 2
8d81706888affaa2        3 2 5 4 - 1
8dde72470add9946        5 1 2 3 6 4
8f5750b2cbd761ce        5 1 4 3 6 2
8f9cb4c2ba23f202        2 1 3 4 6 5
8fd6ff8e7d0a2b1b        6 1 4 2 5 3
8fd9798b419dca96        4 1 2 3 6 5
9156fcf4c18cf0c1        3 1 2 4 6 5
9163151e1dd64eb4        5 3 4 1 6 2
9328ec5647b1f30f        3 2 5 4 6 1
934ea103a8fff156        1 2 4 3 - 5
937614dbf8693880        1 2 4 3 6 5
94530f59609caff0        1 3 4 5 - 2
963aaf25a499f574        2 1 - - - -
9654a10917432643        1 2 5 4 6 3
9895f4689d1d98ea        2 5 1 4 6 3
9c74a339436199d1        1 2 5 3 6 4
9cec9865ed30cfa8        1 2 4 5 6 3
9ddc605958e29a45        - 1 4 3 2 -
9ecc52788a9b0048        1 5 4 3 - 2
a2121bb8182e8ff0        1 2 4 3 6 5
a3e8bcc5a1935116        5 3 4 2 6 1
a4ab33e58925fbbd        4 1 3 2 6 5
a5174eb7112de4f2        5 3 1 4 6 2
a5b70c0e8f84fe66        1 5 3 4 - 2
a6143ea5b2b1243e        3 2 5 4 6 1
a7dedf56606b4e5c        3 1 4 2 6 5
a89cca77b6722807        3 1 4 2 5 6
ab43371324f0ba07        1 4 5 3 6 2
abf19856c10fdefb        1 3 5 4 6 2
b17bbc6cb688a4c4        4 3 2 5 6 1
b3ac294f2d757e19        2 4 5 3 6 1
b3b36a0e01f80c7c        3 2 4 5 6 1
b45faec6a77ee63c        - - - 1 - -
b579fe6aa0d8ae80        - - - 1 - 2
b598415716f51a74        2 3 - 4 - 1
b906474a9b77bf20        2 3 5 4 6 1
b913217cfb1a36bd        2 1 5 4 6 3
ba00edabc3afe514        1 3 5 2 - 4
bcf8fea44f0f965e        2 4 - 3 - 1
be8ad2e15a2ea704        2 3 4 5 - 1
bea3c586fc1a85a5        1 3 2 - - -
bf6aa5ec4fedc046        - 5 - - 1 -
c19d98fe6bd55b0e        3 4 5 1 6 2
c301644baa3310fa        1 3 5 4 6 2
c43291c5d5f8158f        6 1 3 4 2 5
c571158fe47a0815        1 3 4 5 6 2
c5e5d903475aedbb        1 2 - 3 - -
c7170a1a9904f890        5 2 3 4 6 1
c8dfe530fe2b6cd7        3 2 5 4 - 1
ca99941d29d46e5c        3 4 5 2 6 1
cb91f567f166e020        2 1 4 3 6 5
cba14ec5cc39de45        1 2 4 5 6 3
cfd3b91ba351e6bf        2 5 1 4 - 3
d125c62716f0587f        - 1 - - 2 -
d191e210fa895c1f        1 5 4 3 6 2
d327f8d025feb477        - - - 1 - -
d45ce451e7bb80e1        3 4 5 2 6 1
d488e8323269eb52        - 3 4 1 - 2
d53f82910a92c34e        3 1 5 2 6 4
d563ebecd51b27bf        5 2 6 4 1 3
d6246a03a46f52c1        2 1 4 5 6 3
d8528976a570394f        3 - 4 2 - 1
dae05ae7fafcd1ee        1 5 2 3 6 4
db684277aac4d996        5 1 4 2 6 3
dc618b47398dba0a        4 2 5 1 6 3
de15d758a52edb04        1 2 3 - - -
dec690ec13305b3b        2 1 6 5 4 3
e119716f8a0fc48e        3 2 4 6 1 5
e177c8be5ebe7e85        2 1 4 3 5 6
e1c915ca39f78578        2 1 3 4 6 5
e2ac0ddbdeb33917        - - - - - 1
e3e2ce2ed0db227a        4 3 6 1 5 2
e8823e9a7e27ef9d        5 1 3 4 6 2
ea63ceea94379339        4 2 5 6 1 3
ea72cc16984d078e        1 4 3 5 - 2
ed9de8324bc6a402        1 2 3 4 - 5
ef56ae2f801d740d        2 1 5 4 6 3
f07843593f6addf0        1 - - 2 - 3
f168264d8484a555        1 4 5 2 - 3
f2a0610aec522acc        4 2 5 3 - 1
f320060510f630c1        5 2 4 3 6 1
f65aa01094434e11        3 1 2 4 6 5
f933db354f8c4c77        4 2 - - 1 3
f9357ef69965868f        - 1 - 2 - -
fc28407666c7dc89        4 2 3 5 6 1
fc400e3b5bb174b0        1 4 5 3 6 2
fda2a7afc6157045        3 4 5 2 6 1
ff04bb51c710f127        4 2 5 1 6 3

3) Votetaker Comments

Robbie :-
My first STV (officially) fairly uneventful apart from the business with
the guidelines vote just as the vote ended. A unexpected painless process
and a easy to work out result. I wasn't expecting to do anything else apart
from checking of the votes, so a surprise. the worst part of the vote -
formatting the spamtrapped mail addresses for this posting.

