14 May 1998: uk.tech.y2k

RESULT: Creation of uk.tech.y2k PASSES
Author:   SJFBeckwith 
Email: sjfb@steves.org.uk 
Date: 1998/05/14 
Forums: uk.net.news.config, uk.net.news.announce, uk.comp.misc, uk.tech.misc  
Message-ID:   <result-uk.tech.y2k-980514-201858@usenet.org.uk> 



RESULT: Creation of uk.tech.y2k PASSES

Voting closed at 23:59:59 BST, 10th May 1998.

Proponent: tone@antb.demon.co.uk (Tone)
Votetaker: sjfb@steves.org.uk (SJFBeckwith)

uk.net.news.announce, uk.net.news.config, uk.comp.misc, uk.tech.misc

The Results:

       Create the group as uk.tech.y2k = 79
 Create the group as uk.tech.year-2000 = 51
                 Status Quo (No Group) = 7

As the y2k option passes the +12 against the Status Quo and had over
half the valid votes it wins.  The group uk.tech.y2k should be created
as detailed in the charter below.

The newsgroup c.s.y2k is now dominated by U.S. politics, salaries, and
survivalism; and is therefore insufficiently useful to the U.K.
technical community.  There should be a new newsgroup for UK-related
posters to discuss relevant technical Y2k matters.  The introduction of
the Euro affects Y2k programming and introduces related problems.

The Charter:

Group for the UK-centric discussion of all aspects and possible
solutions of the Year 2000 problem, especially in relation to Computers
and all electronic/electrical equipment utilising date related ic's.

The group will permit discussion of the euro/EMU where it
affects/interfaces with Y2K work as well as also handling discussion on
programming for the introduction of the Eurocurrency.

No advertising allowed, Off topic subjects to include job announcements

Binary postings are expressly forbidden.  All postings to be in plain
text.  Other material - such as word processor or HTML formats,
binaries, executable and/or zipped files, etc. - may be cited and placed
on Web or FTP sites.

The newsgroup will not be moderated, however, off topic postings
including unwelcome ads, will be warned off/reported to their

