16 May 1999: uk.{telecom.adverts|adverts.telecom}.mobile

From: "Chris M. Dickson" <mobilevote@dickson.demon.co.uk>
Date: 16 May 1999 22:00:19 +0100
Subject: RESULT - uk.adverts.telecom.mobile CREATED
Newsgroups: uk.net.news.config,uk.net.news.announce


RESULT OF CFV ON CREATION OF uk.{telecom.adverts|adverts.telecom}.mobile

Summary of results: 

The four options were: uk.telecom.adverts.mobile
                       Status Quo 
                       Re-Open Discussion

STAGE ONE - Options compared to Status Quo:

uk.telecom.adverts.mobile preferred to Status Quo by 45 votes to 31
uk.adverts.telecom.mobile preferred to Status Quo by 63 votes to 9
Re-Open Discussion        preferred to Status Quo by 34 votes to 29

Only uk.telecom.adverts.mobile and uk.adverts.telecom.mobile beat
Status Quo by 12 or more votes and so proceed to Stage Two.

STAGE TWO - Comparison of remaining options:

uk.adverts.telecom.mobile preferred to uk.telecom.adverts.mobile
by 42 votes to 33 and hence is the Condorcet winner.

Accordingly, a newsgroup called uk.adverts.telecom.mobile is created.


Voting closed at 23:59:59 GMT on Friday 23rd April 1999.

Proponent:           p-dent@iboro.freeserve.co.uk     (Peter Dent)

Votetaker:           chris@dickson.demon.co.uk        (Chris M. Dickson)

uk.net.news.announce, uk.net.news.config, uk.telecom.mobile



The results follow, with the rationale beneath for your information.


                            TAM   ATM    SQ   ROD
uk.telecom.adverts.mobile: [n/a] [ 33] [ 45] [ 44]
uk.adverts.telecom.mobile: [ 42] [n/a] [ 63] [ 63]
Status Quo:                [ 31] [  9] [n/a] [ 29]
Re-Open Discussion:        [ 31] [ 10] [ 34] [n/a]

In this grid, each number represents the number of votes which were cast that
preferred the option named in the number's row to the option appropriate
to the number's column. For instance, 42 votes preferred
uk.adverts.telecom.mobile to uk.telecom.adverts.mobile while 34 votes preferred
reopening the discussion to the Status Quo.

uk.telecom.adverts.mobile beat Status Quo by 45 votes to 31, a majority of at
least 12 votes, hence survives to Stage Two.

uk.adverts.telecom.mobile beat Status Quo by 63 votes to 9, a majority of at
least 12 votes, hence survives to Stage Two.

Re-Open Discussion beat Status Quo by 34 votes to 29, a majority of fewer than
12 votes, hence does not survive to Stage Two.


                            TAM   ATM 
uk.telecom.adverts.mobile: [n/a] [ -9]
uk.adverts.telecom.mobile: [ +9] [n/a]

In this grid, each number represents the number of votes which were cast
that preferred the option named in the number's row to the option
appropriate to the number's column less the number of votes which were
cast that preferred the option named in the number's column to the
option appropriate to the number's row. Thus 9 more people preferred
uk.adverts.telecom.mobile to the uk.telecom.adverts.mobile than
preferred uk.telecom.adverts.mobile to uk.adverts.telecom.mobile.

As shown by all the numbers in its row in the lower grid being positive,
uk.adverts.telecom.mobile was preferred to all other options surviving to Stage
Two and hence wins the ballot.

Voting Particulars

UTAM : preference awarded to uk.telecom.adverts.mobile
UATM : preference awarded to uk.adverts.telecom.mobile
SQ   : preference awarded to Status Quo
ROD  : preference awarded to Re-Opening Discussion

The preference legend is an alternative visual interpretation of each vote;
options joined by an = were given equal preference; all items to the left of a
> were preferred to all items on the right of it. In this legend, T refers to
uk.telecom.adverts.mobile, A refers to uk.adverts.telecom.mobile, S refers to
the Status Quo and R refers to Re-Opening the Discussion.

                                                          U U
                                                          T A   R
                                                          A T S O
                                                          M M Q D  Preference

Richard      Ashton     richard corixia.demon.co.uk       4 1 2 3 A > S > R > T
Tariq        Atchia     xycom netcomuk.co.uk              1 2 3 4 T > A > S > R
Mr. Anthony  B.         dodgy_pony hempseed.com           1 2 3 3 T > A > S = R
Chris        Bannister  cj moodog.demon.co.uk             4 1 2 3 A > S > R > T
Alasdair     Baxter     alasdair dram.demon.co.uk         X       T > A = S = R