Malcolm :-
Not really much to add - most people managed to provide reasonably
filled out ballots but a few required hand-editing before being script
processed.  The ID/ack generation code was essentially the same as
last year.  I (like everyone else, I expect) will be glad to get it
all over with.

4) Voting and Appeal guidelines

This vote was conducted by a neutral third party member of UKVoting.
UKVoting is a group of independent votetakers who count votes on CFVs in
the uk hierarchy.  The rules under which this vote is taken are posted
regularly to uk.net.news.announce or can be found at the following URL:

The UKVoting web pages can be found at http://www.ukvoting.org.uk/

There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted to

Allegations of irregularity should be sent to control@usenet.org.uk.

5) Committee Elections Guidelines


There are currently 3 Open and 3 News Administrator Vacancies


A News Administrator is a person responsible for administering or
overseeing the news system on a site. Sites which serve only 1 user, or
which exchange news articles with only 1 other site do not count.

An Open Member is any person who is a reader of uk.* articles.


Nominations in the case of the "News Administrator" class of membership
may only be made by News Administrators (definition above)

Nominations in the case of the "Open" class of membership may be made by
any reader of uk.* articles.

Each candidate must receive 4 nominations.


News Administrator Class:

1) Jon Harley

N.B. There are now three vacancies on the committee for this class.

Open Member Class:

1) Paul Carpenter (end of 3 year term)
2) Thomas Lee (end of 3 year term)
3) Claire Speed (retiring one year early)



News Administrator Class:

One nomination received.


1) Andrew Gierth

Nominator 1 = Dave Williams              davec luesc om
Nominator 2 = Jeremy Nixon               jnixo nrema rqcom
Nominator 3 = Joe St Sauver              JOEor egonu orego nedu
Nominator 4 = Stuart Davies              stoob tnet

The appropriate validation of candidate and nominators having been
carried out, Andrew Gierth is provisionally elected unopposed.

Open Class:

6 nominations received - the committee has 3 vacancies and therefore an
election will be held to fill the 3 vacancies.


1) David Damerell
2) Geoff Berrow (a.k.a. Blade Runner)
3) James Farrar
4) Peter Parry
5) Six
6) Thomas Lee

Please find below details of the people who nominated each candidate
& Email Address) and a short statement from each candidate:

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Candidate 1: David Damerell               damer ellch iarkg reene ndorg

Nominator 1 = Claire Speed                perdi tamcc acuk
Nominator 2 = Dave Mayall                 david mayal lukon linec ouk
Nominator 3 = Ian Jackson                 ijack sonch iarkg reene ndorg
Nominator 4 = Wednesday White             wedns daych iarkg reene ndorg


I've read uk.* groups for around 5 years, and involved myself with the
group creation process for about two. uk.* has a much higher
proportion of readable groups than the Big Eight (let alone alt.*),
and I'd like to preserve that.
The role of the Committee involves resisting the increasingly commmon
abuses of the group creation process; to that end, I'd like to submit
RFDs to change the Committee's remit. It is currently possible for 4
demands to force the Committee to add ROD to an RFD; it should also be
possible for a larger number - twelve, I suggest - to force the
Committee to add naming options or Charter options.
Committee decisions can often be terse. It would be pleasant if they -
in general - had more justification of why the decision had been
taken; the truly determined will still object to anything the
Committee does, but the ordinary proponent - especially those
uninformed about the group creation process - needs a clear indication
of why a decision has been taken and how to proceed.
Recently a lot of criticism of Control and Acting Control has been
heard. I don't personally believe that much of it is justified; but I
believe that the Committee must be fast to investigate complaints.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Candidate 2: Geoff Berrow  (Blade Runner) black -dogg eocit iesco m

Nominator 1 = Claire Speed                Clair eSpee dness iemcc acuk
Nominator 2 = Iain Bowen                  alari charl echde monco uk
Nominator 3 = Andy Mabbett                andyp igson thewi ngdem oncou
Nominator 4 = Andrew John Roberts         andyr obtsz etnet couk


When I proposed my first newsgroup, I was told I would never get it
past the unnc lot.  I didn't even try, I just formed it in alt.  It's
not the busiest newsgroup in the world, but all those who drop by say
what a friendly place it is and it's still going strong.  I can't
remember how I first came to spend time in unnc but I soon learned
that what I had been told was only partly true.  It was possible to
'get past the unnc lot' after all.  My second newsgroup did.