Newsgroup Line:
uk.tech.y2k     Discussion forum for UK oriented y2k problems

The Particulars of the Vote

valid votes
 name                 email address                          a b c
 gary myers           101355@3556.compuservecom              1 2 3
 alex d. baxter       a@baxter.ic@acuk                       2 1 3
 alex ray             alex@ray.cai@cam@acuk                  2 1 -
 alex holden          alexh.claranet                         1 2 -
 andy mabbett         amabbett.bham-assist@demon@couk        3 1 2
 andrew toner         andrew.bartonis@couk                   1 2 -
 arwel parry          arwel.cartref@demon@couk               1 2 3
 adrian wontroba      aw1.stade@couk                         1 2 -
 barry smith          bazzas.btinternetcom                   1 2 -
 ben tansley          ben.bentan@demon@couk                  1 2 3
 geoff berrow         black-dog.geocitiescom                 1 2 3
 mark brown           broonie.tardis@ed@acuk                 2 1 3
 cameron dunn         c@r@dunn.bath@acuk                     2 1 3
 chris ritson         c@r@ritson.ncl@acuk                    1 2 3
 cormac hand          chand.idbie                            1 2 -
 charles f hankel     charles.hankel@mersinet@couk           1 2 3
 james lawson         chasm.ccl4org                          - 1 2
 charles lindsey      chl.clw@cs@man@acuk                    1 2 3
 chris taylor         chris.cjt@couk                         1 - -
 christian p. hansen  chris.hansenhome@demon@couk            1 2 -
 chris clough         chrisc.pobox@couk                      1 2 3
 m. bray              cima.eriw@u-netcom                     1 2 -
 chris livsey         cjl.ocrixon@demon@couk                 - 1 -
 colin johnson        colin.auto2000@ndirect@couk            1 2 -
 colin cockerill      colinc.btinternetcom                   - 1 2
 conor o'neill        conor.puddle@demon@couk                3 1 2
 chris croughton      crough45.amcde                         1 2 -
 david damerell       damerell.chiark@greenend@orguk         2 1 3
 dan glover           dan.dangl@demon@couk                   1 2 3
 dave mason           dave.deasil@demon@couk                 1 2 3
 david spencer        dave.dsds@demon@couk                   - 1 2
 dave millard         dave.focus3@demon@couk                 2 1 -
 dave pearson         davep.hagbard@demon@couk               1 2 3
 david m bloor        david.bloor@demon@couk                 2 1 -
 david morris         david.davidm@demon@couk                1 2 -
 david husband        david.scanmaster@couk                  1 2 3
 denis fuller         denis.chf@softnet@couk                 1 2 3
 david jones          djones.borve@demon@couk                3 1 2
 doug weller          dweller.ramtops@demon@couk             1 2 -
 edward king          eaking.ulape@demon@couk                3 1 2
 edmund hey           edmund@g@hey.student@shu@acuk          2 1 3
 gareth james horton  gareth@horton.guildsoft@couk           1 2 3
 gerard alan latham   gerard.galatham@demon@couk             1 2 3
 graham nye           graham.tyndale@demon@couk              1 2 -
 grant denkinson      grant@denkinson.nottingham@acuk        - - 1
 guy morgan           guy.onelight@demon@couk                1 2 3
 hilde fernandez      hilde.borve@demon@couk                 - 1 2
 hugh simmons         hugh.st-ronan@demon@couk               1 2 3
 ian brown            ian.ibrownandco@demon@couk             1 2 -
 ian peattie          ian.johnrich@demon@couk                2 1 -
 ian k. ridley        ikr2.le@acuk                           3 1 2
 james nash           j@nash.mdx@acuk                        1 2 3
 jon harley           j@w@harley.warwick@acuk                2 1 -
 jonathan jones       jajones.ermine@ox@acuk                 2 1 3
 james sears          james.acornusersorg                    - 1 2
 jeff lewis           jeff.rhondda@demon@couk                2 1 -
 jim hill             jim.jh-c@demon@couk                    3 2 1
 john collins         jmc.xisl@couk                          - - 1
 j. m. line           jml4.cus@cam@acuk                      1 2 3
 joe hakeney          joe.kinchyle@karoo@couk                1 2 3
 joel rowbottom       joel.jmlnet                            3 2 1
 dr j r stockton      jrs.merlyn@demon@couk                  1 2 -
 julie brandon        julie.merp@demon@couk                  1 2 -
 jwilson              jwilson.sol@couk                       1 2 -
 kevin benjamin       kbenjamin.kevinbenjamin@demon@couk     2 1 3
 kevin bracey         kbracey.acorn@couk                     3 1 2
 martin biddiscombe   m@biddiscombe.ucl@acuk                 1 2 3
 mark eller           mark.ellmar@demon@couk                 2 1 -
 matthew j. mcnally   mattmc.globalnet@couk                  2 1 -
 dave mayall          mayalld.postoffice@couk                - - -
 michael saunby       mike.chook@demon@couk                  1 2 -
 mike                 mike.emgee@demon@couk                  - - 1
 mike scott           mike.moose@demon@couk                  3 1 2
 mike henry           mike.tw2com                            1 3 2
 miles batchelor      miles.batchelor@prestel@couk           - 1 -
 michael p mccormack  monitor.insider@couk                   1 2 -
 neil irving          neil.neilirving@demon@couk             1 2 3
 neil harris          neil.nharris@demon@couk                1 - -
 dave eastabrook      news.elmbronze@demon@couk              1 2 -