James        Bellaire   bellaire tk.com                   3 1 2 4 A > S > T > R
Dan          Birkby     daniel.birkby aethos.co.uk        1 2 4 3 T > A > R > S
Alex         Blamey     alexnn1 blamey.freeserve.co.uk    1 2 4 3 T > A > R > S
Simon        Bonnick    simon trimcase.com                2 1 3 2 A > T = R > S
Mike         Bradley    wmdb100 cam.ac.uk                 1       T > A = S = R

Keith        Brazington keith quetz.demon.co.uk           1 2 4 3 T > A > R > S
Martin       G Bridges  bridgesm logica.com               2 1 3 4 A > T > S > R
peter        bruce      news thule.demon.co.uk            3 2 4 1 R > A > T > S
Charles      Bryant     telad.vote.ch chch.demon.co.uk    3 2 1   S > A > T > R
Phil         Buckley    pbuckley mpc-data.co.uk           1 2 4 3 T > A > R > S

Paul         Carpenter  paul pcserv.demon.co.uk           4 1 3 2 A > R > S > T
David        Clapham    Dave community-spirit.demon.co.uk 1 3 4 2 T > R > A > S
Richard      Clayton    richard turnpike.com              4 1 2 3 A > S > R > T
Mike         Clements   mjc mchome.demon.co.uk            4 1 2 3 A > S > R > T
Chris        Clough     Chrisc pobox.co.uk                  X     A > T = S = R

Peter        Corlett    abuse verrine.demon.co.uk           3 2 1 R > S > A > T
Marc         Cornelius  cornelius vercor.demon.co.uk      4 1 2 3 A > S > R > T
James        Coupe      james obeah.demon.co.uk           4 2 1 3 S > A > R > T
Ben          Curtis     bencurtis freenet.co.uk           1 2 4 3 T > A > R > S
David        Damerell   damerell chiark.greenend.org.uk   4 1 2 3 A > S > R > T

Bill         Davies     billyboy gto.net.om               1 1     T = A > S = R
Alex         Dawson     alex.dawson uea.ac.uk             4 1 3 2 A > R > S > T
dave         day        ukvoting stejonda.demon.co.uk     1 2 4 3 T > A > R > S
Peter        Dent       p-dent iboro.freeserve.co.uk      1 2 3 4 T > A > S > R
John C.      Elliott    herbie tesco.net                  1       T > A = R = S

Tobias       Erle       vote-uk kholdan.snafu.de          1 2 4 3 T > A > R > S
Carl         France     carl.france klmukpilot.co.uk      x       T > A = R = S
Anthony R.   Gold       tgold panix.com                   2 1 3 4 A > T > S > R
Simon        Gray       simon star-one.org.uk                     a b s t a i n
John         Green      jonsg harlequin.co.uk             2 1     A > T > S = R

Christian P. Hansen     chris hansenhome.demon.co.uk      1 2 4 3 T > A > R > S
Bob          Harvey     bobharvey cix.co.uk               2 1 3 4 A > T > S > R
Mike         Henry      mike tw2.com                      4 1 3 2 A > R > S > T
Jim          Hill       jim jh-c.demon.co.uk              4 1 2 3 A > S > R > T
Karel        Hladky     khladky khdesign.demon.co.uk      1 2 4 3 T > A > R > S

Gerard       Houseman   info bris-arts.freeserve.co.uk    1 4 3 2 T > R > S > A
Dave         Hughes     troubleshooter clara.co.uk        4 3 1 2 S > R > A > T
Chris        Hunter     chris-h monrepos.demon.co.uk      1 2 4 3 T > A > R > S
Peter        Ilieve     peter aldie.co.uk                 4 1 2 3 A > S > R > T
Ian          Jackson    ijackson chiark.greenend.org.uk   4 1 3 2 A > R > S > T

Richard      Kettlewell rjk greenend.org.uk               3 1 4 2 A > R > T > S
Edward       King       eaking ulape.demon.co.uk          4 2 1 3 S > A > R > T
jAmES        Lawson     chasm ccl4.org                    4 1 2 3 A > S > R > T
Charles      Lindsey    chl clw.cs.man.ac.uk              2 1 2 2 A > T = S = R
Andy         Mabbett    andy pigsonthewing.demon.co.uk            a b s t a i n

David        Mahon      dmahon amigo.demon.co.uk          3 4 1 2 S > R > T > A
Rick         Martin     rick.martin pixel-group.com       1 1     T = A > S = R
Grant        Mason      grant mason1.freeserve.co.uk      1 2 4 3 T > A > R > S
Dave         Mayall     david.mayall ukonline.co.uk       3 1 2 2 A > S = R > T
Trevor J.    McComb     trevor.mccomb nics.gov.uk         1 2 4 3 T > A > R > S