I believe that, whilst certain procedure is important to ensure the
success of the hierarchy, unnc could really do with what the
advertisers would call 're-branding'.  I believe the process should be
seen as firm, but fair and I also think that we can afford to be
somewhat less confrontational in our attitude to newsgroup formation.

I've not just talked about this.  I wrote the RFD Maker, an online
resource designed to help new proponents and formed a mailing list to
enable information to be passed out to the wider hierarchy by means of
.sig files.  If elected, I will continue to look for ways to make the
process fairer and less traumatic for the proponent whilst striving to
make the hierarchy one to be proud of.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Candidate 3: James Farrar              james sfgia nts22 frees ervec ouk

Nominator 1 = astral alice             alice darkw aveor guk
Nominator 2 = Ryan Taylor              ryanc taylo rcabl einet couk
Nominator 3 = Robert Park              robcr ane-h ousef reese rveco uk
Nominator 4 = Owen G. Hinchcliffe      owenh inchc liffe icacu k


I have been a reader of uk.* newsgroups for the past three years, and
have been active in the newsgroup creation procedure both in uk.* and in
the Big 8. I have also been involved with several real-life committees.

The Committee will face new challenges over the next few years. There
have already been attempts to undermine its authority. It is likely that
the Committee may have to seek more input from our ISPs as to what they
feel its role should be. It is through the ISPs that the Committee
its power. It should never forget that, and it should use that to its

I am currently a second year Chemistry student at Queen Mary & Westfield
College (University of London).

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Candidate 4: Peter Parry            peter wpplt ddemo ncouk

Nominator 1 = Sue Lee               suedi zzydo gsdem oncouk
Nominator 2 = Alan Wigand           alana lanwd emonc ouk
Nominator 3 = Ian Boe               ianbo eidem oncou k
Nominator 4 = Dave Lee              Davea lpha2 1demo ncouk


Having been around here for some years I am of the opinion that on
balance the present system works well and should continue.
While it must change with time and users needs such changes should be
evolutionary rather than revolutionary.

I am very strongly against attempts to politicise the committee.  The
committee should be made up of individuals responsive to users not
'activists' in the thrall of secretive organisations with their own
agendas. The efforts of these have often created a confrontational
atmosphere which leads to lengthy, heated and largely irrelevant
debates to the detriment of newcomers and the group creation process.

I would like to work towards the development of more standardised
texts for the creation of RFD's without unnecessary pain and believe
it is the task of the committee members to provide both guidance and
leadership in such areas.  However, I would not want everything to be
taken too seriously.   For most of us this is not real life and it
ought to be more about helping others to achieve what they want
within the framework we have than endless squabbling.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Candidate 5: Six                     sixsc reami ngeag le1to 1org

Nominator 1 = Andy Roberts           andyr obtsz etnet couk
Nominator 2 = Fenris Wolf            fenri sreal ity8d emonc ouk
Nominator 3 = Dr D M Mackel          macke lmada safis hcom
Nominator 4 = Charles F Hankel       charl eshan kelme rsine tcouk


I stand on the Reform Group ticket, whose policy statements I generally
agree with except for publishing the committee mail list verbatim, but
feel that some form of minutes must be published on a regular basis, and
that progress reports must be published weekly by Control.  I believe
that the group creation process can be simplified without compromising
the uk.* hierarchy, and that the committee must be a facilitative body
instead of its current blurred role.  As a Uk Dot Star Agent, I am
committed to pro-actively spreading the election message throughout the
uk.* hierarchy with a view to getting more of the electorate informed
and involved.  I believe that committee terms must be reduced to one
year and, in support of this, I intend to resign after a year and maybe
offer myself for re-election at that time regardless of whether or not
the committee rules are altered before then.  Age, experience and
the rest: I hold dual nationality (British and American), am older than
most, younger then some; my IT experience exceeds a quarter of a
century, and comes after being commander of a combat infantry company
when the Western world was discovering free love.  I use the name "Six"
because it has historical significance for me and to avoid confusion
between my amateur Internet activities with my professional ones.  I
shall be more than happy to answer relevant questions on
uk.net.news.config in the election run-up.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Candidate 6: Thomas Lee                     tflps pcouk

Nominator 1 = Dave Roberts                  daved arobd emonc ouk
Nominator 2 = Stefan Perry                  stefs marts igcou k
Nominator 3 = Andy Hoad                     andyh arhoa dfree serve couk
Nominator 4 = Robin Muskett                 Alpha 1droo mdemo ncouk


I have been a member of the UK Usenet Committee since it's formation and
participate both in the committee discussions and in the newsgroups.

Working as a computer consultant specialising in Windows 2000, I have
spent much of the past two years contracting at Microsoft, spending much
of that time living in the US. I returned to the UK in May of this year.

I will be happy to answer any questions the voters have to ask, either
via email to committee@psp.co.uk, or in uk.net.new.config.

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