02 Apr 1999: uk.housing (hierarchy) and uk.housing.misc
From: hou1@vote.ukvoting.org.uk (Jon Ribbens)
Date: 2 Apr 1999 00:34:23 +0100
Subject: RESULT - uk.housing (hierarchy) FAILS 16:6
Newsgroups: uk.net.news.config,uk.net.news.announce
Summary: uk.housing (hierarchy) and uk.housing.misc
Create new hierarchy uk.housing FAILS 16:6
Voting closed at 23:59:59 GMT, 27 March 1999.
Proponent: cudce@csv.warwick.ac.uk (Jon Harley)
Votetaker: hou1@vote.ukvoting.org.uk (Jon Ribbens)
uk.net.news.announce, uk.net.news.config
The Results:
The results follow below in the following order:
1) Result
2) Particulars of the Vote
3) Voting and Appeal guidelines
4) Rationale & Newsgroup charter
PROPOSAL - Create new hierarchy uk.housing
YES = 16
NO = 6
YES beat NO by a majority of 10 votes, which is less than the 12
required to change the status quo. Therefore the proposal FAILS.
PROPOSAL - Create new newsgroup uk.housing.misc
Since the uk.housing hierarchy vote failed, the votes for the
proposed newsgroup uk.housing.misc were discarded and will not be
The Particulars of the Vote
Andy Roberts uk_co_zetnet@andyrobts
Kevin Andreoli uk_co_freeserve_andreoli@kevin
Jane Andreoli com_btinternet@jane.andreoli
David Hughes uk_co_clara@troubleshooter
tobias erle de_snafu_kholdan@vote-uk
Claire Speed uk_ac_mcc@c.speed
William Boughton uk_co_demon_xencat@bill
Alex Ray uk_ac_cam@ajtr2
Jonathan Burt uk_co_medinagroup@jb203
Phil Wade com_bigfoot@pooters
Jon Harley uk_ac_warwick@Jon.Harley
Rick Payne uk_co_rossfell@rickp
Anthony R. Gold com_panix@tgold
Adrian Vickers uk_co_demon_toolsbase@nospam
Roy Stilling uk_co_demon_kalevala@rpjs
dave day uk_co_demon_stejonda@ukvoting
Malcolm Mladenovic org_acm@mbm
Alex D. Baxter uk_co_demon_oenone@alex-news
Charles Lindsey uk_ac_man_cs_clw@chl
Alex Dawson uk_ac_uea@alex.dawson
Darren Wyn Rees uk_co_netlink@merlin
Bill Davies om_net_gto@billyboy
Robbie Irvine nu_arrakis@robbie
SJFBeckwith com_cirra@sjfb
neil p chue hong uk_ac_ed_tardis@npch
Andy Mabbett uk_co_demon_pigsonthewing@andy
This vote was conducted by a neutral third party member of UKVoting.
UKVoting is a group of independent votetakers who count votes on
CFVs in the uk hierarchy. The rules under which this vote is taken
are posted regularly to uk.net.news.announce or can be found at the
following URL:
The UKVoting web pages can be found at http://www.ukvoting.org.uk/
There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted
to uk.net.news.announce.
Allegations of irregularity should be sent to control@usenet.org.uk.
Proposed hierarchy charter for uk.housing:
uk.housing is a hierarchy for the discussion of all aspects of
housing in the UK. This includes: architecture and the process of
house building; interior decoration; legal aspects of house buying,
selling and ownership including planning permission and
conveyancing; housing associations and co-operatives; renting,
letting and home ownership; all other aspects of living in housing.
"Housing" here includes houses, flats, maisonnettes, bunkers (where
inhabited) and any other type of home.
Advertisments are specifically not allowed in any groups in this
hierarchy, unless otherwise stated; use groups in the uk.adverts
hierarchy. Political aspects of governmental involvement in housing
should be discussed in or under uk.politics.
Housing is a huge issue which affects virtually everyone. It has so
many different aspects (see above) that without its own hierarchy,
groups relating to housing would have to be put in a variety of
other hierarchies. Creating a new hierarchy to group them together
will make groups easier to locate and provide room for many future
groups to be given a logical and meaningful name.
Proposed charter for uk.housing.misc:
For the discussion of any housing-related issues for which there
isn't another more appropriate group.
Adverts and binaries are not allowed.
One-line summary:
uk.housing.misc General discussion of all types of housing in the UK.
A .misc group should be created at the outset to provide a forum for
general housing discussion where there is no more appropriate group.
Version: 2.6
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