24 Dec 1995: uk.org.mensa
RESULT: uk.org.mensa PASSES 52:6
Author: Iain D. Bowen
Email: voting@harlech.demon.co.uk
Date: 1995/12/24
Forums: uk.net.news.config, uk.net.news.announce
Message-ID: <richard-uk.org.mensa-24-Dec-1995-022532-GMT@io.salford.ac.uk>
Creation of uk.org.mensa
Voting for this CFV closed 23:59:59 UTC, 18 December 1995.
This vote was conducted by a neutral third party. For voting questions
only contact Iain Bowen <voting@harlech.demon.co.uk> For questions about
the proposal itself contact Dave Budd (D.Budd@mcc.ac.uk)
uk.org.mensa PASSES 52: 6
This Result will be cross-posted to the following relevant newsgroups:
rec.org.mensa, uk.misc
Newsgroup Name:
uk.org.mensa Forum for items of interest to UK members of Mensa
Dave Budd (D.Budd@mcc.ac.uk)
uk.org.mensa is a forum for discussion of any items of interest to members
of Mensa in the UK or the Irish Republic, without barring non members from
reading and posting. It should be noted that no postings can be regarded
as "the official Mensa view": the newsgroup is entirely informal. While no
subject is explicitly out of bounds, it is intended that most threads will
relate to Mensa activities and similar subjects: it is not the intention to
recreate uk.misc with restricted readership! The newsgroup also provides a
way of arranging meetings without the lead time needed by the Mensa Magazine.
Only advertising of particular interest to Mensa members, e.g. special
discounts for members.
The following list of addresses is copyright 1995 by the Revolutionary
Penguin Press(1985). Use for any purpose other than verifying the vote
for this newsgroup is prohibited.
Final Vote Ack
100103.1216@compuserve.com Ralph Stuttard Y
a.bolton@dial.pipex.com Andrew Bolton Y
aborthwi@cs.strath.ac.uk Andrew Borthwick Y
andrew@primag.co.uk Andrew Pullen Y
Andy@boondock.demon.co.uk Andy Farrell Y
apascoe@servelan.co.uk Alan Pascoe Y
az83@dial.pipex.com Mark Griffin Y
bploegstra@ssmhc.com Barbara Ploegstra Y
catspaw@Rt66.com Lynne Y. Williams Y
cd5@ecmwf.int Mike Connally Y
cdw10@cix.compulink.co.uk Dr C. D. Wright Y
Chris_Clifford@neath.demon.co.uk Chris Clifford Y
Claire.Speed@mailhost.mcc.ac.uk Claire Speed Y
dan@dukeson.demon.co.uk Daniel Dukeson Y
dolbyn@dircon.co.uk David Spooner Y
ed@g4zxs.demon.co.uk Edward Loach Y
emsystems@dial.pipex.com Edward A. Macnaghten Y
fw75@cityscape.co.uk David Knight Allan Y
G6JPG@soft255.demon.co.uk J.P Gilliver Y
garry@bar-nett.demon.co.uk Daniel Barnett Y
gevans@cpd.ntc.nokia.com Gareth Evans Y
gordon@charlton.demon.co.uk Gordon Charlton Y
hutchsoft@dial.pipex.com Alan Hutchison Y
ivor@club.demon.co.uk Ivor Peksa Y
janik@yoker.com Paul Janik Y
jasonm@mcqueen.com Jason McMullins Y
joe@tozer.demon.co.uk Joe Tozer Y
jzp80@juts.ccc.amdahl.com Jane Pook Y
martinbr@colossus.demon.co.uk Martin Bryant Y
michael@gormez.xs4all.nl Michael Gormez Y
Mike.Robson@mcc.ac.uk Michael Robson Y
nmercier@dial.pipex.com Nigel Mercier Y
npch@tardis.ed.ac.uk Neil P. Chue Hong Y
oscar@hollywood.cinenet.net oscar gordon Y
paul@wight.demon.co.uk Paul O'Rourke Y
Paul@elsinore.demon.co.uk Paul Leader Y
Paul.Kathro@insignia.co.uk Paul A. Kathro Y
pculbert@cix.compulink.co.uk Phil Culbert Y
quantum@crosslink.net Alan J Truelove Y
rdson@wintermute.co.uk Paul Richardson Y
rob@psych.york.ac.uk Rob Stone Y
robert.goodwin@mcc.ac.uk Robert Goodwin Y
root@gi4gov.demon.co.uk Philip Raymond Barr Y
schliss@netcom.com Martin Schlissel Y
smxk@dcs.ed.ac.uk Scott Keir Y
sse@star.le.ac.uk Steven Sembay Y
steiner@best.com Michelle Anne Steiner Y
stevecon@dircon.co.uk Steve Connolly Y
tfl@psp.co.uk Thomas Lee Y
tosh-g@dircon.co.uk Graham McIntosh Y
wiselace@cix.compulink.co.uk Gary Peach Y
zlsiida@fs1.mcc.ac.uk Dave Budd Y
bohan@prl.philips.co.uk Lee Bohan N
djk@dirku.demon.co.uk Dirk-Jan Koopman N
jamesg@cix.compulink.co.uk James Gardiner N
Kevin Lee N
Singlis@bcde.demon.co.uk Steven Inglis N
ian@tanagra.demon.co.uk Ian Chard N
Votes in error
1@sgrant.demon.co.uk No ballot form
na405330@anon.penet.fi Anonymous remailer
root@quetz.g4lzv.ampr.org Ack bounced
Iain D. Bowen - Volunteer Votetaker, UK-VOTING. voting@harlech.demon.co.uk
please use alaric@harlech.demon.co.uk for personal mail.
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