Robert       McKinney   sms-robert usa.net                1       T > A = S = R
Tim          Miller     tm6248 bristol.ac.uk              1 2 4 3 T > A > R > S
Malcolm      Mladenovic mbm acm.org                         1 1 1 A = S = R > T
Richard      Morris     abuse the-pub.freeserve.co.uk     4 1 2 3 A > S > R > T
Conor        O'Neill    conor puddle.demon.co.uk          4 1 2 3 A > S > R > T

Dermot       O'Riordan  dermot oriordan.co.uk             1 2 4 3 T > A > R > S
Peter        Parry      peter wppltd.demon.co.uk          3 1 2 4 A > S > T > R
Alex         Ray        alex.ray cai.cam.ac.uk            4 1 3 2 A > R > S > T
Martin       Redstone   martynR bigfoot.com               1 2 - - T > A > S = R
Darren Wyn   Rees       merlin netlink.co.uk                  1 2 S > R > T = A

Peter        Riocreux   peter.riocreux cs.man.ac.uk       1 2     T > A > S = R
Alan         Robertson  Alan_J_Robertson email.msn.com    1 2 4 3 T > A > R > S
Andy         Roberts    andyrobts zetnet.co.uk            1     2 T > R > A = S
Barry        Salter     barrykas salterg.demon.co.uk      3 1 4 2 A > R > T > S
Thomas       Schodt     tschodt uryd.demon.co.uk          2 2   1 R > T = A > S

Nigel        Sinfield   nige wg.icl.co.uk                 1 2 4 3 T > A > R > S
Andrew       Smith      andrew.smithh usa.net             1   3 2 T > R > S > A
Gary         Smith      shadyron total-bollo.cx           2 1 3 4 A > T > S > R
Sunil        Sood       news soods.freeserve.co.uk        4 1 2 3 A > S > R > T
Dave         Sparks     Dave.Sparks sisyphus.demon.co.uk    1 2 3 A > S > R > T

Tony         Walton     tony.walton uk.sun.com            2 1 4 3 A > T > R > S
Allister     Watson     allister joppa.demon.co.uk        1 2 4 3 T > A > R > S
Paul         Womar      Vote pwomar.demon.co.uk           3 1 2 4 A > S > T > R
Martin       Wood       martinwood bigfoot.com            1 2 4 3 T > A > R > S
Rich         Wood       rich dynamite.org                 4 1 2 3 A > S > R > T
Keith        Willoughby keith.willoughby compaq.com       2 1 2 2 A > T = S = R

Invalid Votes

One invalid vote was cast with no name or address filled in between the
brackets on the ballot paper.

Votetakers remark

Apologies for taking a long time in producing the results, due to a combination
of the size of the task involved with checking so many votes and such active
newsgroups, a new job and a cold quite probably brought on by that new job.


Rationale and proposed charter from the CFV

- ----------

RATIONALE: uk.{telecom.adverts|adverts.telecom}.mobile

 Of late the uk.telecom.mobile has been receiving a significant number
 of off charter advertisements (typical of mobiles for sale). It was
 not my intention when I RFDed uk.telecom.mobile to provide a location
 for adverts and I now feel they deserve a location elsewhere.

 For some reason they seem to prefer uk.telecom.mobile to
 uk.adverts.other, and I am therefore proposing this group.

 The newsgroup will not be moderated.


- ----------------

Newsgroup line:
uk.telecom.adverts.mobile     Adverts for uk mobile comms
uk.adverts.telecom.mobile     Adverts for uk mobile comms

CHARTER: uk.{telecom.adverts|adverts.telecom}.mobile

 This group is for the advertising of products, services and
 accessories suitable for use with the UK mobile and paging telephone

 Binaries are not permitted on this group, however references
 to FTP-able material and Web URLs are allowed.

 Advertisements are allowed. The recommended formats for
 headers are below and should be followed by a brief description:-

 FS:            For Sale
 WTB:           Wanted
 JOB:           Jobs Offered
 JOB WANTED:    Jobs Wanted
 ANNOUNCE:      Announcements
 COMM:          Commercial company with a wide range of products

 Advertisements should be less than 100 lines, if a longer
 advert is required a brief description should be posted with the full
 description on a suitable web site and a URL to that web site.

 Advertisements should not be reposted for 14 days unless the
 posts have proper "supersedes" and "expires" headers. This includes
 similar advertisements for the same product from the same supplier.

 Cross-posts to other uk.* groups are not permitted.

 This newsgroup is unmoderated.



This vote was conducted by a neutral third party member of UKVoting.
UKVoting is a group of independent votetakers who count votes on CFVs in
the uk hierarchy.  The rules under which this vote is taken are posted
regularly to uk.net.news.announce or can be found at the following URL:

The UKVoting web pages can be found at http://www.ukvoting.org.uk/

There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted to

Allegations of irregularity should be sent to control@usenet.org.uk.


Version: 2.6


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