 stuart millington    news.wormhole@demon@couk               1 2 3
 lesley simpson       news1.corwyn@demon@couk                1 2 3
 nick yarrow          nick.nyarrow@demon@couk                1 2 3
 nick austin          nick.tcp@couk                          2 1 -
 nir leuchter         nir.easynet@couk                       2 1 -
 nf stevens           norman.arcady@u-netcom                 1 2 -
 neil chue hong       npch.tardis@ed@acuk                    1 2 3
 patrick herring      patrick@herring.btcom                  1 2 3
 paul ainsworth       paul@ainsworth.gecmcom                 1 2 -
 paul j johnson       paulj.mersinet@couk                    1 2 3
 paul bolchover       pb10003.cus@cam@acuk                   2 1 3
 pete humble          peet.dircon@couk                       2 1 3
 pete biggs           pete.physchem@ox@acuk                  1 2 3
 peter thomson        peter@thomson.dial@pipexcom            2 1 3
 peter mcminn         peter.lemoncurry@cix@couk              2 1 3
 peter parry          peter.wppltd@demon@couk                3 1 2
 philip hunt          philh.vision25@demon@couk              1 2 -
 mike paley           pmailkee.waverider@couk                2 1 3
 roger bathurst       rbb.tao@j-sainsbury@couk               1 2 -
 richard palmer       richard.amega@demon@couk               2 1 3
 richard challis      richard.challrj@demon@couk             1 2 -
 richard ashton       richard.corixia@demon@couk             3 1 2
 richard lamont       richard.stonix@demon@couk              1 2 3
 richard clayton      richard.turnpikecom                    3 1 2
 rick martin          rick@martin.pixel-groupcom             - - 1
 rob hindle           rob.hndl@demon@couk                    1 2 3
 rob alexander        rob.mhairi@demon@couk                  2 1 3
 robbie               robert@irvine.gecmcom                  - - 1
 robert munro         robert.cauzality@demon@couk            1 2 3
 roger barnett        roger.natron@demon@couk                1 - -
 rowland carson       rowil.claranet                         1 2 3
 stephen h f ralph    sandwell_plan.cix@compulink@couk       1 2 -
 sarah baker          sarah.simple-signshop@demon@couk       2 1 3
 tony towers          sat.systematic@couk                    1 2 -
 simon hargrave       simon.facilitator@demon@couk           1 2 3
 simon gray           simon.star-one@orguk                   - - -
 michael rumboll      smiker.dircon@couk                     2 1 -
 tim stannard         stannard.adhoc@demon@couk              1 - -
 steve sutton         steve.etheral@demon@couk               1 3 2
 steven clarke        steven@clarke.monmouth@demon@couk      2 1 3
 steve way            steveway.ways@demon@couk               3 1 2
 s.w.f. borthwick     swfb.bokop@win-uknet                   1 - -
 terry phillips       terryphi.aolcom                        2 1 -
 t lee                tfl.psp@couk                           1 2 3
 anthony gold         tgold.panixcom                         1 2 3
 tim sharrock         tjsharrock.ieeorg                      2 1 3
 tim forcer           tmf.ecs@soton@acuk                     1 2 3
 a bournes            tone.antb@demon@couk                   1 2 3
 tony walton          tony@walton.sun@couk                   1 2 -
 tony blakeway        tony.aqualung@demon@couk               1 2 3
 trevor wood          trevor.rds-ltd@couk                    1 2 -
 vivien birch         vivien@b.south-cotswold@prestel@couk   1 2 3
 adrian vickers       vote@y.toolsbase@demon@couk            1 2 3
 chris keen           vote.aimless@demon@couk                2 1 3
 paul womar           vote.pwomar@demon@couk                 2 1 3
 steve wright         voted.wrightnet@demon@couk             1 2 -
 tobias erle          vote-uk.erleorg                        2 1 3
 warren hoy           warren.gwtech@demon@couk               2 1 -
 ross younger         wry20.cam@acuk                         1 2 -
 henry williams       ygroup-ballot.christchurch@demon@couk  1 2 3

 a uk.tech.y2k
 b uk.tech.year-2000
 c status quo

invalid votes
 name                 email                                      problem
 alan j. wylie        alanw@wylie.zen@couk                          1
 cameron dunn         c@r@dunn.bath@acuk                            3
 jeremy clark         etljck.etlxdmx.ericssonse                     1
 gavin chester        gavin.mindlesscom                             4
 nick leverton        leveret.warren@demon@couk                     2
 peter hall           phall.atlan-techcom                           2
 rob hindle           sheffield.hndl@demon@couk                     2

 1 acknowledgement bounced.  user does not exist at address, address
   does not exist or address incorrectly input.
 2 name or address (or both) was missing from the ballot form.
 3 not on ballot form
 4 spoilt paper

This vote was conducted by a neutral third party member of UKVoting.
UKVoting is a group of independent votetakers who count votes on CFVs in
the uk hierarchy.  The rules under which this vote is taken are posted
regularly to uk.net.news.announce or can be found at the following URL:

There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted to

Allegations of irregularity should be sent to control@usenet.org.uk.

- -- 

Co-Ordinator and Votetaker, UKVoting.
The UKVoting web pages can be found at http://www.cirra.com/ukvoting/

Version: 2.6



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